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add many helpers to calculate size from Mary era
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vvtran committed Jan 17, 2022
1 parent 83a343f commit 3fd306f
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Showing 4 changed files with 143 additions and 9 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions spago.dhall
Expand Up @@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ You can edit this file as you like.
, "psci-support"
, "refs"
, "spec"
, "strings"
, "these"
, "transformers"
, "tuples"
Expand Down
95 changes: 91 additions & 4 deletions src/PreBalanceTx.purs
Expand Up @@ -7,24 +7,26 @@ import Prelude
import Control.Monad.Reader.Trans (runReaderT)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift)
import Data.Array as Array
import Data.BigInt (BigInt, fromInt)
import Data.BigInt (BigInt, fromInt, quot)
import Data.Either (Either(..), fromRight, hush, isRight, note)
import Data.Foldable as Foldable
import Data.List ((:), List(..), partition)
import Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, Maybe(..))
import Data.Map (values, unions)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, maybe, Maybe(..))
import Data.Newtype (over, unwrap, wrap)
import Data.Set (Set)
import Data.Set as Set
import Data.String.CodeUnits (length)
import Data.Tuple.Nested ((/\), type (/\))
import Effect.Aff (Aff)
import Undefined (undefined)

import Ogmios (QueryConfig, QueryM(..))
import ProtocolParametersAlonzo (protocolParamUTxOCostPerWord)
import ProtocolParametersAlonzo (lovelacePerUTxOWord, pidSize, protocolParamUTxOCostPerWord, Word(..))
import Types.Ada (adaSymbol, fromValue, getLovelace, lovelaceValueOf)
import Types.Transaction (Address, Credential(..), RequiredSigner, Transaction(..), TransactionInput, TransactionOutput(..), TxBody(..), Utxo, UtxoM)
import Types.Value (emptyValue, flattenValue, geq, getValue, isAdaOnly, isPos, isZero, minus, Value(..))
import Types.Value (allTokenNames, emptyValue, flattenValue, geq, getValue, isAdaOnly, isPos, isZero, minus, numCurrencySymbols, numTokenNames, Value(..))

-- This module replicates functionality from
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -58,6 +60,91 @@ preBalanceTxM qConfig ownAddr addReqSigners requiredAddrs unbalancedTx =
-- where
-- loop ::
-- Utxo ->
-- Map.Map Address RequiredSigner ->
-- Array Address ->
-- Array (TransactionOutput /\ BigInt) ->
-- Transaction ->
-- QueryM (Either String Transaction)
-- loop utxoIndex addReqSigners requiredAddrs prevMinUtxos tx = do
-- void $ lift $ Files.writeAll @w pabConf tx
-- nextMinUtxos <-
-- newEitherT $
-- calculateMinUtxos @w pabConf (Tx.txData tx) $ Tx.txOutputs tx \\ map fst prevMinUtxos

-- let minUtxos = prevMinUtxos ++ nextMinUtxos

-- lift $ printLog @w Debug $ "Min utxos: " ++ show minUtxos

-- txWithoutFees <-
-- hoistEither $ preBalanceTx pabConf.pcProtocolParams minUtxos 0 utxoIndex ownPkh privKeys requiredSigs tx

-- lift $ createDirectoryIfMissing @w False (Text.unpack pabConf.pcTxFileDir)
-- lift $ CardanoCLI.buildTx @w pabConf ownPkh (CardanoCLI.BuildRaw 0) txWithoutFees
-- fees <- newEitherT $ CardanoCLI.calculateMinFee @w pabConf txWithoutFees

-- lift $ printLog @w Debug $ "Fees: " ++ show fees

-- balancedTx <- hoistEither $ preBalanceTx pabConf.pcProtocolParams minUtxos fees utxoIndex ownPkh privKeys requiredSigs tx

-- if balancedTx == tx
-- then pure balancedTx
-- else loop utxoIndex privKeys requiredSigs minUtxos balancedTx

-- calculateMinUtxos ::
-- forall (w :: Type) (effs :: [Type -> Type]).
-- Member (PABEffect w) effs =>
-- PABConfig ->
-- Map DatumHash Datum ->
-- [TxOut] ->
-- Eff effs (Either Text [(TxOut, Integer)])
-- calculateMinUtxos pabConf datums txOuts =
-- zipWithM (fmap . (,)) txOuts <$> mapM (CardanoCLI.calculateMinUtxo @w pabConf datums) txOuts

-- | Given an array of transaction outputs, return the paired amount of lovelaces
-- | required by each utxo.
-- calculateMinUtxo
-- :: Array TransactionOutput
-- -> Array (Either String (TransactionOutput /\ BigInt))
-- calculateMinUtxo txOuts =

-- | Calculates how many words are needed depending on whether the datum is
-- | hashed or not. 10 words for a hashed datum and 0 for no hash. The argument
-- | to the function is the datum hash found in TransactionOutput.
dataHashSize :: Maybe String -> Word -- Should we add type safety?
dataHashSize Nothing = Word zero
dataHashSize (Just _) = Word $ fromInt 10

