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LightningCLI doesn't parse callback args correctly if more than one args for each callback #15007

junwang-wish opened this issue Oct 5, 2022 · 4 comments
3rd party Related to a 3rd-party bug Something isn't working lightningcli pl.cli.LightningCLI


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Bug description

I'm following Pytorch Lightning 1.7.7 Doc to specify LightningCLI args:

python predict \
        --model=LLM_Inference_Conditional_LM \
        --model.llm_type="conditional_lm" \
        --model.ckpt_path="models/model/version_1/epoch=0-step=29648.ckpt" \
        --model.config_path="models/model/version_1/config.yaml" \
        --model.allowed_gen_sequences="['a', 'b']" \
        --data=LLMData \
        --data.data_source_yaml_path="datasets/data/data.yaml" \
        --data.model_name="t5-base" \
        --trainer.callbacks+=PredictionWriter_Conditional_LM \
        --trainer.callbacks.write_interval="batch" \
        --trainer.callbacks.output_dir="models/model/version_1" \

Ideally, both trainer.callbacks.output_dir and trainer.callbacks.write_interval get passed in to instantiate PredictionWriter_Conditional_LM. However, I get

# pytorch_lightning==1.7.7
seed_everything: true
  logger: true
  enable_checkpointing: true
  - class_path: __main__.PredictionWriter_Conditional_LM
      output_dir: models/model/version_1
      write_interval: null
  default_root_dir: null
  gradient_clip_val: null
  gradient_clip_algorithm: null
  num_nodes: 1
  num_processes: null
  devices: null
  gpus: null
  auto_select_gpus: false
  tpu_cores: null
  ipus: null
  enable_progress_bar: true
  overfit_batches: 0.0
  track_grad_norm: -1
  check_val_every_n_epoch: 1
  fast_dev_run: false
  accumulate_grad_batches: null
  max_epochs: null
  min_epochs: null
  max_steps: -1
  min_steps: null
  max_time: null
  limit_train_batches: null
  limit_val_batches: null
  limit_test_batches: null
  limit_predict_batches: null
  val_check_interval: null
  log_every_n_steps: 50
  accelerator: null
  strategy: null
  sync_batchnorm: false
  precision: 32
  enable_model_summary: true
  weights_save_path: null
  num_sanity_val_steps: 2
  resume_from_checkpoint: null
  profiler: null
  benchmark: null
  deterministic: null
  reload_dataloaders_every_n_epochs: 0
  auto_lr_find: false
  replace_sampler_ddp: true
  detect_anomaly: false
  auto_scale_batch_size: false
  plugins: null
  amp_backend: native
  amp_level: null
  move_metrics_to_cpu: false
  multiple_trainloader_mode: max_size_cycle
return_predictions: null
ckpt_path: null
  class_path: __main__.LLM_Inference_Conditional_LM
    llm_type: conditional_lm
    ckpt_path: models/model/version_1/epoch=0-step=29648.ckpt
    config_path: models/model/version_1/config.yaml
    num_beams: 1
    num_return_sequences: 1
    do_sample: false
    length_penalty: 0.0
    max_new_tokens: 50
    - a
    - b
  class_path: main_utils.LLMData
    data_source_yaml_path: datasets/data/data.yaml
    model_name: t5-base
    raw_cache_dir: /data/junwang/.cache/general
    batch_size: 16
    overwrite_cache: false
    max_length: 250
    predict_on_test: true
    num_workers: 80
    max_length_out: 100
    cache_dir: null
    force_download: false
    resume_download: false
    proxies: null
    use_auth_token: null
    local_files_only: false
    revision: null
    trust_remote_code: null
    subfolder: ''

Note that only the last used --trainer.callbacks.output_dir="models/model/version_1" gets passed in, and not --trainer.callbacks.write_interval="batch".

