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Input File

The following is an example DESC input file, which contains all of the available input arguments. This example is only intended to demonstrate the input file format, and may not necessarily converge well. More realistic input examples are included in the repository. DESC can also accept VMEC input files, which are converted to DESC inputs as explained below (however not all desc solver options have VMEC analogs, see below).

! this is a comment
# this is also a comment

# global parameters
sym = 1
NFP = 5
Psi = 1.0

# spectral resolution
L_rad  =  4:4:24
M_pol  =  6:2:10, 10; 11x2 12
N_tor  =  0  1;  2x2,  3x2;  4
L_grid =  8:4:32
M_grid =  9:3:15, 16:1:18
N_grid =  0  2  3,  3;  4  5  6

# continuation parameters
bdry_ratio = 0:0.5:1
pres_ratio = 0x2, 0:0.5:1
pert_order = 2

# solver tolerances
ftol = 1e-2
xtol = 1e-6
gtol = 1e-6
nfev = 100

# solver methods
objective         = force
optimizer         = lsq-exact
spectral_indexing = ansi
node_pattern      = jacobi
bdry_mode         = lcfs

# pressure and rotational transform/current profiles
l:   0   p =  1.80000000E+04   i =  1.0
l:   2   p = -3.60000000E+04   i =  1.5
l:   4   p =  1.80000000E+04

# magnetic axis initial guess
n:   0  R0 =  10  Z0 =  0.0

# fixed-boundary surface shape
m:   0   n:   0  R1 =  1.00000000E+01  Z1 =  0.00000000E+00
m:   1   n:   0  R1 =  1.00000000E+00
m:   1   n:   1  R1 =  3.00000000E-01
m:  -1   n:  -1  R1 = -3.00000000E-01
m:  -1   n:   0  Z1 =  1.00000000E+00
m:   1   n:  -1  Z1 = -3.00000000E-01
m:  -1   n:   1  Z1 = -3.00000000E-01

General Notes

Both ! and # are recognized to denote comments at the end of a line. Whitespace is always ignored, except for newline characters. Multiple inputs can be given on the same line of the input file, but a single input cannot span multiple lines. None of the inputs are case-sensitive; for example M_pol, M_POL, and m_Pol are all the same. All numerical values can be given in either decimal or exponential formats.

Global Parameters

sym = 1
NFP = 5
Psi = 1.0
  • sym (bool): True (1) to assume stellarator symmetry, False (0) otherwise. Default = 0.
  • NFP (int): Number of toroidal field periods, N_{FP} (discrete toroidal symmetry). Default = 1.
  • Psi (float): The toroidal magnetic flux through the last closed flux surface, \psi_a (Webers). Default = 1.0.

Spectral Resolution

L_rad  =  4:4:24
M_pol  =  6:2:10, 10; 11x2 12
N_tor  =  0  1;  2x2,  3x2;  4
L_grid =  8:4:32
M_grid =  9:3:15, 16:1:18
N_grid =  0  2  3,  3;  4  5  6
  • L_rad (int): Maximum radial mode number for the Fourier-Zernike basis, L. Default = M_pol if spectral_indexing = ANSI, or 2*M_pol if spectral_indexing = Fringe. For more information see Basis functions and collocation nodes.
  • M_pol (int): Maximum poloidal mode number for the Fourier-Zernike basis, M. Required.
  • N_tor (int): Maximum toroidal mode number for the Fourier-Zernike basis, N. Default = 0.
  • L_grid (int): Radial resolution of nodes in collocation grid. Default = M_grid if spectral_indexing = ANSI, or 2*M_grid if spectral_indexing = Fringe.
  • M_grid (int): Poloidal resolution of nodes in collocation grid. Default = 2*M_pol.
  • N_grid (int): Toroidal resolution of nodes in collocation grid. Default = 2*N_tor.

When M_grid = M_pol the number of collocation nodes in each toroidal cross-section is equal to the number of Zernike polynomial in the basis set. When N_grid = N_tor the number of nodes with unique toroidal angles is equal to the number of terms in the toroidal Fourier series. Convergence is typically superior when the number of nodes exceeds the number of spectral coefficients, but this adds compuational cost.

These arguments can be passed as arrays, where each element denotes the value to use at that iteration. Array elements are delimited by either a space `` , comma ``,, or semicolon ;. Arrays can also be created using the shorthand notation start:interval:end and (value)x(repititions). For example, the input line for M_pol shown above is equivalent to M_pol = 6, 8, 10, 10, 11, 11, 12. In this example there will be 7 iterations; any array with fewer than 7 elements will use its final value for the remaining iterations.

