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File metadata and controls

116 lines (74 loc) · 3.89 KB


Field hasAwardingOrder is a boolean field that indicates whether the award sorting will be applied due to awardCriteria and awards will be created one by one or all awards will be created at once.

Possible values for hasAwardingOrder field depends on procurementMethodType field:

hasAwardingOrder is true

Let's create a tender with hasAwardingOrder set to true:

.. http:example:: http/has-awarding-order-true-tender-post.http

You can specify any kind of awardCriteria during creation tender with hasAwardingOrder set to true:
  • lowestCost
  • lifeCycleCost
  • ratedCriteria

Let's add lot to tender:

.. http:example:: http/has-awarding-order-true-tender-add-lot.http

Let's look at tender with auction results:

.. http:example:: http/has-awarding-order-true-auction-results.http

There is classic flow with award creation one by one due to awardCriteria sorting. Second award (for tender/lot) will be generated in case the customer cancel decision for the first generated award.

hasAwardingOrder is false

Now let's create a tender with hasAwardingOrder set to false:

.. http:example:: http/has-awarding-order-false-tender-post.http

Let's add lot to tender:

.. http:example:: http/has-awarding-order-false-tender-add-lot.http

Let's look at tender with auction results:

.. http:example:: http/has-awarding-order-false-auction-results.http

All awards have been generated at once after auction ends. Then the customer can choose any award as a winner.


Let's look at completed tenders diff:

.. literalinclude:: json/has-awarding-order-false-auction-results.json
   :diff: json/has-awarding-order-true-auction-results.json

Difference for tender with hasAwardingOrder set to false comparing to true is that in tender with hasAwardingOrder set to false after auction ends all awards have been created at once in status pending. Then the customer can check the received offers sequentially or in the order in which he considers it necessary.

Update awards statuses for hasAwardingOrder = false

Let's consider cases with updating award statuses.

As an example let's use tender with 3 bidders. There are 3 awards with status pending in auction results:

.. http:example:: http/has-awarding-order-false-auction-results-example-1.http

  1. The customer decides that the winner is award1
.. http:example:: http/has-awarding-order-false-auction-results-example-1-activate-first-award.http

In that case award1 becomes active, award2 and award3 are pending

.. http:example:: http/has-awarding-order-false-auction-results-example-1-results.http

  1. The customer cancels decision due to award1
.. http:example:: http/has-awarding-order-false-auction-results-example-2-cancel-first-award.http

In that case award1 becomes cancelled, award2 and award3 are pending, and award4 is being generated in status pending due to cancellation of the award1

.. http:example:: http/has-awarding-order-false-auction-results-example-2-results.http

  1. The customer rejects award4 and recognizes as the winner award2

In that case award1 still cancelled, award2 becomes active, and award3 are pending, award4 is unsuccessful:

.. http:example:: http/has-awarding-order-false-auction-results-example-3-results.http

  1. The customer cancel unsuccessful award4

In that case award1 still cancelled, award2 - active, and award3 - pending, award4 - cancelled and award5 is being generated in status pending due to cancellation of the award4:

.. http:example:: http/has-awarding-order-false-auction-results-example-4-results.http