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560 lines (479 loc) · 23.8 KB

File metadata and controls

560 lines (479 loc) · 23.8 KB

2.0.2 [12/10/2023]

  • Pinned to python<3.12 until more dependencies are updated and a few things fixed on our end.

2.0.1 [11/10/2023]

  • Fixed compatibility with matplotlib=3.8 and bumped minimum requirement to >=3.3.
  • Fixed pulling in ephemerides via lalpulsar optional dependency.
  • Fixed line simulation in "generating noise" tutorial.
  • Fixed some type checks to conform to flake8>=1.7 standards.
  • PyPI uploads now done using "trusted publishing" (OIDC).

2.0.0 [18/04/2023]

  • This is a major release of PyFstat in the sense that users will likely have to make some changes to the way they call it, but mostly just regarding class instance labels / file naming.
  • Mainly, we follow the recent lalpulsar upgrade to v3 of the SFT file format specification (see and note the v2 in the URL is not a typo, this file version describes both the v2 and v3 specifications).
    • We now require lalsuite>=7.13.
    • The file format update itself is fully backwards compatible: the only change is including window information in the header, which however reuses existing padding bytes, and hence does not affect compatibility.
    • The file naming convention however has become more restrictive: SFT files, and hence label arguments for Writer and derived classes, now may only contain ASCII alphanumerical characters, which specifically makes the old PyFstat habit of using underscores illegal. We suggest CamelCase instead.
    • Instead of SFTWindowBeta, one must now use SFTWindowParam.
    • noiseSFTs no longer requires SFTWindow[Beta/Param], only if a window specification cannot be read from the headers of input SFTs.
  • Fixed an error that prevented one parameter to be printed in search output file header comments.
  • Fixed compatibility with corner=2.2.2.
  • Removed utils.get_lal_exec(), now always expect executables to be named lalpulsar_. (Old LALSuite versions with lalapps_ CW executables are quite outdated by now.)
  • Removed deprecated prior formats in InjectionParametersGenerator class.
  • Transient F-stat GPU implementation:
    • Introduced F-stat condition number check, with threshold equivalent to defaults of XLALComputeAntennaPatternSqrtDeterminant() and estimateAntennaPatternConditionNumber().
    • Now falls back to F=2 (2F=4) if Ddinv=0, also equivalent to lalpulsar.
    • Added unit tests.
    • Improved CUDA device info logging.
  • For developers: updated coding style to black 23.1.0 rules (mostly newlines policy).

1.19.1 [19/12/2022]

  • Pinned to numpy<1.24.0 to avoid incompatibility with ptemcee.

1.19.0 [01/12/2022]

  • This is the first PyFstat release to officially support python 3.11.
  • LALSuite is introducing an SFT specification and filename update
    • see
    • This version of PyFstat is pinned to lalsuite<=7.11 (or lalpulsar<6.0) so that it is ensured to keep working with the old convention.
    • Next PyFstat release will adapt to the LALSuite changes.
    • Added get_official_sft_filename() utility function to ease migration.
  • Improvements to injection_parameters module with new priors logic (see documentation); old input style still supported for now but deprecated.
  • Writer: improved timestamps handling: support 1-column format (without nanoseconds), which has been the LALPulsar default for a while.
  • Changed ComputeFstat.write_atoms_to_file() method to use consistent %% comment markers.
  • Fixed segfault in get_semicoherent_single_IFO_twoFs() with recent LALSuite (need to properly copy FstatAtomVector struct).
  • Fixed TransientGridSearch when not setting any actual transient parameters.
  • Added (h0,cosi)<->(aplus,across) functions to utils.converting.
  • Added utils.atom submodule with tools related to F-stat atoms.
  • utils.get_sft_as_arrays() now user-accessible
  • Writer: warning about inferring parameters (in noiseSFTs is not None case) downgraded to info message
  • improvements to documentation and test suite

1.18.1 [03/10/2022]

  • fixed finalizer setup for calling ComputeFstat and its children in context-manager mode
  • reverted "walrus operators" (:=) and use of Literal typing checks to facilitate python 3.7 backwards compatibility (not officially supported from release, but can be easily restored on branches / local clones)
  • lalsuite-from-source install instructions no longer included in README, now live on wiki
  • fixed logging use in examples
  • improved testing of tutorial notebooks

1.18.0 [06/09/2022]

