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Text Commands


  • [p]playerset
    • Player configuration commands
  • [p]playerset version
    • Show the version of the Cog and its PyLav dependencies
  • [p]playerset down | 10 minute cooldown
    • Notifies PyLav that a Player is having issues.
    • If enough (50%+ of currently playing players) report issues, PyLav will automatically switch to a different node or restart the current node where possible.
  • [p]playerset up
    • Removes a vote for a Player being down.
    • This command is only useful if you previously voted for a node to be down and it is now back up.
  • [p]playerset global | Bot-Owner only commands
    • Global configuration options
  • [p]playerset global vol | [p]playerset global volume
    • Set the maximum volume a server can set for a Player.
  • [p]playerset global deafen | [p]playerset global deaf
    • Set whether the bot should deafen itself when connected to a voice channel.
    • If this is enabled, server owners will be able to change this behaviour within their own servers.
  • [p]playerset global autoshuffle
    • Set whether the a server is allowed to enabled auto shuffle.
  • [p]playerset global shuffle
    • Set whether the a server is allowed to shuffle the queue.
  • [p]playerset global auto
    • Set whether the a server is allowed to enable auto play.
  • [p]playerset global dc
    • Set whether the a server is allowed to enable auto disconnect.
  • [p]playerset global dc empty <toggle> [after]
    • Set whether the bot should disconnect from a voice channel when the queue is empty, if this is set to false server owners will be able to change this behaviour within their own servers.
    • Toggle should be one of 1/true or 0/false
    • after is the number of seconds to wait before disconnecting.
      • Defaults to 60 seconds.
  • [p]playerset global dc alone
    • Set whether the bot should disconnect from a voice channel when the last person leaves the voice channel, if this is set to false server owners will be able to change this behaviour within their own servers.
    • Toggle should be one of 1/true or 0/false
    • after is the number of seconds to wait before disconnecting.
      • Defaults to 60 seconds.
  • [p]playerset server | Server only commands | Manage Server permission required or Server Owner
    • Server configuration options
  • [p]playerset server dj
    • Add, remove or show the DJ roles and users for the server
  • [p]playerset server dj add <roles_or_users, ...>
    • Add DJ roles or users to this server
    • Multiple users or roles can be provided in a single command.
  • [p]playerset server dj remove <roles_or_users, ...>
    • Remove DJ roles or users from this server
    • Multiple users or roles can be provided in a single command.
  • [p]playerset server dj list
    • List the DJ roles and users for the server
  • [p]playerset server dj clear
    • Clear the DJ roles and users for the server
  • [p]playerset server vol | [p]playerset server volume
    • Set the maximum volume a user can set for a Player.
    • This cannot be higher than the global volume set by the bot owner.
    • If the bot owner sets a new global volume that is lower than the current server volume, the server volume will respect the new global volume.
  • [p]playerset server deafen | [p]playerset server deaf
    • Set whether the bot should deafen itself when playing
    • Servers can only configure this if has disabled deafening globally.
  • [p]playerset server autoshuffle
    • Set whether the server is allowed to enabled auto shuffle.
    • Servers can only configure this if has enabled auto shuffle globally.
  • [p]playerset server shuffle
    • Set whether the server is allowed to shuffle the queue.
    • Servers can only configure this if has enabled shuffle globally.
  • [p]playerset server auto
    • Set whether the server is allowed to enable auto play.
    • Servers can only configure this if has enabled auto play globally.
  • [p]playerset server dc
    • Set whether the server is allowed to enable auto disconnect.
  • [p]playerset server dc empty <toggle> [after]
    • Set whether the bot should disconnect from a voice channel when the queue is empty.
    • Servers can only configure this if has disabled auto disconnect globally.
    • Toggle should be one of 1/true or 0/false
    • after is the number of seconds to wait before disconnecting.
      • Defaults to 60 seconds.
  • [p]playerset server dc alone <toggle> [after]
    • Set whether the bot should disconnect from a voice channel when the last person leaves the voice channel.
    • Servers can only configure this if has disabled auto disconnect globally.
    • Toggle should be one of 1/true or 0/false
    • after is the number of seconds to wait before disconnecting.
      • Defaults to 60 seconds.
  • [p]playerset server playlist <playlist>
    • Set the auto play playlist for the server.
    • <playlist> can a partial or full playlist name or a playlist id.
  • [p]playerset server lock
    • Set the channel locks
  • [p]playerset server lock commands [channel]
    • Set the channel locks for PyLav commands
    • If no channel is provided, the lock will be removed.
  • [p]playerset server lock voice [channel] | [p]playerset server lock vc [channel]
    • Set the channel lock for voice channels
    • If no channel is provided, the lock will be removed.

