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The Python for Atmosphere and Ocean Science (PyAOS) website and mailing list was established almost a decade ago to provide information and resources to the user community. In order to keep the site up-to-date, the first ever PyAOS census collected responses from May to July 2021. There were 144 participants in the survey, allowing for a detailed analysis of how Python is being used by those working and studying in the weather, ocean and climate sciences.


Census respondents were overwhelmingly male (75%), young (74% were under 40) and based in the USA (60%). They had typically been using Python for at least two years (82%) and were self-taught (mainly from Stack Overflow). Only 30% reported having attended a Python workshop of any kind and only 19% encountered Python during university. Almost all respondents primarily work with raster (i.e. gridded) data stored in netCDF format, but older (GRIB) and newer (Zarr) raster formats were also widely used (35% and 26% of respondents, respectively). About half of respondents also do at least some work with vector data, typically in the form of Shapefiles. Two-thirds of people indicated that they do at least some of their analysis on a supercomputer (e.g. hosted by their institution or a national facility) and one-third on the cloud (e.g. Amazon Web Services), but over half said a personal computer is still the platform they most commonly use for data science. Jupyter was the most popular development environment by a wide margin, with a quarter of respondents listing no other IDE or text editor. In terms of specific Python libraries, xarray dominates the reported PyAOS stack. It had a much larger user base than competing general purpose PyAOS libraries (iris and CDAT) and most of the new libraries entering the stack build upon the xarray DataArray. So far there has been little take up of libraries that allow for interactive (as opposed to static) data exploration/visualisation (e.g. geoviews, hvplot), while the use of libraries that test code (e.g. unittest) or parse the command line (e.g. argparse) is rare. A clear inference from the survey is that for many respondents data processing workflows are coordinated exclusively from a Jupyter notebook.

PyAOS Stack
Figure 1: Summary of the PyAOS software stack, as reported by survey respondents. Only libraries reported by more than one respondent are shown and libraries used by more than 10 respondents are highlighted in bold.

Detailed results

The data for all survey questions can be found at:



Age group Count Percentage
20-29 45 32%
30-39 60 42%
40-49 23 16%
50-59 10 7%
60-69 4 3%

Gender: How do you identify?

Gender Count Percentage
Man 106 75%
Woman 35 25%
Non-binary 1 0%

Country of residence?

Country Count Percentage
United States 82 60%
Australia 23 17%
Great Britain 9 7%
India 5 4%
Brazil 3 2%
Sweden 2 1%
China 2 1%

Plus one respondent from each of Austria, Canada, South Korea, Netherlands, Germany, New Zealand, Spain, Taiwan, Chile and Finland.

Primary AOS discipline/s (select all that apply)

Discipline Count Percentage (of total participants)
Meteorology 54 38%
Modelling 53 37%
Physical Oceanography 49 35%
Atmospheric Dynamics 48 33%
Climate Change Processes 29 20%
Climatology (excl. Climate Change Processes) 28 20%
AOS Research Software Engineer 21 15%
Cloud Physics 18 13%
AOS Research Computing Support 14 10%
Atmospheric Radiation 12 8%
Biological Oceanography 11 8%
Chemical Oceanography 9 6%
Tropospheric and Stratospheric Physics 8 6%
Atmospheric Chemistry 5 4%
Atmospheric Aerosols 5 4%
Paleoclimatology 2 1%
Remote Sensing 1 1%

Python usage

How long have you been using Python?

Time Count Percentage
Less than 1 year 16 11%
1-2 years 10 7%
2-5 years 54 38%
6-10 years 42 29%
More than 10 years 21 15%

How have you learned Python? (select all that apply)

Method Count Percentage
Self taught (from textbooks, online tutorials, etc) 128 90%
Workshop/s (e.g. Carpentries, Unidata) 42 30%
University semester course/s (e.g. "Introduction to Programming") 27 19%
University degree (e.g. Bachelor of Software Engineering) 8 6%


What types of AOS data do you work with (select all that apply)?

Data type Count Percentage
Raster data 137 98%
Tabular data 86 61%
Vector data 70 50%

Which type of AOS data do you most commonly work with?

Data type Count Percentage
Raster data 109 80%
Tabular data 21 15%
Vector data 6 4%

What file formats are your AOS data stored in? (select all that apply)

Format Count Percentage
netCDF 141 99%
CSV 92 65%
GRIB 49 35%
Shapefile 41 29%
HDF 40 28%
Zarr 37 26%
GeoTIFF 33 23%
GeoJSON 21 15%
A custom binary format 18 13%

There were also a small number of responses for GeoPackage (5), ICARTT (3), ESRI File Geodatabase (3), SQL (2), Plain text (ASCII) (2), NPY (1), JSON (1), Video (1), SQLite (1), MAT (1), Images (1), Relational Database (1), GeoParquet (1) and Audio (1).