How to reproduce the bug

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Error messages and logs

# Error messages and logs here please


	- GPU:
		- Tesla V100-SXM2-16GB
	- available:         True
	- version:           10.2
* Lightning:
	- pytorch-lightning: 1.7.7
	- torch:             1.12.1
	- torchmetrics:      0.9.3
	- torchtext:         0.13.1
* Packages:
	- absl-py:           1.2.0
	- aiobotocore:       2.4.0
	- aiohttp:           3.8.3
	- aiohttp-retry:     2.8.3
	- aioitertools:      0.11.0
	- aiosignal:         1.2.0
	- amqp:              5.1.1
	- antlr4-python3-runtime: 4.9.3
	- appdirs:           1.4.4
	- asttokens:         2.0.8
	- async-timeout:     4.0.2
	- asyncssh:          2.12.0
	- atpublic:          3.1.1
	- attrs:             22.1.0
	- backcall:          0.2.0
	- billiard:
	- boto3:             1.24.59
	- botocore:          1.27.59
	- cachetools:        5.2.0
	- celery:            5.2.7
	- certifi:           2022.9.14
	- cffi:              1.15.1
	- charset-normalizer: 2.1.1
	- click:             8.1.3
	- click-didyoumean:  0.3.0
	- click-plugins:     1.1.1
	- click-repl:        0.2.0
	- colorama:          0.4.5
	- commonmark:        0.9.1
	- configobj:         5.0.6
	- contourpy:         1.0.5
	- cryptography:      38.0.1
	- cycler:            0.11.0
	- datasets:          2.5.1
	- debugpy:           1.6.3
	- decorator:         5.1.1
	- deepspeed:         0.7.3
	- dictdiffer:        0.9.0
	- dill:    
	- diskcache:         5.4.0
	- distro:            1.7.0
	- docstring-parser:  0.15
	- dpath:             2.0.6
	- dulwich:           0.20.46
	- dvc:               2.25.0
	- dvc-data:          0.7.1
	- dvc-http:          2.19.1
	- dvc-objects:       0.2.2
	- dvc-render:        0.0.10
	- dvc-s3:            2.20.0
	- dvc-task:          0.1.2
	- dvclive:           0.11.0
	- entrypoints:       0.4
	- et-xmlfile:        1.1.0
	- executing:         1.1.0
	- filelock:          3.8.0
	- flatten-dict:      0.4.2
	- flufl.lock:        7.1.1
	- fonttools:         4.37.3
	- frozenlist:        1.3.1
	- fsspec:            2022.8.2
	- funcy:             1.17
	- future:            0.18.2
	- gcsfs:             2022.8.2
	- gitdb:             4.0.9
	- gitpython:         3.1.27
	- google-api-core:   2.8.2
	- google-auth:       2.11.1
	- google-auth-oauthlib: 0.4.6
	- google-cloud-core: 2.3.2
	- google-cloud-storage: 2.5.0
	- google-crc32c:     1.5.0
	- google-resumable-media: 2.3.3
	- googleapis-common-protos: 1.56.4
	- grandalf:          0.6
	- grpcio:            1.49.1
	- hjson:             3.1.0
	- huggingface-hub:   0.9.1
	- hydra-core:        1.2.0
	- idna:              3.4
	- importlib-metadata: 4.12.0
	- importlib-resources: 5.9.0
	- ipykernel:         6.16.0
	- ipython:           8.5.0
	- ipywidgets:        8.0.2
	- jedi:              0.18.1
	- jmespath:          1.0.1
	- jsonargparse:      4.14.1
	- jupyter-client:    7.3.5
	- jupyter-core:      4.11.1
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	- kiwisolver:        1.4.4
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	- nanotime:          0.5.2
	- nest-asyncio:      1.5.5
	- networkx:          2.8.6
	- ninja:   
	- numpy:             1.23.3
	- oauthlib:          3.2.1
	- omegaconf:         2.2.3
	- openpyxl:          3.0.10
	- packaging:         21.3
	- pandas:            1.5.0
	- parso:             0.8.3
	- pathspec:          0.9.0
	- pexpect:           4.8.0
	- pickleshare:       0.7.5
	- pillow:            9.2.0
	- pip:               22.1.2
	- prompt-toolkit:    3.0.31
	- protobuf:          3.19.5
	- psutil:            5.9.2
	- ptyprocess:        0.7.0
	- pure-eval:         0.2.2
	- py-cpuinfo:        8.0.0
	- pyarrow:           9.0.0
	- pyasn1:            0.4.8
	- pyasn1-modules:    0.2.8
	- pycparser:         2.21
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	- pydeprecate:       0.3.2
	- pydot:             1.4.2
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	- pygtrie:           2.5.0
	- pyparsing:         3.0.9
	- python-dateutil:   2.8.2
	- pytorch-lightning: 1.7.7
	- pytz:              2022.2.1
	- pyyaml:            6.0
	- pyzmq:             24.0.1
	- regex:             2022.9.13
	- requests:          2.28.1
	- requests-oauthlib: 1.3.1
	- responses:         0.18.0
	- rich:              12.5.1
	- rsa:               4.9
	- ruamel.yaml:       0.17.21
	- ruamel.yaml.clib:  0.2.6
	- s3fs:              2022.8.2
	- s3transfer:        0.6.0
	- scmrepo:           0.1.1
	- setuptools:        63.4.1
	- shortuuid:         1.0.9
	- shtab:             1.5.5
	- six:               1.16.0
	- smmap:             5.0.0
	- stack-data:        0.5.1
	- tabulate:          0.8.10
	- tensorboard:       2.10.1
	- tensorboard-data-server: 0.6.1
	- tensorboard-plugin-wit: 1.8.1
	- tokenizers:        0.12.1
	- tomlkit:           0.11.4
	- torch:             1.12.1
	- torchmetrics:      0.9.3
	- torchtext:         0.13.1
	- tornado:           6.2
	- tqdm:              4.64.1
	- traitlets:         5.4.0
	- transformers:      4.22.1
	- typing-extensions: 4.3.0
	- urllib3:           1.26.12
	- vine:              5.0.0
	- voluptuous:        0.13.1
	- wcwidth:           0.2.5
	- werkzeug:          2.2.2
	- wheel:             0.37.1
	- widgetsnbextension: 4.0.3
	- wrapt:             1.14.1
	- xxhash:            3.0.0
	- yarl:              1.8.1
	- zc.lockfile:       2.0
	- zipp:              3.8.1
* System:
	- OS:                Linux
	- architecture:
		- 64bit
		- ELF
	- processor:         x86_64
	- python:            3.8.13
	- version:           #168-Ubuntu SMP Wed Jan 16 21:00:45 UTC 2019

More info

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@junwang-wish junwang-wish added the needs triage Waiting to be triaged by maintainers label Oct 5, 2022
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mauvilsa commented Oct 6, 2022

@junwang-wish is it possible for you to post a minimal python script that reproduces this?

