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Build instructions

This page documents how OpenQL and its documentation pages can be built and installed from scratch.


It is very difficult to maintain these instructions, due to there being so many supported environments, and due to externally-maintained dependencies. Therefore, please let the OpenQL maintainers know if you run into any difficulties with these instructions. If you're a new maintainer, update them accordingly via a PR, but be mindful that something that works on your machine might not work on everyone's machine!


The following packages are required to compile OpenQL from sources:

  • a C++ compiler with C++11 support (Linux: gcc, MacOS: LLVM/clang, Windows: MSVC 2015 with update 3 or above)
  • git
  • flex > 2.6
  • bison > 3.0
  • cmake >= 3.0
  • swig (Linux: >= 3.0.12, Windows: >= 4.0.0)
  • Python 3.x + pip, with the following packages:
    • plumbum
    • wheel
    • [Optional] pytest (for testing)
    • [Optional] numpy (for testing)
    • [Optional] libqasm (for testing)
    • [Optional] sphinx==3.5.4 (for documentation generation)
    • [Optional] sphinx-rtd-theme (for documentation generation)
    • [Optional] m2r2 (for documentation generation)
  • [Optional] Doxygen (for documentation generation)
  • [Optional] Graphviz Dot utility (to convert graphs from dot to pdf, png etc)
  • [Optional] XDot (to visualize generated graphs in dot format)
  • [Optional] GLPK (if you want initial placement support)
  • [Optional] make (required for documentation generation; other CMake backends can be used for everything else)
  • [Optional, MacOS only] XQuartz (only if you want to use the visualizer)


The connection between Sphinx' and SWIG's autodoc functionalities is very iffy, but aside from tracking everything manually or forking SWIG there is not much that can be done about it. Because of this, not all Sphinx versions will build correctly, hence why the Sphinx version is pinned. Sphinx 4.x for example crashes on getting the function signature of property getters/setters.

Windows-specific instructions


The current maintainers of OpenQL all use either Linux or MacOS. While we've checked that these instructions should work on a clean Windows install, things may go out of date. Please let us know if you encounter difficulties with these instructions.

Dependencies can be installed with:

Make sure the above mentioned binaries are added to the system path.

For initial placement support, you'll also need winglpk 4.6.5. But just adding this directory to the system path is not enough for CMake to find it. Instead, the toplevel CMake script listens to the WINGLPK_ROOT_DIR environment variable. Set that to the root directory of what's in that zip file instead.

Alternatively, you can use Chocolatey to install packages. This is how CI currently does it. They just chain to sourceforge downloads, though.

The actual build and install should be done with PowerShell, for which some modifications (may?) need to be made first.

  • Use Power Shell for installation
  • Set execution policy by:
Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
  • Install PowerShell Community Extensions:
Install-Module -AllowClobber -Name Pscx -RequiredVersion 3.2.2
  • MSVC 2015 should be added to the path by using the following command:
Invoke-BatchFile "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\vcvarsall.bat" amd64
  • but when you installed Microsoft Visual Studio Community Edition do:
Invoke-BatchFile "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvarsall.bat" amd64
  • To make your life easier, you can add this command to the profile you are using for power shell, avoiding the need to manually run this command every time you open a power shell. You can see the path of this profile by echo $PROFILE. Create/Edit this file to add the above command.
  • Python.exe, win_flex.exe, win_bison.exe and swig.exe should be in the path of power shell. To test if swig.exe is the path, run:
Get-Command swig
  • To show the currently defined environment variables do:
Gci env:
  • Make sure the following variables are defined:

    • PYTHON_INCLUDE (should point to the directory containing Python.h)
    • PYTHON_LIB (should point to the python library pythonXX.lib, where XX is for the python version number)
  • To set an environment variable in an expression use this syntax:
$env:EnvVariableName = "new-value"

MacOS-specific instructions


These instructions have not been carefully vetted. If you run into issues, please let the maintainers know.

All dependencies can be installed using Homebrew and pip:

brew update
brew install llvm flex bison cmake swig python3 doxygen graphviz glpk xquartz
pip3 install wheel plumbum pytest numpy sphinx==3.5.4 sphinx-rtd-theme m2r2

Make sure the above mentioned binaries are added to the system path in front of /usr/bin, otherwise CMake finds the default versions.

Linux-specific instructions

Honestly, if you're already used to developing on Linux, and you're using a self-respecting Linux distribution, you should have no problems installing these dependencies. None of them are particularly special, so they should all be available in your package manager.

If you're for some reason using CentOS, you'll need to use a devtoolset compiler, because the one shipped with it is too old. Likewise, CentOS ships with cmake 2.9 installed in /usr/bin and depends on this; while cmake3 is in the package manager, you actually need to call cmake3 instead of cmake, which is not smart enough for. On CentOS or other batteries-not-included systems you might also have to compile some dependencies manually (swig, flex, bison, and their dependencies m4 and possibly gettext), but they shouldn't give you too much drama. cmake has distro-agnostic binary distributions on github that are a only wget and tar xzv away. glpk might be a bigger issue; I haven't tried.

