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Modules Help (basic infos and commands)

This page list features made available by different modules, that may or may not be included in the runnable scripts found in the tfm_lua/ folder (scripts ending in .tfm.lua.txt).


This module handles commands.

You can run a command by starting it with "!". If you included scripts that are not made by me, and if both my script and the other use the same command name:

  • Prefix your commands as !pshy.<command> to run a command from a pshy module.
  • Prefix your commands as !other.<command> to run a command from another module.

In this guide, commands will be presented this way:

Command Description
!command(aliases) <required_argument> [optional_argument:default_value] here is what the command do

This means you can run this command those ways:

  • !command required_argument_value
  • !alias required_argument_value
  • !alias required_argument_value optional_argument_value

If you type a command wrong, then the command usage will be displayed.

If a command's argument is "<player>" or "[target_player]" then you only need to write the beginning of the player's name, as long as it is unique in the room. You can also use "*" to run the command on every single player. This works with ALL the commands. You can also use hexadecimal codes or words for colors (for instance "#ff0000" and "red" are both valid for red).

Failing to provide a required argument will result in the module displaying dialogs for you to input these.

You can get a list of commands with:

Command Description
!commands(cmds) [page_index] List all the module's commands.

This module handles help pages.

Command Description
!help [page_name|module_name|!command] Show the general help or a given help page.

The commands's color match their default permissions:

  • 🟢 green: Everyone can use the command.
  • 🟡 Yellow: Cheat command that can only be used by room admins, or by everyone if cheat commands are enabled in the room.
  • 🔴 red: Only room admins can use the command.
  • 🟣 purple: Only the script loader, and room admins who also are FunCorp, can use the command.


Handle permissions.

Command Description
!admin [FullPlayerName#0000] Set a player as room admin.
!unadmin [FullPlayerName#0000] Remove a player from room admins, and all admins they added, recursively.
!admins List room admins.
!enablecheats [yes|no] Enable or disable cheat commands.
!setperm <Player#0000|admins|cheats|everyone> <!command> <yes|no> Set permissions for a command.
!trust [FullPlayerName#0000] Allow some content from this player to play in the room (custom map features).
!setadminmotd [instruction] Display a message to all future new room admins.
!adminmotd See the room admin motd.


  • !setperm Abc#1234 !fly true: Allow Abc#1234 to fly.
  • !setperm everyone !setcheckpoint true: Allow everyone to set their spawnpoint.


Commands to handle modules.

Command Description
!modules <event_name> List modules. Disabled modules events are not called.
!disablemodule Disable a module that was manually enabled.
!enablemodule Enable a module. Only useful if a script is built with optional modules.
!pshyversion Get the version of the pshy repository this script was built with.
!version Get the version of the repository this script was built from.
!modulestop Stop the script.
!modulereload Reload a module. Almost sure to break something but useful when dealing with thirdparty scripts.
!bugs List debug information.


There is several anticheat features included in this script, but they are only available to FunCorps. Use !help pshy_anticheats in-game, or check the [forum page for this module][#].

⚠ If you do run this module with the anticheats enabled, then you should read it's help carefully.

Only the safe non-sensitive commands will be displayed here:

Command Description
!antiguestdays(antiguest) <days> How many days an account should have to be able to play in this script. Use -1 to disable, and 0 to only disallow guests and accounts created after the script started. The default value is currently 0
!antilagautokill <on/off> Enable or disable automatic killing of lagging players (xbug). Disabled by default.
!loadersync <on/off> [PlayerSync#0000] Toggle the enforcing of the sync player or choose a player to be the enforced sync. Enforcing the sync prevents some exploits. By default the sync is enforced to be the script loader.
!antieasytitle <on/off> Prevent players from joining if they are using a easy-to-obtain title (this ensure players have played a bit).


This module replaces the rotation features from TFM.

Command Description
!next <@mapcode> [force] Set the next map to be played. If force is true, then it will run this map even if another module try to load a different one.
!skip(map) [@mapcode] Immediately play the next map. If @mapcode is specified, then this map will be played.
!rots See the available rotations. The number correspond to how often this rotation will be used.
!rotc [rotation_name] Clear the used rotations and set the one to use instead.
!rotw <rotation_name> [weight:1] Set how often a rotation should be played.
!repeat(r,replay) Replay the current map.
!autorespawn Enable or disable automatic respawn (for modules that dont implement it already).
!previous Get the name of the previous map.
!back Play the previous map.
!nextrepeat(nrt) Cause the current map to replay when a new map would have been played.


Speed boosts and fly

Command Description
!speed [amount:0/50] [target_player] Give a speed boost.
!fly [enabled] [target_player] Allow to fly.


Command Description
!setcheckpoint Set your checkpoint (spawn point).
!gotocheckpoint Teleport to your checkpoint.
!unsetcheckpoint Delete your checkpoint.

