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An introduction to OpenGL

The simplified story

OpenGL (Open Graphics Library) has a long history reaching all the way back to 1992 when it was created by Silicon Graphics. It was partly based in their proprietary IRIS GL (Integrated Raster Imaging System Graphics Library) library.

Today OpenGL is managed by the Khronos Group, an open industry consortium of over 150 leading hardware and software companies creating advanced, royalty-free, acceleration standards for 3D graphics, Augmented and Virtual Reality, vision and machine learning

The purpose of OpenGL is to provide a standard way to interact with the graphics processing unit to achieve hardware accelerated rendering across several platforms. How this is done under the hood is up to the vendors (AMD, Nvidia, Intel, ARM .. etc) as long as the the specifications are followed.

OpenGL has gone though many versions and it can be confusing when looking up resources. Today we separate "Old OpenGL" and "Modern OpenGL". From 2008 to 2010 version 3.x of OpenGL evolved until version 3.3 and 4.0 was released simultaneously.

In 2010 version 3.3, 4.0 and 4.1 was released to modernize the api (simplified explanation) creating something that would be able to utilize Direct3D 11-class hardware. OpenGL 3.3 is the first "Modern OpenGL" version (simplified explanation). Everything from this version is forward compatible all the way to the latest 4.x version. An optional deprecation mechanism was introduced to disable outdated features. Running OpenGL in core mode would remove all old features while running in compatibility mode would still allow mixing the old and new api.


OpenGL 2.x, 3.0, 3.1 and 3.2 can of course access some modern OpenGL features directly, but for simplicity we are are focused on version 3.3 as it created the final standard we are using today. Older OpenGL was also a pretty wild world with countless vendor specific extensions. Modern OpenGL cleaned this up quite a bit.

In OpenGL we often talk about the Fixed Pipeline and the Programmable Pipeline.

OpenGL code using the Fixed Pipeline (Old OpenGL) would use functions like glVertex, glColor, glMaterial glMatrixMode, glLoadIdentity, glBegin, glEnd, glVertexPointer, glColorPointer, glPushMatrix and glPopMatrix. The api had strong opinions and limitations on what you could do, hiding what really went on under the hood.

OpenGL code using the Programmable Pipeline (Modern OpenGL) would use functions like glCreateProgram, UseProgram. glCreateShader, VertexAttrib*, glBindBuffer*, and glUniform*. This API mainly works with buffers of data and smaller programs called "shaders" running on the GPU to process this data using the OpenGL Shading Language (GLSL). This gives enormous flexibility but requires that we understand the OpenGL pipeline (actually not that complicated).

Beyond OpenGL

OpenGL has a lot of "baggage" after 25 years and hardware has drastically changed since its inception. Plans for "OpenGL 5" was started as the Next Generation OpenGL Initiative (glNext). This Turned into the Vulkan API and was a grounds-up redesign to unify OpenGL and OpenGL ES into one common API that will not be backwards compatible with existing OpenGL versions.

This doesn't mean OpenGL is not worth learning today. In fact learning 3.3+ shaders and understanding the rendering pipeline will greatly help you understand Vulkan. In most cases you can pretty much copy paste the shaders over to Vulkan.

Where does ModernGL fit into all this?

The ModernGL library exposes the Programmable Pipeline using OpenGL 3.3 core or higher. However, we don't expose OpenGL functions directly. Instead we expose features though various objects like :pyBuffer and :pyProgram in a much more "pythonic" way. It's in other words a higher level wrapper making OpenGL much easier to reason with. We try to hide most of the complicated details to make the user more productive. There are a lot of pitfalls with OpenGL and we remove most of them.

Learning ModernGL is more about learning shaders and the OpenGL pipeline.