  • refurbished logging system:
    • on import.pyfstat, stdout logging at INFO level is activated unless there are already handlers attached to the root logger
    • recommended to further call pyfstat.set_up_logger and define an output log file, as demonstrated in our examples
    • see for details
    • removed the last global argparse options --quite and --verbose, along with the remainders of the helper_functions.set_up_command_line_arguments() function. Please use pyfstat.set_up_logger instead to determine verbosity level.
    • tests now by default print all >=WARNING messages even for passing cases and full >=INFO for failing cases
    • improved handling of LALSuite executables through run_commandline
      • better stderr/stdout capture
      • return is now either a subprocess.CompletedProcess object or None
      • default is now return_output=False
      • log_level argument removed (please use pyfstat.set_up_logger instead)
    • capture and handling of output from SWIG-wrapped LALSuite functions likely to be further improved in future versions
  • refactored helper_functions module into utils subpackage with multiple source files;
    • user can access all functions directly as utils.some_function without worrying about the level one further down
    • moved matplotlib setup into new utils.safe_X_less_plt()
    • removed deprecated/unused helper functions
      • get_peak_values
      • get_comb_values
      • get_sft_array
  • can install with NO_LALSUITE_FROM_PYPI environment variable, e.g. to avoid duplication of dependencies from conda and pip (now used this way in recommended pyfstat-dev.yml)
  • removed peakutils dependency
  • optional [dev] set of dependencies now also includes docs dependencies
  • added sphinx_autodoc_typehints to docs dependencies and updated pinned versions of other sphinx packages
  • DetectorStates: fixed passing plain lists as values of a timestamps dict

1.17.0 [26/08/2022]

  • dropped python 3.7 support
  • dropped dependency on lalapps and now requiring lalpulsar>=5.0.0 instead, where LALSuite executables now live (corresponding to lalsuite>=7.7)
    • there is a get_lal_exec() helper function to still allow running on old installations where the executables live in lalapps
  • removed most of the old package-level hardcoded argparse options, this should reduce conflicts when users import it in their own caller scripts:
    • --clean to be given as an argument to supporting classes
    • -N to be given as class argument num_threads to the one class FrequencyModulatedArtifactWriter that supported it
    • --setup-only and --no-template-counting to be given as class arguments to the (now deprecated) MCMCFollowUpSearch
    • --no-interactive was not supported anywhere
  • LaTeX no longer enabled for plotting by default
  • removed bashplotlib dependency and SFT timestamps ASCII art
  • removed fallbacks in case tqdm is not available, which is a dependency anyway
  • snr class: fixed behaviour when instantiating with a dictionary of timestamps
  • removed old backwards compatibility code from FrequencyModulatedArtifactWriter
  • developers: updated pre-commit hooks

1.16.0 [25/07/2022]

  • include local versions of autocorr functions from ptemcee to restore compatibility with numpy>=1.23.0
  • Writer: remove deprecated timestampsFiles option, please use the more general timestamps instead
  • added BtSG option to transient searches (transient Bayes factor from PGM2011)
  • pyTransientFstatMap is now available via import pyfstat
  • some refactoring of internal detection statistics functions
  • use of lalapps_tconvert replaced by new gps_to_datestr_utc() helper function (which uses XLALGPSToUTC and datetime)
  • fix CUDA context detaching at garbage collection time for ComputeFstat and TransientGridSearch classes
    • using weakref
    • should not require any caller code changes in standard use cases
    • but if user wants to initiate more than one such object from one session/script, these should be used in context manager style (with ComputeFstat as etc)
  • remove redundant complex entries from output of tcw_fstat_map_funcs.reshape_FstatAtomsVector()
  • streamline installation instructions for developers and remove single-use helper bash scripts

1.15.0 [27/06/2022]

  • pin numpy<1.23.0 to work around ptemcee incompatibility
  • pyfstat.__version__ now reported with the leading v stripped out (e.g. just 1.15.0)
  • added new method compute_h0_from_snr2() to SignalToNoiseRatio class
  • init_transient_fstat_map_features() now is stricter about feature name strings
  • added tutorial notebooks to binder
  • improved installation instructions

1.14.1 [12/05/2022]

  • fixed phi0 argument name to phi in SignalToNoiseRatio.compute_snr2() function to match conventions elsewhere
  • fixed syntax error in Writer when both timestamps and detector names are given
  • added new set of intro notebooks in examples/tutorials

1.14.0 [31/03/2022]

