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File metadata and controls

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The real power and extensibility of the router comes in the form of middleware. In this case, middleware is a series of functions, sync or async, that compose a route.

If used correctly, you can have complete control over the lifecycle of each view and keep your viewModel as slim as possible (think skinny controllers, fat models).

Registering Middleware


App middleware is ran for every route and is registered using Router.use

import { Router } from 'ko-component-router'



First, let's look at some code...


  '/user/:id': 'user'
} really just shorthand for...

  '/user/:id': ['user']

...which is really just shorthand for...

  '/user/:id': [(ctx) => ctx.route.component = 'user']
} with that in mind, let's talk route middleware.

As you can — hopefully — see, each route boils down to an array of functions: middleware.

To add middleware to a route, simply add it to the array...

  '/user/:id': [

NOTE: Putting functions after the component will not cause the functions to run after the component is rendered. For how to accomplish that, keep reading.

Middleware Functions

Middleware functions are passed 2 arguments:

  • ctx: the ctx object passed into the viewmodel
  • done: an optional callback for async functions*; promises are also supported, and encouraged

*that should wait for completion before continuing middleware, otherwise use ctx.queue()

Let's look at some example logging middleware...

import { Router } from 'ko-component-router'

Router.use((ctx) => console.log('[router] navigating to', ctx.pathname))

But wait, there's more!

Take our users route from earlier, and let's posit that you're trying to refactor your data calls out of the viewmodel...

  '/user/:id': [
    (ctx) => getUser().then((u) => ctx.user = u),

In the viewmodel for the user component, ctx.user will contain the user. Since we're returning a promise, the next middleware (in this case the component setter) will not be executed until after the call has completed. If you wished to continue middleware execution immediately, but still ensure any asynchronous operations have completed before render, you could use ctx.queue.

Let's see how we can take some finer control. As has been the theme, you've got options...

Lifecycle Object

You can return an object from your middleware that contains functions to be executed at different points in the page lifecycle.

import Query from 'ko-query'

export default function(ctx) {
  return {
    beforeRender(/* done */) {
      console.log('[router] navigating to', ctx.pathname)
      ctx.query = new Query({}, ctx.pathname)

      return loadSomeAsyncData.then((data) => { = data

        // callbacks are also supported
        // done()
    afterRender() {
      console.log('[router] navigated to', ctx.pathname)
    beforeDispose() {
      console.log('[router] navigating away from', ctx.pathname)
    afterDispose() {
      console.log('[router] navigated away from', ctx.pathname)

You may be wondering, "why a function returning an object instead of just an object?"

Well, if you read the docs on nested routing, you'll see that you can define routes by passing an object to a route. To avoid too much polymorphism that could cause confusion, this was the ideal approach. It also enables dynamic middleware and more meta-programming opportunities.

Generator Middleware

Now for the real fun — in my humble opinion, of course —, generator middleware.

If you're unfamiliar with generators, read up, but fear not. In short, they are functions that are able to suspend and resume execution.

Let's write the same monolithicMiddleware with a generator, then walk through what is going on...

import { Router } from 'ko-component-router'
import Query from 'ko-query'

function * monolithicMiddleware(ctx) {
  console.log('[router] navigating to', ctx.pathname)
  ctx.query = new Query({}, ctx.pathname)
  yield loadSomeAsyncData().then((data) => = data)

  console.log('[router] navigated to', ctx.pathname)

  console.log('[router] navigating away from', ctx.pathname)

  console.log('[router] navigated away from', ctx.pathname)


Hopefully it's pretty obvious what is going on here, but if not, I'll elaborate.

Generator middleware is expected to yield up to 3 times, and will be resumed at the same points in the lifecycle: beforeRender, afterRender, beforeDispose, and afterDispose.

Function entry to the first yield contains logic to be executed before the component is initialized, the second just after render, the third just before dispose, and the last just after.

Yielding a promise is supported for async operations.

I ❤️ future JS.

Execution Order

Assuming navigation from from => to, where "X/app" indicates app middleware for route X, middleware is executed in the following order...

  • from: before dispose

  • from/app: before dispose

  • to/app: before render

  • to: before render

  • to: render

  • from: after dispose

  • from/app: after dispose

  • to/app: after render

  • to: after render

Why is the next page's before render middleware called before this one is disposed entirely!?

Good question. This gives the best possible UX by preventing intermediate whitespace while asynchronous beforeRender middleware is executing. See the loading-animation example for more.

Using with Nested Routing

When used with nested routing, child middleware will also be executed as part of the execution chain, meaning as long as data is gathered in middleware, it will all be available down the chain for a deep synchronous render.
