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This React onboarding project includes pages for login, signup, home, and profile functionalities, catering to user authentication and navigation, and facilitating a seamless design experience. The user will be blocked for the next 24 hours after putting 5 times wrong password at the time of token-based login.

Frontend Verecel Deployed Link :

Backend Render Deployed Link:

How to run locally

Clone the Repository from GitHub. Then do the following steps:

  • On Windows
    npm install
    npm run start   ----> For Frontend
    npm run server   ----> For Backend

Tech Stacks :

A) Frontend :

React (JSX Syntax), Chakra-ui Library for Styling & Modal, Axios for handling asynchronous requests, react-router-dom for routing or Navigate from one page to another, Standard react components, React-hooks, chakra-icons & react-icons, react-slideshow-image for carousel slider and jwt-decode for decode the token.

B) Backend :

Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB (NoSQL), JSON-web-token-based authentication, mongoose for connecting database to the server, cors for handling the cors error, BSON, Bsondump, crypto for generate secure otp, bcrypt for hashing password (secure password), Twilio for OTP-based authentication, cors for handing the cors error and dotenv for A zero-dependency module that loads environment variables from a .env file into process.env.

PORT Used :

    3000   ----> For Frontend
    8000   ----> For Backend

Additional Feature :

The user will be blocked for the next 24 hours after putting 5 times wrong password at the time of token-based login

Some HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol) Status Code Which I used :

404 ---> Not Found/failure

200 ---> OK/Success/get/put

201 ---> Created/post

204 ----> Delete/reject

500 ----> Error

Some Project Screenshots :

A) For Computer Screen:

Screenshot (506) Screenshot (507) Screenshot (508) Screenshot (509) Screenshot (510) Screenshot (511) Screenshot (512) Screenshot (520)

B) For Mobile/Tablet Screen :

Screenshot (513) Screenshot (514) Screenshot (515) Screenshot (516) Screenshot (517) Screenshot (518) Screenshot (519)