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Script: Modder's corner

Victor Luchits edited this page Jun 11, 2019 · 12 revisions

Welcome to the modder's corner! Here you can learn about creating game-types and other modifications with fusion. This page is mostly based on the Warsow wiki and the Warsow modifications forum. A lot of details are still lacking though!

qfusion is modifiable using AngelScript. Angelscript is a scripting language with strong similarities to C++. A good code writing editor is Geany, but you can also setup CodeBlocks to write AngelScript.

The complete manual about the scripting language can be found here. More specific details are linked below:

For a full list of qfusion scriptable gametype features refer to the AngelScript C registration file in the source code. Note that this is only for advanced users though ;)

However here are some simple beginners tutorials:

Other more or less unsorted scripting details mirrored from the Warsow wiki can be found here.

Various details gathered from the coding forums:

  • Adding new weapons: the weapon damages, reloads, projectile speeds etc are set in gs_weapondefs. The behavior of the weapons (i.e., rl fires a linear projectile that explodes when it touches a surface) is set in g_weapons.
  • Some (partially outdated) details on adding new GLSL shaders