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'Search for different placeholders, to customize your plugin experience'

These are the PlaceholderAPI (PAPI) placeholders for BuildBattle. They are included with the plugin, so you do not have to download an expansion from the papi ecloud.

Statistics placeholders

Placeholder Description
%buildbattle_blocks_broken% Shows your total in-game broken blocks
%buildbattle_blocks_placed% Shows your total in-game placed blocks
%buildbattle_games_played% Shows the total number of games you have played
%buildbattle_wins% Shows your total win count
%buildbattle_loses% Shows your total loss count
%buildbattle_highest_win% Shows your highest points as first place
%buildbattle_highest_points% Shows your highest points at all
%buildbattle_total_points_earned% Shows your total points that you earned
%buildbattle_particles_used% Shows your total used particles count
%buildbattle_arena_players_online% Shows the player amount of all arenas together

Arena-related placeholders

These are special PAPI placeholders that can be defined for each arena you have. You need to replace {arena} with your arena name.

:::note Your arena name is "coaster" -> %buildbattle_coaster:players% :::

Placeholder Description
%buildbattle_{arena}:players% Shows the number of players in {arena}
%buildbattle_{arena}:max_players% Shows the max players allowed in {arena}
%buildbattle_{arena}:state% Shows the current state raw enum name (e.g. STARTING)
%buildbattle_{arena}:state_pretty% Shows the prettified name of the enum (e.g. Waiting instead of WAITING)
%buildbattle_{arena}:mapname% Shows the name of the arena map
%buildbattle_{arena}:arenatype% Shows the arena type raw enum name (e.g. SOLO)
%buildbattle_{arena}:arenatype_pretty% Shows the prettified name of the enum (e.g. Classic instead of SOLO)