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Usage and API


Install SQLAHelper like any Python package, using either "pip install SQLAHelper" or "easy_install SQLAHelper". To check out the development repository: "hg clone SQLAHelper".

SQLAlchemy vocabulary

These are a few SQLAlchemy terms which are critical for understanding SQLAHelper.

An engine is a SQLAlchemy object that knows how to connect to a certain database. All SQLAlchemy applications have at least one engine.

A session is a SQLAlchemy object that does housekeeping for the object-relational mapper (ORM). These sessions have nothing to do with HTTP sessions despite the identical name. A session is required when using the ORM, but is not needed for lower-level SQL access.

A contextual session (often called a Session with a capital S, or a DBSession) is a threadlocal session proxy. It acts like a session and has the same API, but internally it maintains a separate session for each thread. This allows it to be a golabl variable in multithreaded web applications. (SQLAlchemy manual: contextual session.)

A declarative base (often called a Base) is a common superclass for all your ORM classes. An ORM class represents one database table, and is associated with a separate table object. An instance of the class represents one record in the table.

Most SQLAlchemy applications nowadays use all of these.


  1. When your application starts up, call add_engine once for each database engine you will use. You will first have to create the engine using sqlalchemy.create_engine() or sqlalchemy.engine_from_config(). See Engine Configuration in the SQLAlchemy manual.
  2. In models or views or wherever you need them, access the contextual session, engines, and declarative base this way:

    import sqlahelper
    Session = sqlahelper.get_session()
    engine = sqlahelper.get_dbengine()
    Base = sqlahelper.get_base()

It gets slightly more complex with multiple engines as you'll see below.











This application connects to one database. There's only one engine so we make it the default engine. :

import sqlalchemy as sa
import sqlahelper

engine = sa.create_engine("sqlite:///db.sqlite")

This second application is a typical Pyramid/Pylons/TurboGears application. Its engine args are embedded in a general settings dict, which was parsed from an application-wide INI file. All the values are strings because the INI parser is unaware of the appropriate type for each value. :

import sqlalchemy as sa
import sqlahelper

settings = {
    "debug_notfound": "false",
    "mako.directories": "myapp:templates",
    "sqlalchemy.url": "sqlite:////home/me/applications/myapp/db.sqlite",
    "sqlalchemy.logging_name": "main",
    "sqlalchemy.pool_size": "10",
engine = sa.engine_from_config(settings, prefix="sqlalchemy.")

The engine_from_config method finds the keys with the matching prefix, strips the prefix, converts the values to their proper type, and calls add_engine with the extracted arguments. It ignores keys that don't have the prefix. The only required key is the database URL ("sqlalchemy.url" in this case). (Note: type conversion covers only a few most common arguments.)

If engine_from_config raises "KeyError: 'pop(): dictionary is empty'", make sure the prefix is correct. In this case it includes a trailing dot.

Multiple databases are covered in the next section.

Multiple databases

A default engine plus other engines

In this scenario, the default engine is used for most operations, but two other engines are also used occasionally:

import sqlalchemy as sa
import sqlahelper

# Initialize the default engine.
default = sa.engine_from_config(settings, prefix="sqlalchemy.")

# Initialize the other engines.
engine1 = sa.engine_from_config(settings, prefix="engine1.")
engine2 = sa.engine_from_config(settings, prefix="engine2.")
sqlahelper.add_engine(engine1, "engine1")
sqlahelper.add_engine(engine2, "engine2")

Queries will use the default engine by default. To use a different engine you have to use the bind= argument on the method that executes the query; or execute low-level SQL directly on the engine (engine.execute(sql)).

Two engines, but no default engine

In this scenario, two engines are equally important, and neither is predominent enough to deserve being the default engine. This is useful in applications whose main job is to copy data from one database to another. :

sqlahelper.add_engine(settings, name="engine1", prefix="engine1.")
sqlahelper.add_engine(settings, name="engine2", prefix="engine2.")

Because there is no default engine, queries will fail unless you specify an engine every time using the bind= argument or engine.execute(sql).

Different tables bound to different engines

It's possible to bind different ORM classes to different engines in the same database session. Configure your application with no default engine, and then call the Session's .configure method with the binds= argument to specify which classes go to which engines. For instance:

import myapp.models as models

sqlahelper.add_engine(engine1, "engine1")
sqlahelper.add_engine(engine2, "engine2")
Session = sqlahelper.get_session()
binds = {models.Person: engine1, models.Score: engine2}

The keys in the binds dict can be SQLAlchemy ORM classes, table objects, or mapper objects.