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Adding new objective functions

This guide walks through creating a new objective to optimize using Quasi-symmetry as an example. The primary methods needed for a new objective are __init__, build, and compute. The base class _Objective provides a number of other methods that generally do not need to be re-implemented for subclasses.

__init__ should generally just assign attributes and store inputs. It should not do any expensive calculations, these should be in build or compute. The main arguments are summarized in the example below.

build is called before optimization with the Equilibrium to be optimized. It is used to precompute things like transform matrices that convert between spectral coefficients and real space values. In the build method, we first ensure that a Grid is assigned, using default values from the equilibrium if necessary. The grid defines the points in flux coordinates where we evaluate the residuals. Next, we define the physics quantities we need to evaluate the objective (_data_keys), and the number of residuals that will be returned by compute (_dim_f). Next, we use some helper functions to build the required Transform and Profile objects needed to compute the desired physics quantities. These transforms and profiles are then packaged into constants, which will be passed to the compute method. Other "constant" values that are needed to compute the given quantity such as hyperparameters or other objects that will not be optimized should also be included in constants. Finally, we call the base class build method to do some checking of array sizes and other misc. stuff.

compute is where the actual calculation of the residual takes place. Objectives generally return a vector of residuals that are minimized in a least squares sense, though the exact method will depend on the optimization algorithm. The main thing here is calling compute_fun to get physics quantities, and then performing any post-processing we want such as averaging, combining, etc.

A full example objective with comments describing key points is given below:

from desc.objectives.objective_funs import _Objective
from desc.objectives.normalization import compute_scaling_factors
from desc.compute import get_profiles, get_transforms
from desc.compute import compute as compute_fun

class QuasisymmetryTripleProduct(_Objective):  # need to subclass from ``desc.objectives._Objective``
    """Give a description of what it is and what it's useful for.

    eq : Equilibrium
        Equilibrium that will be optimized to satisfy the Objective.
    target : {float, ndarray}, optional
        Target value(s) of the objective. Only used if bounds is None.
        Must be broadcastable to Objective.dim_f.
    bounds : tuple of {float, ndarray}, optional
        Lower and upper bounds on the objective. Overrides target.
        Both bounds must be broadcastable to to Objective.dim_f
    weight : {float, ndarray}, optional
        Weighting to apply to the Objective, relative to other Objectives.
        Must be broadcastable to to Objective.dim_f
    normalize : bool, optional
        Whether to compute the error in physical units or non-dimensionalize.
    normalize_target : bool, optional
        Whether target and bounds should be normalized before comparing to computed
        values. If `normalize` is `True` and the target is in physical units,
        this should also be set to True.
    loss_function : {None, 'mean', 'min', 'max'}, optional
        Loss function to apply to the objective values once computed. This loss function
        is called on the raw compute value, before any shifting, scaling, or
    grid : Grid, optional
        Collocation grid containing the nodes to evaluate at.
    name : str, optional
        Name of the objective function.


    _coordinates = "rtz"    # What coordinates is this objective a function of, with r=rho, t=theta, z=zeta?
                            # i.e. if only a profile, it is "r" , while if all 3 coordinates it is "rtz"
    _units = "(T^4/m^2)"    # units of the output
    _print_value_fmt = "Quasi-symmetry error: {:10.3e} "    # string with python string formatting for printing the value

    def __init__(
        name="QS triple product",
        # we don't have to do much here, mostly just call ``super().__init__()``
        if target is None and bounds is None:
            target = 0 # default target value
        self._grid = grid
            things=[eq], # things is a list of things that will be optimized, in this case just the equilibrium

    def build(self, use_jit=True, verbose=1):
        """Build constant arrays.

        use_jit : bool, optional
            Whether to just-in-time compile the objective and derivatives.
        verbose : int, optional
            Level of output.

