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File metadata and controls

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tool - vsCode

  1. Download Java Developer Kit from:
  2. Run the installation. On windows 10 java will unpack to: C:\Users\vkisf\AppData\Local\Programs\AdoptOpenJDK\jdk-\bin
  3. Pull up VSCode and download the Java Extension Pack
  4. Create a new project
4.1) Via Explorer, create a new folder and place a .java file in it for vsCode to regonize that this

project is a java project

4.2) Via Command Palette (ctrl + shift + p) and look for Java: Create Java Project

  1. To add external libraries, search for the .jar files from:
5.1) Add them to your project via: Explorer > Java Projects > FolderName > Referenced Libraries

that's located in the bottom left corner. Hit the + sign next to Referenced Libraries and select the .jar files