Continuation Parameters

pres_ratio = 0:0.5:1
bdry_ratio = 0x2, 0:0.5:1
pert_order = 2
  • pres_ratio (float): Multiplier on the pressure profile. Default = 1.0.
  • bdry_ratio (float): Multiplier on the 3D boundary modes. Default = 1.0.
  • pert_order (int): Order of the perturbation approximation: 0 = no perturbation, 1 = linear, 2 = quadratic. Default = 1.

When both pres_ratio = 1 and pres_ratio = 1, the equilibrium is solved using the exact boundary modes and pressure profile as input. pres_ratio = 0 assumes a vacuum pressure profile, and bdry_ratio = 0 ignores all of the non-axisymmetric boundary modes (reducing the input to a tokamak).

These arguments are also passed as arrays for each iteration, with the same notation as the other continuation parameters. This example will start by solving a vacuum tokamak, then perturb the pressure profile to solve a finite-beta tokamak, and finally perturb the boundary to solve the finite-beta stellarator. If only one value is given, as with pert_order in this example, that value will be used for all iterations.

If pres_ratio and bdry_ratio are not present in the input file, and only 1 set of resolutions are specified, an adaptive automatic continuation method will be used.

Solver Tolerances

ftol = 1e-2
xtol = 1e-6
gtol = 1e-6
nfev = 100
  • ftol (float): Solver stopping tolerance on the relative norm of dF. Default = 1e-2.
  • xtol (float): Solver stopping tolerance on the relative norm of dx. Default = 1e-6.
  • gtol (float): Solver stopping tolerance on the norm of the gradient. Default = 1e-6.
  • nfev (int): Maximum number of function evaluations. Default = 0 (None).

These arguments are also passed as arrays for each iteration, with the same notation as the other continuation parameters. In this example, the same values are being used for all 7 iterations.

Solver Methods

objective         = force
optimizer         = lsq-exact
spectral_indexing = fringe
node_pattern      = jacobi
bdry_mode         = lcfs
  • objective (string): Form of equations to use for solving the equilibrium. Options are force (Default), forces, energy, or vacuum.
  • optimizer (string): Type of optimizer to use. Default = lsq-exact. For more details and options see :py:class:`desc.optimize.Optimizer`.
  • spectral_indexing (string): Zernike polynomial index ordering. Options are ANSI or Fringe (Default). For more information see Basis functions and collocation nodes.
  • node_pattern (string): Pattern of collocation nodes. Options are jacobi (Default), cheb1, cheb2 or quad. For more information see Basis functions and collocation nodes.
  • bdry_mode (string): Format of boundary condition. Options are LCFS (Default) or Poincare.

The objective option force minimizes the equilibrium force balance errors in units of Newtons, while the energy option minimizes the total plasma energy in units of Joules. The bdry_mode option LCFS enforces the boundary condition on the shape of the last closed flux surface, while the Poincare option constraints the shapes of the flux surfaces in the Poincare section at \zeta=0.

Pressure & Iota/Current Profiles

iota = 1
l:   0   p =  1.80000000E+04   i =  1.0
l:   2   p = -3.60000000E+04   i =  1.5
l:   4   p =  1.80000000E+04
  • l (int): Radial polynomial order.
  • p (float): Pressure profile coefficients p_{l}.
  • i (float): Rotational transform coefficients \iota_{l}.
  • c (float): Toroidal current coefficients c_{l}.

The profiles are given as a power series in the flux surface label \rho \equiv \sqrt{\psi / \psi_a} as follows:

p(\rho) &= \sum p_{l} \rho^{l} \\
\iota(\rho) &= \sum \iota_{l} \rho^{l} \\
\frac{2\pi}{\mu_0} I(\rho) &= \sum c_{l} \rho^{l} \\.

The coefficients p_{l} are specified by the input variables p in Pascals. The coefficients \iota_{l} are specified by the input variables i. The coefficients c_{l} are specified by the input variables c in Amperes. Either the rotational transform or toroidal current profiles can be specified, but not both. The radial exponent l is given by l, which must be on the same input line as the coefficients. The profiles given in the example are:

p(\rho) &= 1.8\times10^4 (1-\rho^2)^2 \\
\iota(\rho) &= 1 + 1.5 \rho^2.

