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Installing PufferPanel

System Requirements

  • A VPS or Dedicated server (32-bit IS NOT supported)
  • SSH access and administrative (root or sudo) privileges on the server
  • One of the following operating systems:
OS/Version AMD64 ARM64 AMD32
Ubuntu Focal (20.04) Yes Yes No
Ubuntu Jammy (22.04) Yes Yes No
Debian Buster (10) Yes Yes No
Debian Bullseye (11) Yes Yes No
Raspbian Buster (10) No Yes Yes
Raspbian Bullseye (11) No Yes Yes
  • If your operating system is not listed above take a look at this<unsupportedos>


The following ports are used by PufferPanel. Please allow traffic to/from these ports to fully use your installation.

  • 8080: Web access
  • 5657: SFTP


For easiest installation, if you have one of the listed supported distributions, you can simply install our package and get going!


curl -s | sudo bash
sudo apt-get install pufferpanel        


For Docker usage, please refer to this page <installing-docker>.

Adding an admin

To create your first user, run the following command. Be sure to enter "Y" when it asks if this is an admin so you can fully use your panel.

sudo pufferpanel user add

Starting the panel

After doing all of the above you are ready to start your panel.

sudo systemctl enable --now pufferpanel

Managing the service

PufferPanel uses Systemd to manage the service, consult the man page man systemctl or a guide for instructions on how to use it.


And that's it! Your panel is now available on port 8080 of your server.

Additional resources:

  • Enabling SSL with Nginx <guides/ssl-setup-nginx>
  • Running servers without Docker <environments/standard>
  • Running servers with Docker <environments/docker>

Unsupported OS/Version


This is not recommended or supported. If it breaks, you're on your own!

It is possible to install PufferPanel on other Debian, Red Hat based OS/Versions, and Arch Linux/Arch Linux ARM that are not listed in the table above. For a OS/Version that is not included in the table above, you will need to add os={os} dist={version} with a os/version that is included in the repository, to the curl command between sudo and bash. i.e.


curl -s | sudo os=ubuntu dist=jammy bash


Installs using RPM files are a manual process. Refer to the latest release to get the RPM file.

Arch Linux/Arch Linux ARM

It is also possible to install the AUR package pufferpanel-bin.