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Package contains tools that allow to add REST endpoint for handling health and readiness requests. Package also provides implementation for most typical checks that may be done to figure our if service is healthy/ready.

HTTP Handler

A handler to serve checks using /health and /ready endpoints can be added to your service in a following way:

	healthChecker := health.NewChecksHandler("/health", "/ready"),
	healthChecker.AddReadiness("Readiness check name", readinessCheck)
	healthChecker.AddLiveness("Liveness check name", livenessCheck)

	s, err := server.NewServer(
		// register our health checks

In a sample above readinessCheck and livenessCheck are functions that perform a single check. It is possible to add multiple checks independently and handler will call them in sequence.


Packange provides several predefined checks:

  • DNSProbeCheck(host string, timeout time.Duration) returns a Check that determines whether a service with specified DNS name is reachable or not using net.Resolver's LookupHost method.
  • HTTPGetCheck(url string, timeout time.Duration) returns a Check that performs an HTTP GET request to the specified URL. It fails if timeout was exceeded or non-200-OK status code returned.