If no profile inputs are given, it is assumed that they are p(\rho) = 0 and \frac{2\pi}{\mu_0} I(\rho) = 0. Also, note that the rotational transform given is technically assumed to be

 \mbox{$\,\iota\!\!$- }= \iota / 2\pi

i.e. rational surfaces would be where the input rotational transform profile is equal to a rational number.

Magnetic Axis Initial Guess

n:   0  R0 =  10  Z0 =  0.0
  • n (int): Toroidal mode number.
  • R0 (float): Fourier coefficient of the R coordinate of the magnetic axis. R^{0}_{n}
  • Z0 (float): Fourier coefficient of the Z coordinate of the magnetic axis. Z^{0}_{n}

An initial guess for the magnetic axis can be supplied in the form:

R_{0}(\phi) &= \sum_{n=-N}^{N} R^{0}_{n} \mathcal{F}_{n}(\phi) \\
Z_{0}(\phi) &= \sum_{n=-N}^{N} Z^{0}_{n} \mathcal{F}_{n}(\phi) \\
\mathcal{F}_{n}(\phi) &= \begin{cases}
\cos(|n|N_{FP}\phi) &\text{for }n\ge0 \\
\sin(|n|N_{FP}\phi) &\text{for }n<0. \\

The coefficients R^{0}_{n} and Z^{0}_{n} are specified by the input variables R0 and Z0, respectively. The Fourier mode number n is given by n, which must be on the same input line as the coefficients.

The magnetic axis initial guess is optional and only used if bdry_mode = LCFS. If no initial guess is provided for the magnetic axis, then the m = 0 modes of the fixed-boundary surface shape input are used.

Fixed-Boundary Surface Shape

m:   0   n:   0  R1 =  1.00000000E+01  Z1 =  0.00000000E+00
m:   1   n:   0  R1 =  1.00000000E+00
m:   1   n:   1  R1 =  3.00000000E-01
m:  -1   n:  -1  R1 = -3.00000000E-01
m:  -1   n:   0  Z1 =  1.00000000E+00
m:   1   n:  -1  Z1 = -3.00000000E-01
m:  -1   n:   1  Z1 = -3.00000000E-01
  • m (int): Poloidal mode number.
  • n (int): Toroidal mode number. (Only used if bdry_mode = LCFS.)
  • R1 (float): Fourier coefficient of the R coordinate of the boundary surface. R^{1}_{mn}
  • Z1 (float): Fourier coefficient of the Z coordinate of the boundary surface. Z^{1}_{mn}

If bdry_mode = LCFS, the shape of the last closed flux surface is given as a double Fourier series of the form:

R_{1}(\theta,\phi) &= \sum_{n=-N}^{N} \sum_{m=-M}^{M} R^{1}_{mn} \mathcal{G}^{m}_{n}(\theta,\phi) \\
Z_{1}(\theta,\phi) &= \sum_{n=-N}^{N} \sum_{m=-M}^{M} Z^{1}_{mn} \mathcal{G}^{m}_{n}(\theta,\phi) \\
\mathcal{G}^{m}_{n}(\theta,\phi) &= \begin{cases}
\cos(|m|\theta)\cos(|n|N_{FP}\phi) &\text{for }m\ge0, n\ge0 \\
\cos(|m|\theta)\sin(|n|N_{FP}\phi) &\text{for }m\ge0, n<0 \\
\sin(|m|\theta)\cos(|n|N_{FP}\phi) &\text{for }m<0, n\ge0 \\
\sin(|m|\theta)\sin(|n|N_{FP}\phi) &\text{for }m<0, n<0.

The coefficients R^{1}_{mn} and Z^{1}_{mn} are specified by the input variables R1 and Z1, respectively. The spectral mode numbers l, m, and n are given by l, m, and n, respectively, which must be on the same input line as the coefficients. The fixed-boundary surface shape is a required input.

The fixed-boundary surface shape given in this example is equivalent to (using Ptolemy’s identities):

R_{1}(\theta,\phi) &= 10 + \cos\theta + 0.3 \cos(\theta+19\phi) \\
Z_{1}(\theta,\phi) &= \sin\theta - 0.3 \sin(\theta+19\phi).