        # things is the list of things that will be optimized,
        # we assigned things to be just eq in the init, so we know that the
        # first (and only) element of things is the equilibrium
        eq = self.things[0]
        # need some sensible default grid
        if self._grid is None:
            grid = LinearGrid(M=eq.M_grid, N=eq.N_grid, NFP=eq.NFP, sym=eq.sym)
            grid = self._grid
        # dim_f = size of the output vector returned by self.compute
        # usually the same as self.grid.num_nodes, unless you're doing some downsampling
        # or averaging etc.
        self._dim_f = self.grid.num_nodes
        # What data from desc.compute is needed? Here we want the QS triple product.
        self._data_keys = ["f_T"]

        # some helper code for profiling and logging
        timer = Timer()
        if verbose > 0:
            print("Precomputing transforms")
        timer.start("Precomputing transforms")

        # helper functions for building transforms etc to compute given
        # quantities. Alternatively, these can be created manually based on the
        # equilibrium, though in most cases that isn't necessary.
        profiles = get_profiles(self._data_keys, obj=eq, grid=grid)
        transforms = get_transforms(self._data_keys, obj=eq, grid=grid)
        self._constants = {
            "transforms": transforms,
            "profiles": profiles,

        timer.stop("Precomputing transforms")
        if verbose > 1:
            timer.disp("Precomputing transforms")

        # We try to normalize things to order(1) by dividing things by some
        # characteristic scale for a given quantity.
        # See ``desc.objectives.compute_scaling_factors`` for examples.
        if self._normalize:
            scales = compute_scaling_factors(eq)
            # since the objective has units of T^4/m^2, the normalization here is
            # based on a characteristic field strength and minor radius.
            self._normalization = (
                scales["B"] ** 4 / scales["a"] ** 2

        # finally, call ````
        super().build(use_jit=use_jit, verbose=verbose)

    def compute(self, params, constants=None):
        """Signature should take params (or possibly multiple params, one for each thing in self.things),
           which is the params_dict of the expected thing(s) to be optimized.
           It also takes in constants, which is a dictionary of any other constant data needed to compute
           the objective, and is usually none by default so the self.constants are used.

        params : dict
            Dictionary of equilibrium degrees of freedom, eg Equilibrium.params_dict
        constants : dict
            Dictionary of constant data, eg transforms, profiles etc. Defaults to

        f : ndarray
            Quasi-symmetry flux function error at each node (T^4/m^2).

        if constants is None:
            constants = self.constants

        # here we get the physics quantities from ``desc.compute.compute``
        data = compute_fun(
            self._data_keys,                 # quantities we want
            params=params,                   # params from input containing the equilibrium R_lmn, Z_lmn, etc
            transforms=self._transforms,     # transforms and profiles from
        # next we do any additional processing, such as combining things,
        # averaging, etc. Here we just return the QS triple product f_T evaluated at each
        # node in the grid.
        f = data["f_T"]
        # this is all we need to do here. Applying objective weights/targets/bounds
        # is handled by the base _Objective class, as well as the normalizations to be unitless
        # and to make the objective value independent of grid resolution.
        return f

Adapting Existing Objectives with Different Loss Funtions

If your desired objective is already implemented in DESC, but not in the correct form, a few different loss functions are available through the the loss_function kwarg when instantiating an Objective objective to modify the objective cost in order to adapt the objective to your desired purpose. For example, the DESC RotationalTransform objective with target=iota_target by default forms the residual by taking the target and subtracting it from the profile at the points in the grid, resulting in a residual of the form $iota_{err} = sum_{i} (iota_i-iota_target)^2$, i.e. the residual is the sum of squared pointwise error between the current rotational transform profile and the target passed into the objective. If the desired objective instead is to optimize to target an average rotational transform of iota_target, we can adapt the RotationalTransform object by passing in loss_function="mean". The options available for the loss_function kwarg are [None,"mean","min","max"], with None meaning using the usual default objective cost, while "mean" takes the average of the raw objective values (before subtracting the target/bounds or normalization), "min" takes the minimum, and "max" takes the maximum.