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File metadata and controls

113 lines (92 loc) · 3.05 KB


Introduction ~~~~~~~ MAKER is a popular genome annotation pipeline for both prokaryotic and eukaryotic genomes. This guide describes best practices for running MAKER on RCAC clusters. For detailed information about MAKER, see its offical website (


  • 2.31.11
  • 3.01.03

Commands ~~~~~~ - cegma2zff - chado2gff3 - compare - cufflinks2gff3 - evaluator - fasta_merge - fasta_tool - genemark_gtf2gff3 - gff3_merge - iprscan2gff3 - iprscan_wrap - ipr_update_gff - maker - maker2chado - maker2eval_gtf - maker2jbrowse - maker2wap - maker2zff - maker_functional - maker_functional_fasta - maker_functional_gff - maker_map_ids - map2assembly - map_data_ids - map_fasta_ids - map_gff_ids - tophat2gff3


You can load the modules by:

module load biocontainers
module load maker/2.31.11 # OR maker/3.01.03  


Dfam release 3.5 (October 2021) downloaded from Dfam website ( that required by RepeatMasker has been set up for users. The RepeatMakser library is stored here /depot/itap/datasets/Maker/RepeatMasker/Libraries.

Prerequisites ~~~~~~ 1. After loading MAKER modules, users can create MAKER control files by the folowing comand:

maker -CTL

This will generate three files:

  • maker_opts.ctl (required to be modified)
  • maker_exe.ctl (do not need to modify this file)
  • maker_bopts.ctl (optionally modify this file)
  1. maker_opts.ctl:
    • If not using RepeatMasker, modify model_org=all to model_org=
    • If not using RepeatMasker, modify model_org=all to an appropriate family/genus/species.

Example job non-mpi ~~~~~~~ .. warning:: Using #!/bin/sh -l as shebang in the slurm job script will cause the failure of some biocontainer modules. Please use #!/bin/bash instead.

To run MAKER on our cluster:

#SBATCH -A myallocation     # Allocation name 
#SBATCH -t 10:00:00
#SBATCH -n 24
#SBATCH --job-name=MAKER
#SBATCH --error=%x-%J-%u.err
#SBATCH --output=%x-%J-%u.out

module --force purge
ml biocontainers maker/2.31.11  # or maker/3.01.03 

maker -c 24

Example job mpi ~~~~~~ To use MAKER in MPI mode, we cannot use the maker modules. Instead we have to use the singularity image files stored in /apps/biocontainers/images:

#SBATCH -A myallocation     # Allocation name 
#SBATCH -t 5:00:00
#SBATCH -n 24
#SBATCH -c 8
#SBATCH --job-name=MAKER_mpi
#SBATCH --error=%x-%J-%u.err
#SBATCH --output=%x-%J-%u.out

mpirun -n 24 singularity exec /apps/biocontainers/images/maker_2.31.11.sif maker -c 8

mpirun -n 24 singularity exec /apps/biocontainers/images/maker_3.01.03.sif maker -c 8