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Follow these instructions to install DESC and its dependencies. Note that most of the installation options here do not install JAX with GPU support. We do include installation instructions to install JAX with GPU support on some computing clusters that we have tested. In general, to install JAX with GPU support, please refer to the JAX installation docs.

For information on using conda, see here. Other package managers like venv could be used instead of conda, we have just chosen conda as our package manager of choice, and only test with conda environments, so your mileage may vary with other managers.

NOTE: DESC requires python>=3.8. If you have python2 also locally installed, replace all `pip` commands with `pip3` and all `python` commands with `python3` to ensure the correct python version is used.

On Your Local Machine

Install from PyPI

pip install desc-opt

Or from GitHub (for development builds)

First download the repository from GitHub.

git clone

Now pick one of the installation options below.

Option 1: Using pip to install packages (this will only install DESC + JAX with CPU capabilities, NOT GPU)

Option 1 tested to work on M1 Macbook on 5-3-23

conda create --name desc-env 'python>=3.8, <=3.11'
conda activate desc-env
pip install --editable .
# optionally install developer requirements (if you want to run tests)
pip install -r devtools/dev-requirements.txt

Option 2: Using conda to install packages (this will only install DESC + JAX with CPU capabilities, NOT GPU)

# only need to do one of these conda env create commands, not both
# option A: without developer requirements
conda env create --file requirements_conda.yml
# option B: with developer requirements (if you want to run tests)
conda env create --file devtools/dev-requirements_conda.yml

# to add DESC to your Python path
conda activate desc-env
pip install --no-deps --editable .

On Most Linux Computing Clusters

These examples use conda environments. On computing clusters you must ensure to module load anaconda in order to use conda (or in some clusters, you must specify the version of anaconda module you want).

With CPU support only

Install from PyPI

pip install desc-opt

Or from GitHub (for development builds)

First download the repository from GitHub.

git clone
# load your python module
module load anaconda  # this command may vary depending on cluster

Now pick one of the installation options below.

Option 1: Using pip to install packages (this will only install DESC + JAX with CPU capabilities, NOT GPU)

conda create --name desc-env 'python>=3.8, <=3.11'
conda activate desc-env
pip install --editable .
# optionally install developer requirements (if you want to run tests)
pip install -r devtools/dev-requirements.txt

Option 2: Using conda to install packages (this will only install DESC + JAX with CPU capabilities, NOT GPU)

# only need to do one of these conda env create commands, not both
# option A: without developer requirements
conda env create --file requirements_conda.yml
# option B: with developer requirements (if you want to run tests)
conda env create --file devtools/dev-requirements_conda.yml

# to add DESC to your Python path
conda activate desc-env
pip install --no-deps --editable .

With CPU+GPU support

We will show the installation instructions that work for the clusters we've tested. If your cluster is not shown, try the installation for the cluster most resembling your own, or see if your cluster has specific JAX GPU installation instructions, as that is the main installation difference between clusters. (note, most of these clusters below are x86_64 architectures, see the JAX installation docs for more info if you have a different architecture ).

Note that DESC does not always test on or guarantee support of the latest version of JAX (which does not have a stable 1.0 release yet), and thus older versions of GPU-accelerated versions of JAX may need to be installed, which may in turn require lower versions of JaxLib, as well as CUDA and CuDNN.

Perlmutter (NERSC)

These instructions were tested and confirmed to work on the Perlmutter supercomputer at NERSC on 11-02-2023

Set up the correct cuda environment for jax installation

module load cudatoolkit/11.7
module load cudnn/8.9.1_cuda11
module load python

Check that you have loaded these modules

module list

Create a conda environment for DESC

conda create -n desc-env python=3.9
conda activate desc-env
pip install --no-cache-dir "jax[cuda11_cudnn82]==0.4.7" -f

Clone and install DESC

git clone
sed -i '/jax/d' ./requirements.txt
# installation for users
pip install --editable .
# optionally install developer requirements (if you want to run tests)
pip install -r devtools/dev-requirements.txt