  • new dependencies: attr (core), flaky (for tests only)
  • removed deprecated option to use $LALPULSAR_DATADIR for ephemerides
  • added SignalToNoiseRatio class (equivalent to lalapps_PredictFstat) and DetectorStates helper class in new snr module
  • InjectionParametersGenerator and its children moved to separate module injection_parameters
  • Writer (and its children) now accepts timestamps as a list, dict over detectors, or comma-separated string of files per detector (timestampsFiles input is now deprecated)
  • some simplifications to Writer internal methods
  • for developers:
    • test suite now split up by module, full suite can now be run with pytest tests/
    • flaky MCMC tests will be rerun 3 times if needed
    • now enforcing isort import ordering style and some other simple pre-commit-hook rules

1.13.1 [15/02/2022]

  • add new helper function get_sft_as_arrays()
  • deprecate get_sft_array()
  • the new one supports multiple IFOs and returns full complex amplitude info
  • note that the order of returned values is different

1.13.0 [01/02/2022]

  • now tested for python 3.10
  • simpler handling of ephemerides files:
    • lalsuite >= 7.2.0 (lalpulsar >= 3.1.1) now includes a sufficient minimal set by default and has gotten much better at resolving default paths
    • no manual setup should be required any more for pip installs
    • remove download script
    • deprecate using $LALPULSAR_DATADIR
  • bump LALSuite version requirements correspondingly
  • Writer classes: fix bug with spurious expected filename mismatch if given noiseSFTs including multiple frequency-segmented SFTs
  • GridSearch now has generate_loudest() method like MCMC classes
  • fix some deprecation warnings

1.12.1 [04/12/2021]

  • add backwards compatibility workaround for lalapps 7.3.0 in FrequencyModulatedArtifactWriter to fix running with conda dependencies

1.12.0 [03/12/2021]

  • drop python 3.6 support
  • require LALSuite >= 7.1
  • no longer pinning numpy
  • resolved various deprecation warnings
  • follow updated "narrowband" SFT file name convention from lalapps_splitSFTs
  • new timestampsFiles option for Writer classes
  • new allowedMismatchFromSFTLength option for core and MCMC classes
  • new singleFstats option for ComputeFstat and derived classes
  • new randSeed option for ComputeFstat and derived classes for reproducible on-the-fly Gaussian noise generation
  • fix data-from-disk reuse in LineWriter and some internal cleanup to Writer and derived classes in general

1.11.6 [14/04/2021]

  • new reference paper for PyFstat:
  • all requirements are now handled through, e.g. instead of pip install -r requirements.txt and manually installing optional dependencies, just use pip install pyfstat[optionalpackage]
  • improved formatting of MCMC corner plots
  • extended cumulative 2F plots for the transient case
  • ComputeFstat.get_semicoherent_twoF() now returns its value
  • minor internal cleanups
  • test coverage improvements

1.11.5 [02/04/2021]

  • PyPI source tarball for v1.11.4 didn't include files needed to build conda package
  • improved codecov setup
  • no actual changes to package

1.11.4 [31/03/2021]

  • python 3.9 now supported
  • improvements to documentation and examples
  • for developers: flake8-docstrings and flake8-executable rules now enforced
  • added a codemeta.json file
  • started tracking test coverage with codecov

1.11.3 [16/02/2021]

  • added LineWriter class for simulating unmodulated noise artifacts

1.11.2 [12/02/2021]

  • pinned numpy dependency to <1.20 to fix incompatibility with lalsuite 6.81
  • updated ephemerides instructions and citation requests in README
  • fixed FrequencyModulatedArtifactWriter class

1.11.1 [26/01/2021]

  • matplotlib will no longer be automatically forced to agg, but only if env["DISPLAY"] is not set
  • improved default scaling of MCMC corner plots
  • fixed missing unit for tp binary parameter in MCMC default plot labels

1.11.0 [20/01/2021]

  • LALSuite >= 6.80 now required
  • simplified calls to F-stat prediction
  • Writer:
    • internal cleanup of sftfilenames vs sftfilepath
    • SFTs are validated at end of run_makefakedata()
  • core and search classes: improved and fixed non-standard detection statistics
    • fixed basic twoFX and BSGL computation logic for transient and semicoherent cases, generalized to Ndet>2
    • reorganised methods for these computations
    • additional results are stored as class attributes
    • for transients, the detection statistic is now called explicitly maxTwoF
  • grid classes now initiate their .search object at instantiation instead of at first run() call

