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Follow these instructions to install DESC and its dependencies. Note that the default installation instructions here (except for the IBM Power architecture instructions) do not install JAX with GPU support. To install JAX with GPU support, please refer to the JAX installation docs.

On Your Local Machine

Install from PyPI:

pip install desc-opt

Or from GitHub (for development builds)

git clone

# OPTION 1: install with pip
# standard build
pip install -r requirements.txt
# developer build (if you want to run tests)
pip install -r devtools/dev-requirements.txt

# OPTION 2: install with conda
# standard build
conda env create --file requirements_conda.yml
# developer build (if you want to run tests)
conda env create --file devtools/dev-requirements_conda.yml
conda activate desc-env

On Most Linux Computing Clusters

Install from PyPI:

pip install desc-opt

Or from GitHub (for development builds)

git clone

module load anaconda  # load your python module

# standard build
conda env create --file requirements_conda.yml
# developer build (if you want to run tests)
conda env create --file devtools/dev-requirements_conda.yml
conda activate desc-env

On Clusters with IBM Power Architecture

If pre-built JAX binaries are not available, you will first need to build JAX from source. More info can be found here:

The following are instructions tested to work on the Traverse supercomputer at Princeton:

git clone

module load anaconda3/2020.11 cudatoolkit/11.1 cudnn/cuda-11.1/8.0.4

conda create --name desc-env python=3.8
conda activate desc-env
# install what you can of the requirements with conda, ends up being all but jax, jaxlib and nvgpu
conda install colorama "h5py>=3.0.0" "matplotlib>=3.3.0,<=3.6.0,!=3.4.3" "mpmath>=1.0.0" "netcdf4>=1.5.4" "numpy>=1.20.0" psutil "scipy>=1.5.0" termcolor
pip install nvgpu

Build and install JAX with GPU support:

cd ..
git clone
cd jax

# last commit of JAX that we got to work with Traverse
git checkout 6c08702489b33f6c51d5cf0ccadc45e997ab406e

python build/ --enable_cuda --cuda_path /usr/local/cuda-11.1 --cuda_version=11.1 --cudnn_version=8.0.4 --cudnn_path /usr/local/cudnn/cuda-11.1/8.0.4 --noenable_mkl_dnn --bazel_path /usr/bin/bazel --target_cpu=ppc
pip install dist/*.whl
pip install .

Optionally, if you want to be able to use pytest and other development tools:

cd ../DESC
pip install -r devtools/dev-requirements.txt

Checking your Installation

To check that you have properly installed DESC and its dependencies, try the following:

>>> from desc import set_device  # only needed if running on a GPU
>>> set_device('gpu')  # only needed if running on a GPU
>>> import desc.equilibrium

You should see an output stating the DESC version, the JAX version, and your device (CPU or GPU).

You can also try running an example input file:

python -m desc -vvv examples/DESC/SOLOVEV