-- FIX ME: Is this correct? The formula is actually based on the length of the
-- bytestring representation, but we are using strings.
-- | Sum of the length of the strings of distinct token names.
sumTokenNameLengths :: Value -> BigInt
sumTokenNameLengths = Foldable.foldl lenAdd zero <<< allTokenNames
lenAdd :: BigInt -> TokenName -> BigInt
lenAdd = \b a -> b + fromInt (length $ unwrap a)

-- See "size"
size :: Value -> BigInt
size v = fromInt 6 + roundupBytesToWords b
b :: BigInt
b = numTokenNames v * fromInt 12
+ sumTokenNameLengths v
+ numCurrencySymbols v * pidSize

-- | converts bytes to 8-byte long words, rounding up
roundupBytesToWords :: BigInt -> BigInt
roundupBytesToWords b = quot (b + (fromInt 7)) $ fromInt 8

:: Array (TransactionOutput /\ BigInt)
Expand Down
20 changes: 19 additions & 1 deletion src/ProtocolParametersAlonzo.purs
@@ -1,13 +1,23 @@
module ProtocolParametersAlonzo
( lovelacePerUTxOWord
, pidSize
, protocolParamUTxOCostPerWord
, Word(..)
) where

import Prelude
import Data.BigInt (fromInt)
import Data.BigInt (BigInt, fromInt)
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
import Data.Newtype (class Newtype)

import Types.Ada (Ada(..))

newtype Word = Word BigInt
derive instance eqWord :: Eq Word
derive instance newtypeWord :: Newtype Word _
derive instance ordWord :: Ord Word
derive newtype instance showWord :: Show Word

-- Shelley params, is this unchanged?
protocolParamUTxOCostPerWord :: Ada
Expand All @@ -16,3 +26,11 @@ protocolParamUTxOCostPerWord = Lovelace $ fromInt 1
lovelacePerUTxOWord :: Ada
lovelacePerUTxOWord = Lovelace $ fromInt 34482

utxoEntrySizeWithoutVal :: Word
utxoEntrySizeWithoutVal = Word $ fromInt 27

pidSize :: BigInt
pidSize = fromInt 28
36 changes: 32 additions & 4 deletions src/Types/Value.purs
Expand Up @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ module Types.Value
( CurrencySymbol(..)
, TokenName(..)
, Value(..)
, allTokenNames
, emptyValue
, eq
, flattenValue
Expand All @@ -14,6 +15,10 @@ module Types.Value
, leq
, lt
, minus
, numCurrencySymbols
, numCurrencySymbols'
, numTokenNames
, numTokenNames'
, singleton
, unflattenValue
, valueOf
Expand All @@ -23,14 +28,15 @@ module Types.Value
import Prelude
import Control.Alternative (guard)
import Data.Array (filter)
import Data.BigInt (BigInt)
import Data.Foldable (any)
import Data.BigInt (BigInt, fromInt)
import Data.Foldable (any, length)
import Data.Generic.Rep (class Generic)
import Data.List ((:), all, foldMap, List(..))
import Data.Map (lookup, Map, toUnfoldable)
import Data.Map (keys, lookup, Map, toUnfoldable, unions, values)
import Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
import Data.Maybe (maybe, Maybe(..))
import Data.Newtype (class Newtype, unwrap)
import Data.Set (Set)
import Data.Show.Generic (genericShow)
import Data.These (These(..))
import Data.Tuple.Nested ((/\), type (/\))
Expand All @@ -47,6 +53,7 @@ newtype TokenName = TokenName String
derive instance eqTokenName :: Eq TokenName
derive instance ordTokenName :: Ord TokenName
derive instance genericTokenName :: Generic TokenName _
derive instance newtypeTokenName :: Newtype TokenName _

instance showTokenName :: Show TokenName where
show = genericShow
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -232,3 +239,24 @@ valueOf (Value mp) cur tn =
-- | Make a 'Value' containing only the given quantity of the given currency.
singleton :: CurrencySymbol -> TokenName -> BigInt -> Value
singleton c tn i = Value (Map.singleton c (Map.singleton tn i))

-- | The number of distinct currency symbols, i.e. the number of policy IDs.
numCurrencySymbols :: Value -> BigInt
numCurrencySymbols = fromInt <<< length <<< getValue

numCurrencySymbols' :: Maybe Value -> BigInt
numCurrencySymbols' = maybe zero numCurrencySymbols

-- Don't export this, we don't really care about the v in k,v.
allTokenNames' :: Value -> Map TokenName BigInt
allTokenNames' = unions <<< values <<< getValue

allTokenNames :: Value -> Set TokenName
allTokenNames = keys <<< allTokenNames'

-- | The number of distinct token names.
numTokenNames :: Value -> BigInt
numTokenNames = length <<< allTokenNames'

numTokenNames' :: Maybe Value -> BigInt
numTokenNames' = maybe zero numTokenNames

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