Obtaining OpenQL

OpenQL sources for each release can be downloaded from github releases as .zip or .tar.gz archive. OpenQL can also be cloned by:

git clone --recursive

Note the --recursive: the repository depends on various submodules. If you forgot the --recursive, you can get/synchronize them later with git submodule update --init --recursive.

Building the qutechopenql Python package

Running the following command in a terminal/Power Shell from the root of the OpenQL repository should install the qutechopenql package:

pip install -v .

Or in editable mode by the command:

pip install -v -e .

Editable mode has the advantage that you'll get incremental compilation if you ever change OpenQL's C++ files, but it's a bit more fragile in that things will break if you move the OpenQL repository around later. Specifically, editable mode just installs an absolute path link to your clone of the OpenQL repository, so if you move it, the link breaks. You'd have to remember to uninstall if you ever end up moving it.


Depending on your system configuration, you may need to use pip3, python -m pip or python3 -m pip instead of pip. You may also need to add --user to the flags or prefix sudo. An exhaustive list of which is needed when is out of scope here; instead, just look for pip usage instructions for your particular operating system online. This works the same for any other Python package.


NEVER install with python3 install (or similar) directly! This always leads to all kinds of confusion, because setuptools does not inform pip that the package is installed, allowing pip to go out of sync.


The script (as invoked by pip in the above commands, again, do not invoke it directly!) listens to a number of environment variables to configure the installation and the compilation process. The most important ones are:

  • OPENQL_ENABLE_INITIAL_PLACEMENT: if defined (value doesn't metter), initial placement support will be enabled.
  • OPENQL_DISABLE_UNITARY: if defined (value doesn't matter), unitary decomposition is disabled. This speeds up compile time if you don't need it.
  • NPROCS: sets the number of parallel processes to use when compiling (must be a number if defined). Without this, it won't multithread, so it'll be much slower.

In bash-like terminals, you can just put them in front of the pip command like so: NPROCS=10 pip .... In Powershell, you can use $env:NPROCS = '10' in a command preceding the pip command.


You may find that CMake notes that some packages it's looking for are missing. This is fine: some things are only needed for optional components (which will automatically disable themselves when dependencies are missing) and some things are only quality-of-life things, for example for generating backtraces for the exception messages. As long as the tests pass, the core OpenQL components should all work.

Once installed, and assuming you have the requisite optional dependencies installed, you can run the test suite (still from the root of the OpenQL repository) using


pytest -v


If pytest is unrecognized, you should be able to use python -m pytest or python3 -m pytest instead (making sure to use the same Python version that the pip you installed the package with corresponds to).

Conda vs pip

A conda recipe also exists in the repository. However, it is in a state of disuse, as conda's ridiculous NP-complete dependency solver implementation is too heavy for CI (it can take literal hours), and none of the maintainers use it. Your mileage may vary.

Building the C++ tests and programs

Existing tests and programs can be compiled by the following instructions. You can use any existing example as a starting point for your own programs, but refer to examples/cpp-standalone-example for the build system.

The tests are run with the tests directory as the working directory, so they can find their JSON files. The results end up in tests/test_output.


Existing tests and examples can be compiled and run using the following commands:

mkdir cbuild
cd cbuild
cmake .. -DOPENQL_BUILD_TESTS=ON    # configure the build
make                                # actually build OpenQL and the tests
make test                           # run the tests


Existing tests and examples can be compiled and run using the following commands:

mkdir cbuild
cd cbuild
cmake .. -DOPENQL_BUILD_TESTS=ON -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=OFF # configure the build
cmake --build .                     # actually build OpenQL and the tests
cmake --build . --target RUN_TESTS  # run the tests


-DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=OFF is needed on Windows only because the executables can't find the OpenQL DLL in the build tree that MSVC generates, and static linking works around that. It works just fine when you manually place the DLL in the same directory as the test executables though, so this is just a limitation of the current build system for the tests.

Other CMake flags

CMake accepts a number of flags in addition to the -DOPENQL_BUILD_TESTS=ON flag used above:

  • -DWITH_INITIAL_PLACEMENT=ON: enables initial placement.
  • -DWITH_UNITARY_DECOMPOSITION=OFF: disables unitary composition (vastly speeds up compile time if you don't need it).
  • -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug: builds in debug rather than release mode (less optimizations, more debug symbols).
  • -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=OFF: build static libraries rather than dynamic ones. Note that static libraries are not nearly as well tested, but they should work if you need them.

Building the documentation

If you want, you can build the ReadTheDocs and doxygen documentation locally for your particular version of OpenQL. Assuming you have installed the required dependencies to do so, the procedure is as follows.

# first build/install the qutechopenql Python package!
cd docs
rm -rf doxygen      # optional: ensures all doxygen pages are rebuilt
make clean          # optional: ensures all Sphinx pages are rebuilt
make html

The main page for the documentation will be generated at docs/_build/html/index.html.


The Doxygen pages are never automatically rebuilt, as there is no dependency analysis here. You will always need to remove the doxygen output directory manually before calling make html to trigger a rebuild.