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File metadata and controls

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Interrogating Pyomo Models

>>> import pyomo.environ as pyo >>> from pyomo.opt import SolverFactory >>> model = pyo.ConcreteModel() >>> model.n = pyo.Param(default=4) >>> model.x = pyo.Var(pyo.RangeSet(model.n), within=pyo.Binary) >>> def o_rule(model): ... return pyo.summation(model.x) >>> model.o = pyo.Objective(rule=o_rule) >>> model.c = pyo.Constraint(expr=model.x[2] + model.x[3] >= 1) >>> r = SolverFactory('glpk').solve(model)

Show solver output by adding the tee=True option when calling the solve function

>>> SolverFactory('glpk').solve(model, tee=True) # doctest: +SKIP

You can use the pprint function to display the model or individual model components

>>> model.pprint() # doctest: +SKIP >>> model.x.pprint() # doctest: +SKIP