VMEC Inputs

A VMEC input file can also be passed in place of a DESC input file. DESC will detect if it is a VMEC input format and automatically generate an equivalent DESC input file. The generated DESC input file will be stored at the same file path as the VMEC input file, but its name will have _desc appended to it. The resulting input file will not contain any of the options that are specific to DESC, and therefore will depend on many default values. This is a convenient tool for converting the profiles and boundary inputs to the DESC format, but the generated input file may not converge well with the default options for all equilibria. It is recommended that the automatically generated DESC input file be manually edited to improve performance. As an example, see the simple VMEC input file below titled input.HELIOTRON:

LFREEB =     F
DELT =       0.9
TCON0 =      2
LASYM =      F
NFP =        19
NCURR =      0
NZETA =      200
NITER_ARRAY =        4000 8000 12000 16000 32000
FTOL_ARRAY = 1e-8 1e-9 1e-10 1e-11 1e-12
NSTEP =      250
GAMMA =      0
PHIEDGE =    1
BLOAT =      1
CURTOR =     0
PRES_SCALE = 18000.0
PMASS_TYPE = "power_series"
RAXIS =      10
ZAXIS =      0
AM = 1 -2 1
AI = 1.0 1.5
RBC(0,0) =   10.000000
RBC(0,1) =   -1.000000
RBC(-1,0) =  0.000000
RBC(-1,1) =  -0.300000
ZBS(0,0) =   0.000000
ZBS(0,1) =   1.000000
ZBS(-1,0) =  0.000000
ZBS(-1,1) =  -0.300000
MPOL =       6
NTOR =       3
NS_ARRAY =   16 32 64 128 256

Upon running desc input.HELIOTRON from the command line, the DESC code will automatically convert the VMEC input into a DESC input file and run it. The DESC input file will be this, titled input.HELIOTRON_desc:

# This DESC input file was auto generated from a VMEC input file
# For details on the various options see

# global parameters
sym = 1
NFP =  19
Psi = 1.00000000

# spectral resolution
L_rad = 6
M_pol = 6
N_tor = 3
L_grid = 12
M_grid = 12
N_grid = 6

# continuation parameters
pert_order = 2.0

# solver tolerances

# solver methods
optimizer = lsq-exact
objective = force
bdry_mode = lcfs
spectral_indexing = ansi
node_pattern = jacobi

# pressure and rotational transform/current profiles
l:   0       p =   1.80000000E+04    i =   1.00000000E+00
l:   2       p =  -3.60000000E+04    i =   1.50000000E+00
l:   4       p =   1.80000000E+04    i =   0.00000000E+00

# fixed-boundary surface shape
l:   0       m:  -1  n:  -1  R1 =   3.00000000E-01   Z1 =   0.00000000E+00
l:   0       m:  -1  n:   0  R1 =   0.00000000E+00   Z1 =   1.00000000E+00
l:   0       m:  -1  n:   1  R1 =   0.00000000E+00   Z1 =  -3.00000000E-01
l:   0       m:   0  n:  -1  R1 =   0.00000000E+00   Z1 =   0.00000000E+00
l:   0       m:   0  n:   0  R1 =   1.00000000E+01   Z1 =   0.00000000E+00
l:   0       m:   0  n:   1  R1 =   0.00000000E+00   Z1 =   0.00000000E+00
l:   0       m:   1  n:  -1  R1 =   0.00000000E+00   Z1 =  -3.00000000E-01
l:   0       m:   1  n:   0  R1 =  -1.00000000E+00   Z1 =   0.00000000E+00
l:   0       m:   1  n:   1  R1 =  -3.00000000E-01   Z1 =   0.00000000E+00

# magnetic axis initial guess
n:   0       R0 =   1.00000000E+01   Z0 =   0.00000000E+00

You can see that the main elements of the input file are present here. See the example DESC input files on the github repository to see typical choices of solver options for some common equilibria, as well as the arxiv publication on the DESC perturbation and continuation methods .

Some general considerations

The continuation parameters pres_ratio and bdry_ratio are important for complex equilibria. Setting these in arrays such as shown in the above section, such that first a vacuum tokamak is solved, then finite beta tokamak, and finally the non-axisymmetric modes are added, is recommended for best results for highly shaped stellarator equilibria. Equally important are the spectral resolution parameters L_rad, L_grid, M_pol, M_grid, N_tor, and N_grid Starting with a low spectral resolution, then increasing the number of modes in the basis is found to achieve faster results as compared to starting the equilibrium solve with the full desired resolution.