Speed boosts and fly

Command Description
!tpp [destination] [target_player] Teleport to a player.
!tpl <x> <y> [target_player] Teleport to coordinates.
!coords See your current coordinates.

Play musics and sounds.

Command Description
!playsound(play,sound) [path] Play any sound.
!musiccategories List categories of musics you can use in place of the music name.
!listmusics(lsmusics,lsm,musics) List indexed musics.
!loopmusic(music,m) <path or index> [volume] Play a music or category. Only one music can play at a time. It will repeat. Play stop to stop the current music.
!playmusic <path or index> [volume] [repeats] [fade] Play a music or category. Only one music can play at a time.
!ambients List indexed ambient sounds.
!ambient <path or index> [volume] Play an ambient sound. Ambient sounds repeats. Play stop to stop the current ambient sound.

The full list of sounds can be found here. For instance, the sound "path" for is cite18/musique/toundra1 (the file extension is not needed).


Adds emoticons. You can use them using the default numbers or the numpad numbers, combined with CTRL and/or ALT.

Command Description
!emoticon(em) <emote_name> [target_player] Play an emoticon.

Some emoticons are only available with this command:

  • cheese_left
  • cheese_right
  • mario_left
  • mario_right
  • noob
  • noob2
  • pro
  • pro2
  • cute
  • cute2
  • cutest


This module allow changing a mouse's image.

Command Description
!searchimage <search words> Search for an image.
!changeimage <off|imagecode.png> <target_player> Change your image (only works if the image is approved in the script).
!randomchangeimage <search words> Change your image to something random but matching some search words.
!randomchangeimages <search words> Change everyone's image to something random but matching some search words.


  • !randomchangeimages rats: Turn everyone to a random rat image.
  • !randomchangeimages food: Turn everyone to a random food image.

Spawn a magic platform that can teleport with players on it.

Command Description
!fcplatform(fcp) [x] [y] Spawn the platform once (at given or last coordinates).
!fcplatformautospawn(fcpautospawn) <enabled> Enable or disable the platform's automatic spawning. (TODO)
!set pshy.fcplatform_autospawn true Make the platform spawn automatically every game.
!fcplatformpilot(fcpp) [target_player] Make yourself or another player control the platform by clicking.
!fcplatformjoin(fcpj,spectate) [yes|no] [target_player] Teleport you to the platform, but you will not be able to leave it.


Rain random objects.

Command Description
!rain [optional_objects_to_rain] Cause a rain of random or given objects. Use empty to stop.

Allow to make different kind of announcements. This supports html, so be careful closing your markups or escaping them.

Command Description
!setmotd <message> Set a message displayed to players when they join the room.
!motd See the current motd.
!announce Send a message as "[FunCorp]".


  • !setmotd <rose>Squeakkk!!!</rose>: Set the motd written in pink.
  • !announce jump -&gt; death: Display "[FunCorp] jump -> death". (for players)

Those commands will send a message to room admins so that they can enter the corresponding FunCorp commands.

Command Description
!changenick <nickanme> Change your nickname.
!colormouse <color> Change your mouse color.
!colornick <color> Change your nickname color.


Add a chat shared with room admins and module messages.

Command Description
!adminchat(ac) <message> Send a message in the room admin chat.


provides ways to prevent a player from interfering with the room.

Command Description
!kick <player> [reason] The given player can no longer play until they rejoin.
!ban <player> [reason] The given player can no longer play until the script is restarted.
!shadowban <player> [reason] The given player can still play, but most of their actions, such as winning, will be ignored by the other modules.
!unban <player> Allow a player to play in the room.


Command Description
!shaman [enabled] [target_player] Switch between shaman/not shaman.
!shamanmode [mode] [target_player] Change your shaman mode.
!vampire [enabled] [target_player] Switch between vampire/not vampire.
!cheese [has] [target_player] Switch between having the cheese/not having it.
!win [target_player] Win the game.
!kill [target_player] Die.
!respawn [target_player] Resurect.
!freeze <enabled> [target_player] Freeze or unfreeze a player.
!size <value> [target_player] Change your size.
!namecolor <#RRGGBB> [target_player] Change your name's color.
!balloon [target_player] Attach or detach a player to/from a balloon.
!link [wished_player] [target_player] Link yourself to a player if they use the command as well. /

Allow to bind a command to a key / the mouse. This is only available to room admins.

Command Description
!bindkey <KEYNAME> [command] Remove a bind from a key or set a new one. Use %d / %d for coordinates.
!bindmouse [command] Remove a bind from the mouse or set a new one. Use %d / %d for coordinates.


  • !bindmouse tpl %d %d: Allow you to teleport with the mouse.
  • !bindmouse fcp %d %d: Allow you to teleport the fcplatform with the mouse.


Run some TFM functions. Some of those features are overriden and handled by other pshy modules if present (so the behavior may differ).