1.10.1 [20/01/2021]

  • bugfix for MCMCSearch.plot_prior_posterior()

1.10.0 [08/01/2021]

  • documentation now available from
  • added gridcorner module for plotting GridSearch results
  • removed the specialist grid-based classes which were deprecated in 1.9.0
  • internal changes to search classes
    • should ideally not change anything for standard CW use cases
    • but fix some corner cases and make for more robustness
    • made tstart,tend optional in get_fullycoherent_twoF()
    • adapted most high-level search classes to this change
    • grid searches now internally use named-column ndarrays
    • some cleanup to keys storage in MCMC classes
    • changed helper_functions.get_doppler_params_output_format() to return dict
    • fixed sorting of output fmt specifiers for both MCMC and grid classes
    • changed GridSearch.inititate_search_object() to internal method _initiate_search_object()
  • line-robust statistics are now always stored and returned as log10BSGL (for consistency with LALSuite)
  • made various class methods private that had no obvious end-user use case
  • initiate search object before checking for old data
  • MCMCGlitchSearch.plot_cumulative_max(): add savefig option (defaults to false)
  • GridSearch.plot_2D(): renamend save option to savefig for consistency with other plotting functions
  • removed unused ComputeFstat.get_full_CFSv2_output()
  • removed unused helper functions:
    • compute_P_twoFstarcheck()
    • compute_pstar()
    • twoFDMoffThreshold()
  • new example other_examples/
  • some improvements to tests and examples
  • KNOWN ISSUES: implementation of line-robust statistic BSGL will need to be overhauled

1.9.0 [30/10/2020]

  • new class InjectionParametersGenerator
    • draws dicts of parameters from arbitrary priors
    • can then be directly passed e.g. to Writer as **params
    • and derived AllSkyInjectionParametersGenerator
  • deprecate various grid-based specialist classes:
    • these were all more or less unmaintained since a long time
      • SliceGridSearch
      • GridUniformPriorSearch
      • SlidingWindow
      • FrequencySlidingWindow
      • EarthTest
      • DMoff_NO_SPIN
    • will be removed in next version unless users speak up

1.8.0 [13/10/2020]

  • big overhaul of cumulative twoF calculations and plotting
  • Writer: fix expected sftfilepattern in multi-IFO and custom-TSFT cases
  • fixed internal consistency of parameter names:
    • Freq->F0 and phi0->phi for all PyFstat classes/functions
    • consistent conversion to lalappas arguments
  • fixed parsing of injectSqrtSX and assumeSqrtSX arguments
  • helper_functions.predict_fstat() no longer takes **kwargs
  • new instructions and helpful scripts for setting up developer environments (venv or conda)
  • various improvements to test suite

1.7.3 [21/09/2020]

  • GridSearch: will now always include the end point in each 1D parameter points array
  • restored MCMCSearch.plot_chainconsumer() to a workable state
    • optional dependency checked and documented more cleanly
    • the injections parameter option for this is actually called "truth" not "truths
  • fixed checks of injection parameter keys for other MCMC plotting functions

1.7.2 [18/09/2020]

  • improved GridSearch.check_old_data_is_okay_to_use()
  • minor logging improvements for Writer, GridSearch, TransientGridSearch
  • new binary_mcmc_vs_grid example
  • minor improvements to tests and other examples

1.7.1 [16/09/2020]

  • LALSuite 6.76 now required
  • predict_fstat() helper function made more flexible
  • Writer: fixed check_cached_data_okay_to_use() for multiple IFOs
  • MCMCSearch and derived classes now store sampler as an attribute
  • fixes to MCMC plotting
    • proper scaling of injection parameters in walker plots
    • proper display of prior (not logprior) in prior_posterior comparisons
  • consistently close figure objects after saving
  • all classes now announce their creation to the logger
  • flake8 compliance
  • code style now complying to stricter black 20.8b standards
  • improvements to examples

1.7.0 [31/08/2020]

  • Writer: fix binary tp handling and clean up injection parameter parsing
  • MCMCSearch plotting improvements:
    • add injection parameters through "truths" kwarg
    • F->2F fixes
    • fix failures for single-parameter posteriors
  • removed unused Bunch class
  • refactored some core functions into BaseSearchClass methods or moved to helper_functions
  • removed deprecated options/functions:
    • ComputeFstat option estimate_covering_band
    • Writer options minStartTime, maxStartTime
    • MCMCSearch.get_median_stds()
  • new internal class SearchForSignalWithJump which SemiCoherentGlitchSearch and GlitchWriter inherit from

