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blamario committed Jan 17, 2022
1 parent 1cc5c4d commit cf139a0
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Showing 2 changed files with 50 additions and 30 deletions.
41 changes: 25 additions & 16 deletions Plutarch/Rec.hs
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures #-}

module Plutarch.Rec (
DataReader(DataReader, readData),
DataReader (DataReader, readData),
PRecord (PRecord, getRecord),
Expand All @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ module Plutarch.Rec (
) where

import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Lazy (State, evalState, get, put)
import Data.Functor.Compose (Compose(Compose, getCompose))
import Data.Functor.Compose (Compose (Compose, getCompose))
import Data.Kind (Type)
import Data.Monoid (Dual (Dual, getDual), Endo (Endo, appEndo), Sum (Sum, getSum))
import Numeric.Natural (Natural)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -114,33 +114,42 @@ newtype DataReader s a = DataReader {readData :: Term s (PAsData a) -> Term s a}
newtype FocusFromData s a b = FocusFromData {getFocus :: Term s (PAsData a :--> PAsData b)}
newtype FocusFromDataList s a = FocusFromDataList {getItem :: Term s (PBuiltinList PData) -> Term s (PAsData a)}

-- | Converts a record of field DataReaders to a DataReader of the whole
-- record. If you only need a single field or two, use `fieldFromData`
-- instead.
recordFromFieldReaders :: forall r s. (Rank2.Apply r, RecordFromData r)
=> r (DataReader s) -> DataReader s (PRecord r)
{- | Converts a record of field DataReaders to a DataReader of the whole
record. If you only need a single field or two, use `fieldFromData`
recordFromFieldReaders ::
forall r s.
(Rank2.Apply r, RecordFromData r) =>
r (DataReader s) ->
DataReader s (PRecord r)
recordFromFieldReaders reader = DataReader $ verifySoleConstructor readRecord
readRecord :: Term s (PBuiltinList PData) -> Term s (PRecord r)
readRecord dat = pcon $ PRecord $ Rank2.liftA2 (flip readData . getCompose) (fields dat) reader
fields :: Term s (PBuiltinList PData) -> r (Compose (Term s) PAsData)
fields bis = (\f-> Compose $ getItem f bis) Rank2.<$> fieldListFoci
fields bis = (\f -> Compose $ getItem f bis) Rank2.<$> fieldListFoci

-- | Converts a Haskell field function to a function term that extracts the 'Data' encoding of the field from the
-- encoding of the whole record.
fieldFromData :: RecordFromData r
=> (r (FocusFromData s (PRecord r)) -> FocusFromData s (PRecord r) t)
-> Term s (PAsData (PRecord r) :--> PAsData t)
{- | Converts a Haskell field function to a function term that extracts the 'Data' encoding of the field from the
encoding of the whole record.
fieldFromData ::
RecordFromData r =>
(r (FocusFromData s (PRecord r)) -> FocusFromData s (PRecord r) t) ->
Term s (PAsData (PRecord r) :--> PAsData t)
fieldFromData f = getFocus (f fieldFoci)

-- | Instances of this class must know how to focus on individual fields of
-- the data-encoded record. If the declared order of the record fields doesn't
-- match the encoding order, you must override the method defaults.
{- | Instances of this class must know how to focus on individual fields of
the data-encoded record. If the declared order of the record fields doesn't
match the encoding order, you must override the method defaults.
class (Rank2.Distributive r, Rank2.Traversable r) => RecordFromData r where
-- | Given the encoding of the whole record, every field focuses on its own encoding.
fieldFoci :: r (FocusFromData s (PRecord r))

-- | Given the encoding of the list of all fields, every field focuses on its own encoding.
fieldListFoci :: r (FocusFromDataList s)

fieldFoci = Rank2.cotraverse focus id
focus :: (r (FocusFromData s (PRecord r)) -> FocusFromData s (PRecord r) a) -> FocusFromData s (PRecord r) a
Expand Down
39 changes: 25 additions & 14 deletions examples/Examples/LetRec.hs
Expand Up @@ -7,8 +7,17 @@ import Plutarch.Bool (PBool (PFalse, PTrue), pif, (#==))
import Plutarch.Builtin (PAsData, PBuiltinList (PNil), PIsData, pdata, pforgetData, pfromData)
import Plutarch.Integer (PInteger)
import Plutarch.Prelude
import Plutarch.Rec (DataReader(DataReader, readData), RecordFromData, PRecord (PRecord), ScottEncoded, ScottEncoding,
field, fieldFromData, letrec, recordFromFieldReaders)
import Plutarch.Rec (
DataReader (DataReader, readData),
PRecord (PRecord),
import Plutarch.Rec.TH (deriveAll)
import Plutarch.String (PString, pdecodeUtf8, pencodeUtf8)
import qualified PlutusCore as PLC
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -40,21 +49,23 @@ instance PIsData (PRecord SampleRecord) where
pdata = recordData