Della and Stellar Clusters (Princeton)

First, install JAX (we base our instructions below off of this tutorial ) for the latest version of jaxlib available on the Princeton clusters:

module load anaconda3/2023.3
CONDA_OVERRIDE_CUDA="11.2" conda create --name desc-env "jax==0.4.14" "jaxlib==0.4.14=cuda112*" -c conda-forge
conda activate desc-env

Then, install DESC,

git clone
# remove the jax lines from requirements.txt, as we already have installed them above
sed -i '/jax/d' ./requirements.txt
# then install as usual
pip install --editable .
# optionally install developer requirements (if you want to run tests)
pip install -r devtools/dev-requirements.txt

Second option was tested and confirmed to work on the Della cluster as of 12-2-23 and Stellar cluster at Princeton as of 11-14-2023.

On Clusters with IBM Power Architecture

If pre-built JAX binaries are not available, you will first need to build JAX from source. More info can be found here:

These instructions were tested and confirmed to work on the Traverse supercomputer at Princeton as of 11-6-2023.

NOTE: You must use an older version of DESC in order to use Traverse, as there are some compatibility issues with JAX and the architecture. Commit a2fe711ffa3f (an older version of the master branch) was tested to work fine on Traverse with these instructions.

git clone

module load anaconda3/2020.11 cudatoolkit/11.1 cudnn/cuda-11.1/8.0.4

conda create --name desc-env python=3.8
conda activate desc-env
# install what you can of the requirements with conda, ends up being all but jax, jaxlib and nvgpu
conda install colorama "h5py>=3.0.0" "matplotlib>=3.3.0,<=3.6.0,!=3.4.3" "mpmath>=1.0.0" "netcdf4>=1.5.4" "numpy>=1.20.0,<1.25.0" psutil "scipy>=1.5.0,<1.11.0" termcolor
pip install nvgpu

Build and install JAX with GPU support:

cd ..
git clone
cd jax
# last commit of JAX that we got to work with Traverse
git checkout 6c08702489b33f6c51d5cf0ccadc45e997ab406e

python build/ --enable_cuda --cuda_path /usr/local/cuda-11.1 --cuda_version=11.1 --cudnn_version=8.0.4 --cudnn_path /usr/local/cudnn/cuda-11.1/8.0.4 --noenable_mkl_dnn --bazel_path /usr/bin/bazel --target_cpu=ppc
pip install dist/*.whl
pip install .

Add DESC to your Python path:

cd ../DESC
pip install --no-deps --editable .

Checking your Installation

To check that you have properly installed DESC and its dependencies, try the following:

>>> from desc import set_device  # only needed if running on a GPU
>>> set_device('gpu')  # only needed if running on a GPU
>>> import desc.equilibrium

You should see an output stating the DESC version, the JAX version, and your device (CPU or GPU).

You can also try running an example input file (filepath shown here is from the DESC folder, if you have cloned the git repo, otherwise the file can be found and downloaded here):

python -m desc -vv desc/examples/SOLOVEV


We list here some common problems encountered during installation and their possible solutions. If you encounter issues during installation, please leave us an issue on Github and we will try our best to help!

Problem: I've installed DESC, but when I check my installation I get an error ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'desc'.


This may be caused by DESC not being on your PYTHONPATH, or your environment containing DESC not being activated.

Try adding the DESC directory to your PYTHONPATH manually by adding the line export PYTHONPATH="$PYTHONPATH:path/to/DESC" (where /path/to/DESC is the path to the DESC folder on your machine) to the end of your ~/.bashrc (or other shell configuration) file. You will also need to run source ~/.bashrc after making the change to ensure that your path updates properly for your current terminal session.

Try ensuring you've activated the conda environment that DESC is in ( conda activate desc-env ), then retry using DESC.

Problem: I've installed DESC, but when I check my installation I get an error ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'termcolor' (or another module which is not desc).


You likely are not running python from the environment in which you've installed DESC. Try ensuring you've activated the conda environment that DESC is in( conda activate desc-env ), then retry using DESC.