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The Predix UI Buttons module is a simple, robust, extensible baseline for building entire suites of buttons. This module is a fork of the inuitcss Buttons module.


The px-buttons-design module depends on two other Px modules:

Upstream dependencies

The px-buttons-design module is also an upstream dependency in this meta kit:


Install this module and its dependencies using bower:

bower install --save px-buttons-design

Once installed, @import into your project's Sass file in its Objects layer:

@import "px-buttons-design/_objects.buttons.scss";


These flags are available and, if needed, should be set to true prior to importing the module:


The following variables are available for use in the module:



These classes are available if the variable flags listed above are set to true:

  • btn--[small|large|huge]: Small, large or huge buttons
  • btn--[primary|tertiary|disabled]: Primary, tertiary, or disabled buttons
  • btn--full: Full width buttons
  • btn--icon: Circular button for icons

View the full API here