recordData :: forall s. Term s (PRecord SampleRecord) -> Term s (PAsData (PRecord SampleRecord))
recordData r = pmatch r $ \(PRecord SampleRecord{sampleBool, sampleInt, sampleString})->
punsafeBuiltin PLC.ConstrData # (0 :: Term s PInteger) #$
pconsBuiltin # pforgetData (pdata sampleBool) #$
pconsBuiltin # pforgetData (pdata sampleInt) #$
pconsBuiltin # pforgetData (pdata $ pencodeUtf8 # sampleString) #$
pcon PNil
recordData r = pmatch r $ \(PRecord SampleRecord {sampleBool, sampleInt, sampleString}) ->
punsafeBuiltin PLC.ConstrData # (0 :: Term s PInteger)
#$ pconsBuiltin # pforgetData (pdata sampleBool)
#$ pconsBuiltin # pforgetData (pdata sampleInt)
#$ pconsBuiltin # pforgetData (pdata $ pencodeUtf8 # sampleString)
#$ pcon PNil

pconsBuiltin :: Term s (a :--> PBuiltinList a :--> PBuiltinList a)
pconsBuiltin = phoistAcyclic $ pforce $ punsafeBuiltin PLC.MkCons

sampleReader :: SampleRecord (DataReader s)
sampleReader = SampleRecord{
sampleBool = DataReader pfromData,
sampleInt = DataReader pfromData,
sampleString = DataReader $ \d-> pdecodeUtf8 #$ pfromData $ punsafeCoerce d}
sampleReader =
{ sampleBool = DataReader pfromData
, sampleInt = DataReader pfromData
, sampleString = DataReader $ \d -> pdecodeUtf8 #$ pfromData $ punsafeCoerce d

sampleRecord :: Term (s :: S) (ScottEncoding SampleRecord (t :: PType))
sampleRecord =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -114,8 +125,8 @@ tests =
, testGroup
[ testCase "pdata" $ printTerm sampleData @?= "(program 1.0.0 ((\\i0 -> i1 False 6 \"Salut, Monde!\") (\\i0 -> \\i0 -> \\i0 -> constrData 0 (force mkCons ((\\i0 -> constrData (force ifThenElse i1 1 0) [ ]) i3) (force mkCons (iData i2) (force mkCons (bData (encodeUtf8 i1)) [ ]))))))"
, testCase "fieldFromData term" $ (printTerm $ plam $ \dat-> plam pfromData #$ fieldFromData sampleInt # dat) @?= "(program 1.0.0 (\\i0 -> unIData ((\\i0 -> (\\i0 -> force (force ifThenElse (equalsInteger (force (force fstPair) i1) 0) (delay (force headList (force tailList (force (force sndPair) i1)))) (delay error))) (unConstrData i1)) i1)))"
, testCase "fieldFromData term" $ (printTerm $ plam $ \dat -> plam pfromData #$ fieldFromData sampleInt # dat) @?= "(program 1.0.0 (\\i0 -> unIData ((\\i0 -> (\\i0 -> force (force ifThenElse (equalsInteger (force (force fstPair) i1) 0) (delay (force headList (force tailList (force (force sndPair) i1)))) (delay error))) (unConstrData i1)) i1)))"
, testCase "fieldFromData value" $ equal' (fieldFromData sampleInt # sampleData) "(program 1.0.0 #06)"
, testCase "pfromData" $ (printTerm $ plam $ \d-> punsafeCoerce (pfromData d :: Term _ (PRecord SampleRecord)) # field sampleInt) @?= "(program 1.0.0 ((\\i0 -> (\\i0 -> (\\i0 -> (\\i0 -> \\i0 -> (\\i0 -> force (force ifThenElse (equalsInteger (i3 i1) 0) (delay (\\i0 -> i1 ((\\i0 -> equalsInteger (i5 (unConstrData i1)) 1) (i5 (i7 i2))) (unIData (i5 (i6 (i7 i2)))) (decodeUtf8 (unBData (i5 (i6 (i6 (i7 i2)))))))) (delay error))) (unConstrData i1) (\\i0 -> \\i0 -> \\i0 -> i2)) (force (force fstPair))) (force headList)) (force tailList)) (force (force sndPair))))"
, testCase "pfromData" $ (printTerm $ plam $ \d -> punsafeCoerce (pfromData d :: Term _ (PRecord SampleRecord)) # field sampleInt) @?= "(program 1.0.0 ((\\i0 -> (\\i0 -> (\\i0 -> (\\i0 -> \\i0 -> (\\i0 -> force (force ifThenElse (equalsInteger (i3 i1) 0) (delay (\\i0 -> i1 ((\\i0 -> equalsInteger (i5 (unConstrData i1)) 1) (i5 (i7 i2))) (unIData (i5 (i6 (i7 i2)))) (decodeUtf8 (unBData (i5 (i6 (i6 (i7 i2)))))))) (delay error))) (unConstrData i1) (\\i0 -> \\i0 -> \\i0 -> i2)) (force (force fstPair))) (force headList)) (force tailList)) (force (force sndPair))))"

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