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bmeleton edited this page Jul 11, 2024 · 13 revisions

Welcome to the Q_PIX_GEANT4 wiki!

An introduction

This is a Geant4 based code which has been tailored to simulate particle interaction in a Liquid Argon (LAr) box that resembles and DUNE APA. The current framework allows for simulating general particle interactions via Geant4's builtin ParticleGun. It also interfaces with Marley which simulates neutrino interactions on Argon. The code base also allow for various radiogenic backgrounds to be simulated from their appropriate geometry.

WIKI Guide

We will go through grabbing the project, building, and running the example. For details about the classes/CPP files, we refer you to the source code, the Geant4 guide, or talking to Austin or Johnny. Some miscellaneous items will be covered in the pages on the right.


Before building you will need Geant4, ROOT, and Marley installed and setup. See the dropdown on the right for the Marley installation/setup. The following need to run in order to setup the environment.

source ~/software/GEANT4/geant4.10.06/bin/
source ~/software/ROOT/build/bin/
source ~/software/MARLEY/marley/

Firstly we need to clone the directory. In your terminal, navigate to a directory you are comfortable having you project in. You can then clone from the github by running the following:

git clone

Once cloned, enter the directory (e.g. cd Q_PIX_GEANT4). We can then proceed to build the project by running the following:

cd Build
cmake ../

If all appropriate setups have been performed, this process should only take a few seconds.

Getting the SuperNova File

In order to run the Marley supernova time profile you will need an external file which is in the drive HERE. You can either download it directly and place it in the cfg folder or you can grab it with wget (brew install wget if you dont have it). From the Q_PIX_GEANT4 directory you can then run:

cd cfg/
wget --no-check-certificate '' -O nusperbin2d.root


This can be ran in a batch mode using macro file such as those in the macros folder. For details on the macros see the macros dropdown on the right.

The recommended way of running the code is to pass a macro file which can be done from the Q_PIX_GEANT4 directory as follows:

./Build/app/G4_QPIX macros/Template_Supernova_Neutrino.mac

Current version of qpixg4: v2.0.0


  • Geant4 10.7+ (Geant4.11 introduces many breaking changes)
  • ROOT 6.18/06+
  • marley v1.2.0+

Old version of qpixg4: v1.2.0


  • Geant4 10.6+
  • ROOT 6.18/06+
  • marley v1.2.0+