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69 lines (53 loc) · 3.27 KB

File metadata and controls

69 lines (53 loc) · 3.27 KB


GameMaker: Studio unpacker and decompiler (non-YYC, specifically made for Undertale), based on libaltar and Mirrawrs' data site (followed by my corrections/completions here and here).

Contains a lot of pointer-littered spaghetti code, because it's basically a continuation of libaltar, but in C#.

I'm not sure if this counts as 'redistribution of modified [libaltar] source', but including their notice just in case.


You can build it from within Visual Studio (or MonoDevelop, or SharpDevelop, ...), or from the command-line:

[ms|x]build /m Altar.NET.sln /p:Configuration=[Debug|Release]

(NOTE: use msbuild on Windows, xbuild otherwise)
(NOTE: using the Debug configuration emits debug code, use Release for an optimized binary.)
(NOTE: the binary can be found at <repo-dir>/bin/<config>/altar.exe, it has all its dependencies merged into it. For a binary with separate DLLs for the dependencies, use the one in <repo-dir>/Altar.NET/bin/<config>/altar.exe.)


altar <verb>? [--help|-h]
altar [--version|-v]
altar <verb> <options...>

(NOTE: use ./altar if it is not added to your %PATH% yet, but resides in the current dir. Not applicable to CMD(but you shouldn't be using that).)
(NOTE: use mono altar.exe <args...> on mono (should be obvious).)


  • export: export parts from a file. Options: -[gonsbpifjrmtacduvhekq]* --any --absolute --project --file --out --dumpunk --dumpempty --dumpall --quiet --noprecprog --detachedagrp --help
    • file: Path to the or audiogroup<n>.dat file to export.
    • out: The output directory.
    • project: Emit a project file that can be recompiled by Altar.NET
    • gonsbpifjrmtacduvhekq: Select which parts of the should be exported. Run altar export --help for more info.
    • absolute: Display absolute instruction offsets in decompiled/disassembled code, instead of relative to the first instruction.
    • dumpunk: Dump the raw contents of all chunks with unknown function.
    • dumpempty: Dump empty unknown chunks, too.
    • dumpall: Dump all (nonempty) raw chunks.
    • quiet: be completely silent (unless an error happens).
    • noprecprog: Don't report any exact details on the progress, but do output something. Makes things not break completely when cursor position isn't settable.
    • detachedagrp: Also dump the contents of an audiogroup<n>.dat file residing in the same directory as the file.
    • help: ...
  • import: Recompile an Altar.NET project file to a
    • file: Path to the to project file.
    • out: The output file.


To read a file:

using Altar;
using Altar.Decomp; // for the Disassembler and Decompiler classes

// [...]

using (var f = GMFile.GetFile(path_to_file)) // NOTE: the file's content (as a byte array) can be passed instead
    // using 'f' should be straightforward enough with IntelliSense/...

    // disassemble code:
    Disassembler.DisplayInstructions(f, 0); // disassembles the code with ID=0
    // decompile code:
    Decompiler.DecompileCode(f, 0);