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Week 6: Story

PurpleNinjaLink edited this page Oct 15, 2019 · 2 revisions

This was a difficult week for work. The goal was twofold, largely comprising story development to drive the rest of the project. However—largely due to my own scattered focus—I didn’t begin working on tasks for the project until Sunday, two days before the next week’s meeting and establishment of tasks for the next milestone. Throughout those two days, I was able to complete the first part: outlining my visions for the characters, story, and sidequests. However, the second part was to implement a sample cutscene so I could do any work in-engine this week. Unfortunately, this proved a far more troublesome task. I made a couple of attempts, but was unable to make any substantial headway by the time the week’s meeting came around. Sometimes things don’t go as planned, and that’s not often easy to accept. I’m going to work to get back on top of things so I have all the time I need to learn what I must. Next week will be better, and I can’t overlook the fact that I have an outline for content going forward. Along with this, the project finally has a (working) title: Gratia.

There isn’t a pull request for the week’s work since nothing was accomplished in-engine, but the outlines I wrote are each available through the wiki's home page.