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Trever Ehrfurth edited this page Dec 2, 2019 · 7 revisions

Table of Contents:

  1. Install
  2. Configure



  • Download the desired release and extract the .zip anywhere.
  • Run Radarr.exe as Administrator, once (this gives Radarr network access).
  • Create a new folder called Bin in C:\ProgramData\Radarr\
  • Copy the contents of the .zip into the C:\ProgramData\Radarr\Bin folder.
  • Run ServiceInstall.exe from C:\ProgramData\Radarr\Bin.

Radarr is now installed as a service set to auto start, check that it is running by opening http://localhost:7878 in your browser. If the web-ui opens and works, installation is complete. If it doesn't, open the Services tab in Task Manager, find Radarr, right click and choose "Start"

Don't forget to use UNC paths like \\Server\Share instead of mapped network drives like M:\Movies.


Debian / Ubuntu

Install dependencies:

  1. Update to the latest version of Mono from the project's own site.

  2. Install dependencies

    sudo apt update && sudo apt install libmono-cil-dev curl mediainfo -y
  3. Download latest Radarr for Ubuntu

    First, from the Radarr Github page right-click on the .tar.gz file for latest release and copy the link to the file. Alternatively, you can note down the full download URL.

    Next, open Terminal in Ubuntu and download the latest Radarr release using the following command. Note that the release the release number and the filename may be different at the time you are following this guide.

    sudo wget

    After downloading the latest release, we need to extract the tar file using the following command (again change the file name accordingly):

    sudo tar -xvzf Radarr.develop.
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