Player commands

  • [p]bump <queue_number> [after_current]
    • Plays the specified track in the queue.
    • <queue_number> is the number of the track in the queue.
    • [after_current] must be one of 1/true or 0/false, defaults to false
    • If you specify the after_current argument, the track will be played after the current track, otherwise it will replace the current track
  • [p]playnext <query>
    • Plays the specified track next in the queue.
    • Equivalent to running [p]play <query> followed by [p]bump <query index>
    • <query> is the query to search for.
  • [p]remove <track_url_or_index> [remove_duplicates]
    • Plays the specified track in the queue.
    • <track_url_or_index> is the url or index of the track to remove.
    • [remove_duplicates] must be one of 1/true or 0/false, defaults to false

Hybrid commands (Text or Slash)

  • [p]play <query> or /play <query>
    • Attempt to play the queries which you provide.
    • <query> is the query to search for.
    • Separate multiple queries with a new line (shift + enter).
    • If you want to play a local track, you can do so by specifying the full path or path relatively to the local tracks' folder.
      • For example if my local tracks folder is: /home/draper/music
      • I can play a single track with track.mp3 or /home/draper/music/track.mp3
      • I can play everything inside a folder with sub-folder/folder
      • I can play everything inside a folder and its sub-folders with the all: prefix i.e. all:sub-folder/folder
    • You can search specify services by using the following prefixes (dependent on service availability):
      • dzsearch: - Deezer
      • spsearch: - Spotify
      • amsearch: - Apple Music
      • ytmsearch: - YouTube Music
      • ytsearch: - YouTube
      • scsearch: - SoundCloud
      • ymsearch: - Yandex Music
    • You can trigger text-to-speech by using the following prefixes (dependent on service availability):
      • speak: - The bot will speak the query (limited to 200 characters)
      • tts:// - The bot will speak the query-
  • [p]connect [channel] | /connect [channel]
    • Connect to a voice channel
    • [channel] is the voice channel to connect to.
    • If no channel is provided, the bot will connect to the channel you are in.
  • [p]np | /np
    • Shows the currently playing track.
  • [p]skip | /skip
    • Skip the current track.
  • [p]stop | /stop
    • Stop the player and clear the queue.
  • [p]dc [p]disconnect| /dc
    • Disconnect from the voice channel, saving the current player state
  • [p]queue | [p]q | `/queue``
    • Shows the current queue.
  • [p]shuffle | /shuffle
    • Shuffle the current queue.
  • [p]repeat | /repeat
    • Toggle repeat mode between off, repeat current, and repeat queue
  • [p]pause | /pause
    • Pause the current track.
  • [p]resume | /resume
    • Resume the current track.
  • [p]volume | /volume
    • Set the volume of the player.
    • <volume> is the volume to set the player to.
  • [p]seek | /seek
    • Seek to a position in the current track.
    • <position> can be a positive number of seconds to seek forward, or a negative number of seconds to seek backwards.
    • <position> can be a timestamp in the format mm:ss or hh:mm:ss to seek to a specific position.
  • [p]prev | /prev
    • Play the previous track.

Slash Commands

Player commands

  • /search <query> [source]
    • Search for a track and add it to the queue.
    • <query> is the query to search for.
    • [source] is the source to search from.
      • Defaults to Deezer
      • Can be one of Deezer, YouTube Music, Spotify, Apple Music, SoundCloud, YouTube, Yandex Music

Context Menu Commands (Right click on user or message)

Right click on user

  • Apps > Play from Spotify/Apple Music
    • Play a song from Spotify or Apple Music based on the user's activity.

Right click on message

  • Apps > Play from message
    • Parse a message and play all valid tracks from it.