1.6.0 [19/08/2020]

  • Writer classes, including several backwards-incompatbile changes:
    • removed lots of default values where there isn't really a logical "default"; e.g. detectors and signal parameters now always need to be explicitly set.
    • more flexible setup getting info from noiseSFTs (tstart, duration now optional and used as constraints)
    • can now auto-estimate SFT frequency band if not set by user (assuming a single-template search)
    • added manual ephemerides options
    • removed add_noise option, same behaviour can still be controlled through options sqrtSX or noiseSFTs
    • no .cff file generated any more if h0==0 (no signal)
    • verbose option for make_cff() and make_data() methods
    • clearer error messages in many cases
  • ComputeFstat, SemiCoherentSearch and derived classes:
    • fixed internal maxStartTime default if not set by user
    • by that, fixed the SemiCoherentSearch segments auto-setup
    • added Tsft as user option
    • clearer error and logging messages
  • improved helper_functions.get_sft_array()
  • extended, cleaned up and further modularised test suite
  • updated examples to changes in Writer and other classes

1.5.2 [06/08/2020]

  • fixed semi-coherent search bug introduced in 1.5.0:
    • last segment was always skipped due to off-by-one error in segment boundary calculation.
  • MCMC searches:
    • extended print_summary() with new get_summary_stats() helper and deprecated get_median_stds()
    • fixes to some of the more exotic prior types.
  • Extended MCMC test coverage.

1.5.1 [30/07/2020]

  • The only change in this release is an updated README to point to the new 1.5+ Zenodo record.

1.5.0 [30/07/2020]

  • new default coverage band behaviour for all search classes:
    • estimate from search ranges (GridSearch) or prior (MCMCSearch) unless minCoverFreq, maxCoverFreq set
    • negative values can be used to reproduce old default of setting from SFT width
    • explicit option estimate_covering_band deprecated
  • semicoherent searches:
    • sped up by only calling ComputeTransientFstatMap once per point
    • BSGL now computed from summed F-stats, not for each segment
    • per-segment results now stored in attribute twoF_per_segment instead of det_stat_per_segment
  • MCMC searches: save twoF for each sample to .dat file
  • Writer:
    • options minStartTime, maxStartTime deprecated
    • always use tstart, duration for actual data range
    • and use transientStartTime, transientTau for transients
  • transient-on-GPU output file writing fix
  • examples:
    • all output now goes to a directory "PyFstat_example_data"
    • added mcmc_vs_grid_simple_example

1.4.2 [14/07/2020]

  • small fixes to search classes:
    • get_max_twoF() fixed for TransientGridSearch
    • fix column header format for per-Doppler-point transient Fmn output files
    • fixed regexp deprecation warning
    • throw warning if using MCMCSearch.generate_loudest() called for transients

1.4.1 [13/07/2020]

  • Writer: fix SFT counting for non-contiguous or overlapping SFTs

1.4.0 [13/07/2020]

  • now fully python3.8 compatible
  • now using versioneer for versioning
  • require lalsuite>=6.72
  • added docker images, provided through github packages
  • Writer class:
    • new options randSeed, noiseSFTs and windowing
    • change default sqrtSX from 1 to 0
    • improved support for sources in binaries
  • search classes:
    • improved support for sources in binaries
    • additional file outputs for MCMC (including full posterior samples)
    • improved output file headers with version and options strings
    • improved MCMC walker plotting
    • implemented CFS feature injectSqrtSX
    • manual ephemerides option
    • new options estimate_covering_band and RngMedWindow
    • extended get_covering_band() to deal with fkdot bands
    • improved GridSearch logic to reuse (or not) old results
  • removed injection_helper_functions module
  • fixed placement of temporary output files
  • improved error handling for lal programs
  • added 1to1 test against CFSv2
  • reorganised and improved examples
  • various minor bug fixes and code cleanup

1.3 [21/01/2020]

  • python3 migration
  • enforce black style checker
  • smarter ephemerides finding
  • pycuda as optional dependency
  • improved test suite
  • improved logic in Writer class
  • fixes to ComputeFstat flags handling
  • various minor bug fixes

1.2 [08/05/2018]

  • reorganised examples
  • timing of transient F-stat map function

1.1.2 [23/04/2018] and before

  • see git commit history