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Releases: TranscryptOrg/Transcrypt

3.9.1 Berlin

23 Apr 05:34
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Updated README to reflect move of Transcrypt repo to TranscryptOrg
There are no new functional changes beyond 3.9.0 in this release.

3.9.0 Berlin

13 Nov 04:45
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Initial release for Python 3.9 compatibility.

3.7.11 London

04 Nov 19:05
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Many small and not so small fixes

  • Reporting of compilation errors fixed / improved

  • Dashes and underscores allowed in filenames by means of aliases
    (see manual_tests/import_export_aliases)

3.7.4 London

01 Sep 15:28
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Context managers added.
Builtin pow added.

3.7.3_rc2: Merge pull request #548 from eddieantonio/feature/gh-547-add-unicoded…

01 Sep 15:14
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3.7.3_rc1: Merge pull request #548 from eddieantonio/feature/gh-547-add-unicoded…

01 Sep 15:13
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3.7.3_rc3 London

01 Sep 15:21
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3.7.3_rc3 London Pre-release
Merge pull request #548 from eddieantonio/feature/gh-547-add-unicoded…


[WIP] Add unicodedata.normalize()

3.7.2 London (requires Python 3.7)

30 Aug 19:26
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JavaScript 6 modules
Python 3.7 dataclasses

(Requires Python 3.7)

ES6 modules and PY3.7 dataclasses incl. inheritance, REQUIRES PYTHON 3.7

26 Apr 17:39
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  • Dataclasses can now inherit from other dataclasses. Inheritance between dataclasses and ordinary classes is left out because it introduces overhead in all classes and in CPython lacks a proper method to call the parents __init__ before a generated __init__, which makes it hardly worthwhile.

  • The dataclasses testlet shows some of the possibilities:

      from dataclasses import dataclass
      from typing import ClassVar
      def getQ ():
          return 1002
      class A:
          m = 101010
          n: int = 202020
      class B (A):
          p: int = 1001
          q: int = 1002
      @dataclass (order = True)
      class C (B):
          class CC (B):
              k: int = 40
              l: float = 55.5
              j = 60
          x: ClassVar = 10
          y: int = 20
          yy: int = 22
          z: int = 30
          zz: int = 33
          t: ClassVar = 40
          g = 100000
          h = 100001
          i = 100002
          def getV (self):
              return 3
          def setV (self, value):
          v = property (getV, setV)
          def getW (self):
              return 4
          def setW (self, value):
          w: int = property (getW, setW)
          def f (self, p, autoTester):
              self.a = p
              self.b = 2000
              autoTester.check (self.x, self.y, self.a)
              return f'something(a: {self.a}, b: {self.b})'
      @dataclass (order = True)        
      class D:        
          _p: int = 3
          def setP (self, value):
              #self._p = value
          def getP (self):
              return 20
              #return self._p
          p: int = property (getP, setP)
      def run (autoTester):
          c = C (y = 200, zz = 330)
          cc = C (y = 10200)
          c.f (123, autoTester)
          c.t = 400
          cc.f (456, autoTester)
          cc.t = 4000
          for obj in c, cc:
              autoTester.check (obj.x, obj.y, obj.yy, obj.z, obj.zz, obj.t, obj.a, obj.b)
          autoTester.check (repr (c))
          autoTester.check (repr (cc)) 
          #__pragma__ ('opov')
          autoTester.check (c == cc)
          autoTester.check (c != cc)
          autoTester.check (c < cc)
          autoTester.check (c > cc)  #
          autoTester.check (c <= cc) #
          autoTester.check (c >= cc)
          autoTester.check (c == c)
          autoTester.check (c != c)
          autoTester.check (c < c)
          autoTester.check (c > c)
          autoTester.check (c <= c)
          autoTester.check (c >= c)
          d3 = D ()
          d1 = D ()
          d2 = D ()
          autoTester.check (repr (d1))
          autoTester.check (d3, d1, d3 > d1)
          autoTester.check (d2, d1, d2 > d1)
          autoTester.check (d3, d2, d3 > d2) 
          ccc = C.CC ()
          autoTester.check (ccc.n, ccc.p, ccc.q, ccc.k, ccc.l)

Output both in CPython and Transcrypt is:


  • Code for property decorators has been slightly refactored

ES6 modules and PY3.7 dataclasses, REQUIRES PYTHON 3.7

18 Apr 12:13
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Most functionality of the production release is present.
Some minor changes are to be expected to achieve better interop with webpack.
All local tests pass.
N.B. This release requires Python 3.7.0b3 or higher.
Following code now functions correctly:

from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import ClassVar

@dataclass (order = True)
class C:
    x: ClassVar = 10
    y: int = 20
    yy: int = 22
    z: int = 30
    zz: int = 33
    t: ClassVar = 40

    def f (self, p, autoTester):
        self.a = p
        self.b = 2000
        autoTester.check (self.x, self.y, self.a)
        return f'something(a: {self.a}, b: {self.b})'

def run (autoTester):
    c = C (y = 200, zz = 330)
    cc = C (y = 10200)
    c.f (123, autoTester)
    c.t = 400
    cc.f (456, autoTester)
    cc.t = 4000
    for obj in c, cc:
        autoTester.check (obj.x, obj.y, obj.yy, obj.z, obj.zz, obj.t, obj.a, obj.b)
    autoTester.check (c.__repr__ ())
    autoTester.check (cc.__repr__ ()) 
    #__pragma__ ('opov')
    autoTester.check (c == cc)
    autoTester.check (c != cc)
    autoTester.check (c < cc)
    autoTester.check (c > cc)
    autoTester.check (c <= cc) 
    autoTester.check (c >= cc)
    autoTester.check (c == c)
    autoTester.check (c != c)
    autoTester.check (c < c)
    autoTester.check (c > c)
    autoTester.check (c <= c)
    autoTester.check (c >= c)