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Minimal Tutorial

Welcome to the minimal tutorial which shows by the example of MNIST how tfaip is structured and what a custom scenario must implement.


The central class is the TutorialScenario which is (optionally) parametrized by TutorialScenarioParams. Here no additional parameters are required for the overall scenario. The TutorialScenario glues together the Data-Pipeline, the training data origin, and the Model with is Graph.


The TutorialData defines the input and target shapes of the Scenario. In the case of MNIST, the input is an image labelled img with a shape of 28x28 and a dtype of uint8. The targets (gt) are a simple scalar (use shape=[1]) with a dtype of uint8.

class TutorialData(DataBase[DataBaseParams]):
    def _input_layer_specs(self):
        return {'img': tf.TensorSpec(shape=(28, 28), dtype='uint8')}

    def _target_layer_specs(self):
        return {'gt': tf.TensorSpec(shape=[1], dtype='uint8')}

Training Data-Generation

The next step is to load the training data which is done in the TutorialDataGenerator (note that the corresponding parameter class will actually instantiate the Generator). This first loads the keras.dataset and selects the desired partition depending on the pipeline mode. A general DataGenerator must overwrite __len__ to return the number of samples in the dataset and the generate to provide the samples. Here, generate() just returns the loaded (and converted) samples.

class TutorialDataGenerator(DataGenerator[TutorialDataGeneratorParams]):
    def __init__(self, mode: PipelineMode, params: 'TutorialDataGeneratorParams'):
        super().__init__(mode, params)
        dataset = getattr(keras.datasets, params.dataset)
        train, test = dataset.load_data()
        data = train if mode == PipelineMode.TRAINING else test = to_samples(data)

    def __len__(self):
        return len(

    def generate(self) -> Iterable[Sample]:

Afterwards, parameters that define the TrainerPipelineParamsBase must be defined. This parameter set defines how to create the training data and optionally the validation data. Here, only one (train_val) TutorialDataGeneratorParams-set is used for training and validation. Split this into two, if there are different parameters for training and validation.

class TutorialTrainerGeneratorParams(TrainerPipelineParamsBase[TutorialDataGeneratorParams, TutorialDataGeneratorParams]):
    train_val: TutorialDataGeneratorParams = field(default_factory=TutorialDataGeneratorParams, metadata=pai_meta(mode='flat'))

    def train_gen(self) -> TutorialDataGeneratorParams:
        return self.train_val

    def val_gen(self) -> Optional[TutorialDataGeneratorParams]:
        return self.train_val

Now, the training pipeline is set-up and the model and its graph can be defined.

Model and Graph

The TutorialModel and its TutorialGraph are described by a corresponding TutorialModelParams class:

class TutorialModelParams(ModelBaseParams):
    n_classes: int = field(default=10, metadata=pai_meta(
        help="The number of classes (depends on the selected dataset)"))

Here, only the number of classes must be specified (which could be derived from data).

The TutorialGraph inherits GraphBase and uses the TutorialModelParams-structure. A GraphBase is a keras.Layer so, as recommended by Tensorflow, first create the layers in the __init__ function, then connect them in the call method. Here, a CNN with two conv and pool layers and two dense layers (FF) is created. The input of the layer are of the shape that are defined in Data (above), therefore a dict with one entry of 'img'. The call function must also return a dict of tensors, its keys are later used to access the outputs (e.g. in the loss or the metric).

class TutorialGraph(GraphBase[TutorialModelParams]):
    def __init__(self, params: TutorialModelParams, name='conv', **kwargs):
        super(TutorialGraph, self).__init__(params, name=name, **kwargs)
        self.conv1 = Conv2D(kernel_size=(2, 2), filters=16, strides=(1, 1), padding='same', name='conv1')
        self.pool1 = MaxPool2D(pool_size=(2, 2), strides=(2, 2), name='pool1')
        self.conv2 = Conv2D(kernel_size=(2, 2), filters=32, strides=(1, 1), padding='same', name='conv2')
        self.pool2 = MaxPool2D(pool_size=(2, 2), strides=(2, 2), name='pool2')
        self.flatten = keras.layers.Flatten()
        self.ff = FF(out_dimension=128, name='f_ff', activation='relu')
        self.logits = FF(out_dimension=self._params.n_classes, activation=None, name='classify')

    def call(self, inputs, **kwargs):
        rescaled_img = K.expand_dims(K.cast(inputs['img'], dtype='float32') / 255, -1)
        conv_out = self.pool2(self.conv2(self.pool1(self.conv1(rescaled_img))))
        logits = self.logits(self.ff(self.flatten(conv_out)))
        pred = K.softmax(logits, axis=-1)
        cls = K.argmax(pred, axis=-1)
        return {'pred': pred, 'logits': logits, 'class': cls}

The corresponding TutorialModel must define how to create the graph, here by just constructing a TutorialGraph. Next, define the _loss: the inputs_targets are a joined dict of both the inputs and targets coming from the TutorialData. The outputs are the output-dict of the previously defined TutorialGraph. The loss is again an "output" of the graph and must therefore be wrapped in a keras.Layer, here, a sparse_categorical_crossentropy is wrapped within a Lambda-layer. The metric is computed by selecting the gt (targets) and class (outputs) and passing them to a keras.metrics.Accuracy(). There are different, also more complex methods to define metrics, see the full tutorial for an example. Both the loss and metric must return a dict. Its keys will be used for displaying information in the log or the TensorBoard.

Finally, optionally define how to determine the best model (_best_logging_settings_), here by selecting the model with the "max" "acc", and how to print useful human-readable information during validation. The _print_evaluate-function receives a single sample (unbatched) and displays (here) the target, prediction and if the prediction was correct.

class TutorialModel(ModelBase[TutorialModelParams]):
    def create_graph(self, params: TutorialModelParams) -> 'GraphBase':
        return TutorialGraph(params)

    def _loss(self, inputs_targets, outputs) -> Dict[str, AnyTensor]:
        return {'loss': tf.keras.layers.Lambda(
            lambda x: tf.keras.metrics.sparse_categorical_crossentropy(*x, from_logits=True), name='loss')(
            (inputs_targets['gt'], outputs['logits']))}

    def _metric(self):
        return {'acc': MetricDefinition("gt", "class", keras.metrics.Accuracy())}

    def _best_logging_settings(self):
        return "max", "acc"

    def _print_evaluate(self, inputs, outputs: Dict[str, AnyNumpy], targets: Dict[str, AnyNumpy], data, print_fn=print):
        correct = outputs['class'] == targets['gt']
        print_fn(f"PRED/GT: {outputs['class']}{'==' if correct else '!='}{targets['gt']} (p = {outputs['pred'][outputs['class']]})")

Launch the Training

Training can be started by calling

tfaip-train tutorial.min

Further reading

After having finished this Tutorial, have a look at the full tutorial or the docs.