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Adding new optimizers

This guide walks through adding an interface to a new optimizer. As an example, we will write an interface to the popular open source ipopt interior point method.

We will first need to install the python interface to ipopt, called cyipopt from

The main steps are to define a wrapper function to handle the interface, and decorate the wrapper with the @register_optimizer decorator to tell DESC that the optimizer exists and how to use it.

The register_optimizer decorator takes 6 arguments. In all cases the values can either be single entries or lists, to register multiple versions of the same basic algorithm. For example, here we register a standard version of ipopt that uses all derivative information, and ipopt-bfgs which only uses approximate Hessians. The necessary fields are:

  • name (str) : Name you want to give the optimization method. This is what you will pass to desc.optimize.Optimizer to select the given method.
  • description (str) : A short description of the method, with relevant links
  • scalar (bool): Whether the method expects a scalar objective or a vector (for least squares).
  • equality_constraints (bool) : Whether the method can handle equality constraints.
  • inequality_constraints (bool) : Whether the method can handle inequality constraints.
  • stochastic (bool) : Whether the optimizer can be used for stochastic/noisy objectives.
  • hessian (bool) : Whether the optimzer uses hessian information.
  • GPU (bool) : Whether the optimizer can run on GPUs

The wrapper function itself should take the following arguments:

  • objective (ObjectiveFunction) : Function to minimize.
  • constraint (ObjectiveFunction) : Constraint to satisfy.
  • x0 (ndarray) : Starting point.
  • method (str) : Name of the method to use (this will be the same as the name the method was registered with)
  • x_scale (array_like) : Characteristic scale of each variable.
  • verbose (int) : level of output to console - 0 : work silently, 1 : display a termination report, 2 : display progress during iterations
  • stoptol (dict) : Dictionary of stopping tolerances, with keys {"xtol", "ftol", "gtol", "ctol", "maxiter", "max_nfev", "max_njev", "max_ngev", "max_nhev"}
  • options (dict) : Optional dictionary of additional keyword arguments to override default solver settings.

The wrapper should return a scipy.optimize.OptimizeResult object.

A full listing of the wrapper function is shown below, with comments to explain the basic procedure.

from desc.backend import jnp
from desc.optimize import register_optimizer
from scipy.optimize import NonlinearConstraint, BFGS
import cyipopt
from scipy.optimize._constraints import new_constraint_to_old
from desc.derivatives import Derivative

    description="Interior point optimizer, see"
    hessian=[True, False],
def _optimize_ipopt(
    objective, constraint, x0, method, x_scale, verbose, stoptol, options=None
    """Wrapper for ipopt interior point optimizer.

    objective : ObjectiveFunction
        Function to minimize.
    constraint : ObjectiveFunction
        Constraint to satisfy
    x0 : ndarray
        Starting point.
    method : str
        Name of the method to use.
    x_scale : array_like
        Characteristic scale of each variable. Setting x_scale is equivalent to
        reformulating the problem in scaled variables xs = x / x_scale. An alternative
        view is that the size of a trust region along jth dimension is proportional to
        x_scale[j]. Improved convergence may be achieved by setting x_scale such that
        a step of a given size along any of the scaled variables has a similar effect
        on the cost function.
    verbose : int
        * 0  : work silently.
        * 1 : display a termination report.
        * 2 : display progress during iterations
    stoptol : dict
        Dictionary of stopping tolerances, with keys {"xtol", "ftol", "gtol",
        "maxiter", "max_nfev", "max_njev", "max_ngev", "max_nhev"}
    options : dict, optional
        Dictionary of optional keyword arguments to override default solver
        settings. See the code for more details.

    res : OptimizeResult
    The optimization result represented as a ``OptimizeResult`` object.
    Important attributes are: ``x`` the solution array, ``success`` a
    Boolean flag indicating if the optimizer exited successfully and
    ``message`` which describes the cause of the termination. See
    `OptimizeResult` for a description of other attributes.

    # first set some default behavior and some error checking
    options = {} if options is None else options
    options.setdefault("disp", False)
    options["max_iter"] = stoptol['maxiter']
    if verbose > 2:
        options.set_default("disp", 5)
    x_scale = 1 if x_scale == "auto" else x_scale
    assert x_scale == 1, "ipopt scaling hasn't been implemented"

    # the function and derivative information is contained in the `objective` object
    fun, grad, hess = objective.compute_scalar, objective.grad, objective.hess

    # similarly, the constraint and derivatives are in the `constraint` object
    if constraint is not None:
        # some error checking
        num_equality = jnp.count_nonzero(constraint.bounds[0] == constraint.bounds[1])
        if num_equality > len(x0):
            raise ValueError(
                "ipopt cannot handle systems with more equality constraints "
                + "than free variables. Suggest reducing the grid "
                + "resolution of constraints"
        # do we want to use the full derivative information, or approximate some of it
        if "bfgs" in method:
            conhess_wrapped = BFGS()
            # define a wrapper function to compute the constraint hessian in the way
            # ipopt expects it
            def confun(y):
                x = y[:len(x0)]
                lmbda = y[len(x0):]
                return, constraint.compute_scaled(x))
            conhess = Derivative(confun, mode="hess")
            conhess_wrapped = lambda x, lmbda: conhess(jnp.concatenate([x, lmbda]))
        # we make use of the scipy.optimize.NonlinearConstraint object here to
        # simplify the interface. cyipopt expects things in the same format as
        # scipy.optimize.minimize
        constraint_wrapped = NonlinearConstraint(
        # ipopt expects old style scipy constraints
        constraint_wrapped = new_constraint_to_old(constraint_wrapped, x0)

        constraint_wrapped = None

    # its helpful to keep a record of all the steps in the optimization.
    # need to use some "global" variables here
    # the function gets called with xs that are not accepted, but usually the
    # gradient is called only with accepted xs so we store those.
    grad_allx = []

    def grad_wrapped(x):
        g = grad(x)
        return g

    # do we want to use the full hessian or only approximate?
    hess_wrapped = None if method in ["ipopt-bfgs"] else hess

    # Now that everything is set up, we call the actual optimizer function
    result = cyipopt.minimize_ipopt(

    # cyipopt already returns a scipy.optimize.OptimizeResult object, so we just
    # need to add some extra information to it
    result["allx"] = grad_allx
    result['message'] = result['message'].decode()

    # finally, we print some info to the console if requested
    if verbose > 0:
        if result["success"]:
            print("Warning: " + result["message"])
        print("         Current function value: {:.3e}".format(result["fun"]))
            "         Max constraint violation: {:.3e}".format(
            if constraint is None
            else jnp.max(jnp.abs(constraint.compute_scaled(result['x']))),
        print("         Total delta_x: {:.3e}".format(jnp.linalg.norm(x0 - result["x"])))
        print("         Iterations: {:d}".format(result["nit"]))
        print("         Function evaluations: {:d}".format(result["nfev"]))
        print("         Gradient evaluations: {:d}".format(result["njev"]))

    return result