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11. Unit Tests

Chris Nurse edited this page Aug 2, 2022 · 3 revisions

Crudio Unit Tests

We call the definition of a data model a repsository. Sorry, that's not a smart name when you have to pull this project for a Github repo! We may change that in future once we think of a better name.

A repository describes the data model that you require. Refer below to find two example repositories:

Folder: repo

File Purpose
repo.json Defines the demonstration respository, as a JSON object. In here, you will find descriptions of the data objects (organisation, client, etc.)
iot.json Include this data model to populate your database with IoT devices and related data
base.json Includes all of the base repository components include the base entity, snippets and generators
base_entity.json Contains the base entity from which all other entities should be based (use - "inhert": "Entity" on your entity definitions)
base_generators.json Contains a basic set of generators for various data such as people's names, places, times and dates
base_snippets.json Contains pre-defined fields which can be used to rapidly build entities

Unit Test Folder

Under the ~/test/unit folder are a collection of Jest test specifications to test the command line interface, data creation, and the (coming soon...) script execution engine.

NPM scripts

  • Open the project with Visual Studio code.
  • Look at the NPM scripts in package.json
  • test : Run the unit tests
  • build : Compile the typescript
  • start_cli : Test the command line function
  • up : Use docker-compose to build the demo containers (you must run this before you can run the tests)
  • down : Stop the docker containers
  • remove : Stop and remove the docker containers and related images

Review the Unit Tests

It's really cool to be able to create complete test database systems from the command line. But the Crudio repository provides you with the full code.

Maybe you want to become a contributor? Jump right in and clone the repo and take a look at the unit tests.

You can see how simple Crudio is to use, by looking at the unit tests in test/unit/fakedb.spec.ts.

Here is what the key unit tests do:

  • Test flatted - This test proves that we can save JSON data which may contain circular references. JSON.stringify doesn't work for this purpose, but flatted is perfect!
  • Ensure that Crudio has the ability to create unique values for fields. This is important if you want everyone to have a unique email address that you might use to login later.
  • Load the repository - This loads the repo/repo.json file which describes a demo data model, and it uses it to create a large in-memory JSON object, and then it tests the object contains the right data.
  • Save and load - This ensures that we can save and load the JSON data. We might want to do this in order to work with a snapshot of data, whereby our data looks the same every time we load it. If we just run Crudio everytime we get new random data.
  • Populate database - This is the super power. Crudio creates a database schema in Postgres called crudio, creates all the tables, loads the test data in to the database, then adds all of the foreign keys that connect the data together.

When the tests have run, open the Hasura Console, go to the DATA tab, and track the tables and relationships, and you're ready to go with GraphQL.

NOTE: The unit tests create the crudio_test schema to keep the data model isolated from your own crudio schema, which is what the CLI will use by default.