Which format do you most commonly work with?

Format Count Percentage
netCDF 100 70%
CSV 14 10%
Zarr 11 8%
GRIB 7 5%
Shapefile 3 2%
HDF 2 1%
GeoJSON 1 1%
A custom binary format 1 1%
JSON 1 1%


What computing platforms do you use for your AOS data science? (select all that apply)

Computing platform Count Percentage
Personal laptop/desktop 128 90%
Supercomputer (e.g. run by your institution or a national facility) 91 64%
Cloud (e.g. Amazon Web Services) 45 32%
Local server (e.g. provided by your department) 6 4%

Which platform do you most commonly work on for your AOS data science?

Computing platform Count Percentage
Personal laptop/desktop 81 57%
Supercomputer 46 32%
Cloud 8 6%
Local server 3 2%

What development environments do you regularly use for your Python coding? (select all that apply)

Environment Count Participant
Jupyter 118 84%
Vim 50 35%
VSCode 24 17%
Spyder 22 16%
PyCharm 19 13%
Atom 10 7%
Sublime Text 9 6%
Notepad ++ 7 5%
Emacs 6 4%
bbedit 1 1%
gedit 1 1%
Google Colab 1 1%

Python libraries

Question: Writing Python code typically begins with importing various libraries that are either part of the Python standard library or that you've installed using the Python package installer (pip) or conda. Take a look back over five Python scripts / notebooks that you've written recently for AOS data science tasks and cut and paste below all the import statements that you used in those scripts / notebooks (please remove any duplicates).

Answers: See below for all libraries listed by more than one respondent.

Core libraries

Library Count Percentage
numpy 120 86%
matplotlib 111 80%
xarray 97 69%
cartopy 70 50%
dask 27 19%
iris 5 4%
cdutil 1 1%
cdms2 1 1%
MV2 1 1%

AOS utilities

Library Count Percentage
cmocean 22 16%
metpy 20 14%
pyart 7 5%
gsw 4 3%
glidertools 3 2%
eofs 3 2%
windspharm 2 1%

xarray extensions

Library Count Percentage
xgcm 11 8%
xesmf 8 6%
xrft 5 4%
xhistogram 2 1%

Remote data access

Library Count Percentage
siphon 8 6%
pydap 3 2%
erddapy 3 2%

Interfaces to (non-Python) geospatial libraries

Library Count Percentage
shapely 11 8%
pyproj 2 1%

Interfaces to file formats

Library Count Percentage
netcdf4 35 25%
zarr 4 3%
pygrib 4 3%
h5py 4 3%
rasterio 2 1%
shapefile 2 1%

CF utilities

Library Count Percentage
cftime 4 3%
cf_units 3 2%
nc_time_axis 2 1%
cfgrib 2 1%


Library Count Percentage
seaborn 16 11%
pylab 3 2%
bokeh 2 1%
hvplot 2 1%
plotly 2 1%
proplot 2 1%

General data science

Library Count Percentage
pandas 73 52%
scipy 53 38%
sklearn 10 7%
geopandas 10 7%
intake 8 6%
statsmodels 7 5%
numba 5 4%
pyresample 2 1%
sparse 2 1%
skimage 2 1%
descartes 2 1%

Standard library

Library Count Percentage
datetime 49 35%
os 47 34%
sys 37 26%
glob 28 20%
pathlib 14 10%
re 13 9%
math 12 9%
warnings 11 8%
copy 10 7%
time 9 6%
pickle 8 6%
csv 8 6%
shutil 8 6%
argparse 8 6%
collections 7 5%
subprocess 7 5%
urllib 6 4%
json 6 4%
gzip 4 3%
logging 4 3%
string 3 2%
importlib 3 2%
io 3 2%
multiprocessing 3 2%
itertools 3 2%
fileinput 2 1%
getopt 2 1%
fnmatch 2 1%
unittest 2 1%
dataclasses 2 1%
pdb 2 1%
select 2 1%
gc 2 1%
calendar 2 1%
uuid 2 1%
socket 2 1%
ctypes 2 1%
tempfile 2 1%


Library Count Percentage
requests 11 8%
pytz 5 4%
tqdm 5 4%
psycopg2 3 2%
dateutil 3 2%
fsspec 2 1%
sqalchemy 2 1%
gcsfs 2 1%
lxml 2 1%
mpi4py 2 1%
dash 2 1%
joblib 2 1%
rechunker 2 1%
yaml 2 1%