Command Description
!apiversion Get the version of the api.
!clear Empty the chat by writting new lines.
!colorpicker [target_player] Show a colorpicker to someone.
!playerid Get your TFM player id.
!playerlook Get your TFM's look.
!tfmversion Get the version of the game.
!ping Get the average latency of a player.


Command Description
!action <message> Send a message like if you were roleplaying.
!say <message> Send a standard message with no interactible name.

Command Description
!afkdeath [enabled] Enable (or disable) the afk being killed.
!allowdebug [enabled] Allow (or disallow) /debug.
!allowmort [enabled] Allow (or disallow) /mort.
!allowwatch [enabled] Allow (or disallow) /watch.
!autonewgame [enabled] Enable (or disable) auto map changes.
!autoscore [enabled] Enable (or disable) TFM from handling the scores.
!autoshaman [enabled] Enable (or disable) the shaman.
!autoskills [enabled] Enable (or disable) shaman skills.
!autotimeleft [enabled] Enable (or disable) the time lowering when few players are alive.
!chatcommandsdisplay [enabled] Enable (or disable) the display of chat commands when they are used.
!consumables [enabled] Allow (or disallow) the use of physical consumables.
!mapflipmode [enabled] Currently not recommended, will break pshy_newgame.
!minimalist [enabled] Allow (or disallow) the minimalist mode.
!password [room_password] Set the room's password.
!playerscore <score> [target_player] Set a player's score.
!prespawnpreview [enabled] Enable (or disable) what the shaman is spawning from being displayed before it have been spawned.

Command Description
!aiemode(aie) [on/off] [sensibility] [target_player] Enable or disable night mode (for all players by default).
!backgroundcolor <color> Change the background color.
!gravity [gravity] [wind] Reset or change the gravity/wind
!gravityscale <scale> [target_player] Set how much a player is affected by gravity.
!nightmode [on/off] [target_player] Enable or disable the night mode.
!time <score> [target_player] Set a player's score.


Mainly debug commands. Those features may only work for the loader, and may not run in some rooms (to respect some rules).

Command Description
!luaget(get) <global_variable_name> Display the value of a global variable.
!luaset(set) <global_variable_name> <value> Parse and set the value of a global variable.
!luals(ls,tree) <table_name> List entries in a table.
!luasetstr(setstr) <global_variable_name> <value> Set a text as the value of a global variable.
!luacall(call) <function_name> [arguments] Call a function.
!luabindbunc(bindbunc) <name> <function> [args...] Create a function that calls another with specific arguments.

You can specify the type of an untyped argument by prefixing it with <type>:.


Causes modules locals to be accessible via _G["~"]:

  • List a module's locals with !ls ~/
  • Access a module's local like !set ~/ new_value

Command Description
!getxml [part] Print the map xml, or a part of the last map the command was run on.

pshy.teams & pshy.teams.racingvs

Adds team features.

Command Description
!teamadd <team_name> <color> Add a team with the given name and the given color.
!teamremove(teamrm) <team_index> Remove a team.
!teamname <team_index> <new_name> Set a team's name.
!teamcolor <team_index> <color> Set a team's color.
!teamleader <team_index> <player> Set a team's leader (can change the team name and color). (TODO)
!teamjoin <team_index> [target_player] Join a team (only works if the team is loosing or if cheats are enabled).
!teamscore <team_index> <score> Set a team's score.
!teamsshuffle [everyone:true] Place players in random teams. Also reset the team's scores.
!teamsreset Reset team's scores (does not change player's team).
!d Set the target team score.
!teamsautojoin(teamsaj,aj) <enabled> Enable or disable autojoin.


Command Description
!lobby [title] Open a lobby with a given title displayed on screen or updates it. The map wont auto-change and you will need to use !skip.


Replaces functions that would otherwise be available only to lua team members.

Command Description
!chat Toggle the alternative chat (used by tfm.exec.chatMessage).
!getplayerdata Get the last data loaded by system.loadPlayerData or saved to by system.savePlayerData.
!setplayerdata Set the next data that will be loaded by system.loadPlayerData.
!getfiledata <file_id> Get the last data loaded by system.loadFile or saved to by system.saveFile.
!setfiledata <file_id> Set the next data that will be loaded by system.loadFile.


Command Description
!bonuseffect <bonus_type> [target_player] Run a bonus effect.
!addbonus <bonus_type> [x] [y] Summon a bonus item.

Finds afk players.

Command Description
!afks List the longest afk players.


Command Description
!watchlogs [on/off] [player] Copy #lua logs to your chat.

Command Description
!untrustedmaps <page> See what untrusted maps the script played.
!removedmaps <page> See what deleted/removed maps the script played.

Use entibo's script to load maps directly from miceditor.


Command Description
!rejoin [player] Simulate a rejoin. Will probably not work for every module.
!runas <player> <command> Run a command as someone else.