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junwang-wish commented Oct 6, 2022

@mauvilsa thx, here u go, say this is named

from main_utils import LLMData
import pytorch_lightning as pl 
from pytorch_lightning.cli import LightningCLI
from pytorch_lightning import trainer
from pytorch_lightning.callbacks import BasePredictionWriter

class PredictionWriter_Conditional_LM(BasePredictionWriter):
    def __init__(self, output_dir: str, write_interval: str):

class LLM_Inference_Base(pl.LightningModule):
    def __init__(self, llm_type: str, ckpt_path: str, config_path: str, output_dir: str,
            write_interval: str, **kwargs):

def cli_main():
    cli = LightningCLI()
if __name__ == "__main__":

If I run

python predict \
        --model=LLM_Inference_Base \
        --model.llm_type="conditional_lm" \
        --model.ckpt_path="models/model/version_1/epoch=0-step=100.ckpt" \
        --model.output_dir="models/model/version_1/config.yaml" \
        --model.write_interval="batch" \
        --data=LLMData \
        --data.data_source_yaml_path="datasets/data/data.yaml" \
        --data.model_name="t5-base" \
        --trainer.callbacks+=PredictionWriter_Conditional_LM \
        --trainer.callbacks.write_interval="batch" \
        --trainer.callbacks.output_dir="models/model/version_1" \

u would get

# pytorch_lightning==1.7.7
seed_everything: true
  logger: true
  enable_checkpointing: true
  - class_path: __main__.PredictionWriter_Conditional_LM
      output_dir: models/model/version_1
      write_interval: null
  default_root_dir: null
  gradient_clip_val: null
  gradient_clip_algorithm: null
  num_nodes: 1
  num_processes: null
  devices: null
  gpus: null
  auto_select_gpus: false
  tpu_cores: null
  ipus: null
  enable_progress_bar: true
  overfit_batches: 0.0
  track_grad_norm: -1
  check_val_every_n_epoch: 1
  fast_dev_run: false
  accumulate_grad_batches: null
  max_epochs: null
  min_epochs: null
  max_steps: -1
  min_steps: null
  max_time: null
  limit_train_batches: null
  limit_val_batches: null
  limit_test_batches: null
  limit_predict_batches: null
  val_check_interval: null
  log_every_n_steps: 50
  accelerator: null
  strategy: null
  sync_batchnorm: false
  precision: 32
  enable_model_summary: true
  weights_save_path: null
  num_sanity_val_steps: 2
  resume_from_checkpoint: null
  profiler: null
  benchmark: null
  deterministic: null
  reload_dataloaders_every_n_epochs: 0
  auto_lr_find: false
  replace_sampler_ddp: true
  detect_anomaly: false
  auto_scale_batch_size: false
  plugins: null
  amp_backend: native
  amp_level: null
  move_metrics_to_cpu: false
  multiple_trainloader_mode: max_size_cycle
return_predictions: null
ckpt_path: null
  class_path: __main__.LLM_Inference_Base
    llm_type: conditional_lm
    ckpt_path: models/model/version_1/epoch=0-step=100.ckpt
    config_path: null
    output_dir: models/model/version_1/config.yaml
    write_interval: batch
  class_path: main_utils.LLMData
    data_source_yaml_path: datasets/data/data.yaml
    model_name: t5-base
    raw_cache_dir: /data/junwang/.cache/general
    batch_size: 16
    overwrite_cache: false
    max_length: 250
    predict_on_test: true
    num_workers: 80
    max_length_out: 100
    cache_dir: null
    force_download: false
    resume_download: false
    proxies: null
    use_auth_token: null
    local_files_only: false
    revision: null
    trust_remote_code: null
    subfolder: ''

Notice that write_interval of __main__.PredictionWriter_Conditional_LM is no set, but it is passed in

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mauvilsa commented Oct 7, 2022

Great, thank you!

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mauvilsa commented Oct 7, 2022

@junwang-wish thank you very much for reporting. This was a bug in jsonargparse, fixed in commit 3337a0e and just released as version 4.15.1. Please update the package (e.g. pip3 install -U jsonargparse) and the problem should be fixed.

@carmocca carmocca closed this as completed Oct 8, 2022
@carmocca carmocca added bug Something isn't working 3rd party Related to a 3rd-party lightningcli pl.cli.LightningCLI and removed needs triage Waiting to be triaged by maintainers labels Oct 8, 2022
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3rd party Related to a 3rd-party bug Something isn't working lightningcli pl.cli.LightningCLI
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3 participants