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Plan to rename Qiskit/qiskit-terra repo to Qiskit/qiskit

Status Accepted
RFC # 0011
Authors Luciano Bello, Kevin Krsulich
Submitted 2023-03-31
Updated 2023-05-10


In 2021, Qiskit began an evolution from a large monolithic install, which included by default the Aer simulator, the IBM Quantum provider, and large characterization and application libraries, into a leaner and more modular structure. The results of that progression are a Qiskit based on core components of circuit construction, compilation, and device interfaces, and a new ecosystem of extensions which users can explore, install, and contribute to based on their interests.

As Qiskit moved towards this leaner definition, the functionality in the current qiskit-terra has come to make up an increasing share of Qiskit's core. However, having separate qiskit and qiskit-terra repositories results in additional indirection when, for example, trying to identify where users should submit an issue when encountering a problem in Qiskit, or where a particular piece of source code or infrastructure lives.

As a result, we are planning to rename the current Qiskit/qiskit-terra repository in GitHub as Qiskit/qiskit. This document traces a plan for that renaming, including migration paths for all of the content currently in Qiskit/qiskit, both to inform the community about the potential for upcoming breaking changes, and to ask help identifying and defining mitigations for usages that may be impacted by this change.


This RFC seeks for the best way to mitigate the impact of current and future users brought on by the Qiskit/qiskit-terra-to-Qiskit/qiskit rename. Having a open an early discussion will help users to plan accordingly and express possible concerns and limitations.

User Benefit

A more straightforward GitHub naming will help new users to navigate the complex Qiskit software ecosystem. However, it comes at the cost of disturbance to current users and developers. This RFC is a plan to reduce that disturbance as much as possible.

Design Proposal

Renaming qiskit/qiskit-terra repository as qiskit/qiskit is problematic because the reutilization of the qiskit/qiskit repository namespace, currently used by the so called metapackage. To clarify the current usage of the qiskit/qiskit repository, it is straightforward to rename it something like qiskit/qiskit-metapackage which explains more clearly its purpose.

When renaming qiskit/qiskit to qiskit/qiskit-metapackage, GitHub automatically will redirect users qiskit/qiskit -> qiskit/qiskit-metapackage seamlessly. That rename does not "free" the qiskit/qiskit repository namespace. User might continue using qiskit/qiskit without noticing any change until qiskit/qiskit-terra gets renames as qiskit/qiskit.

This proposal suggests to empty the current metapackage repository by distributing its content to other places. In this way, users and automation of the metapackage will slowly transition to other respective locations, minimizing the traffic to qiskit/qiskit that is expecting to find metapackage code. Once that is done, the metapackage can be archived and qiskit-terra can be renamed to qiskit/qiskit.

However, this solution is not perfect. There will be dangling instances that will continue pointing at qiskit/qiskit expecting to find qiskit/qiskit-metapackage.

Currently, the metapackage repository stores:

This is the code that needs to be moved and distributed while their users, issues, and PRs, get transitioned to their new places. This will be done in the main stage of the plan: empty-metapackage. This is the detailed timeline for each stage and task and their dependencies:

    dateFormat  YYYY-MM-DD
    tickInterval 1month
    todayMarker off
    axisFormat %b

    section planned releases
    %% From freeze to release
    0.24         : crit, release024, 2023-04-06, 28d   
    release 0.24 : milestone, 2023-05-04   
    %% From freeze to release
    0.25         : crit, release025, 2023-07-05, 22d
    release 0.25 : milestone, 2023-07-27    
    section preparation
    metapackage-repo :metapackage-repo, 2023-03-31, 1d
    rfc-discussion   :active, rfc-discussion, 2023-03-30, 10d
    rfc-merged   :milestone, rfc-merged, after rfc-discussion, 0d 
    section empty-metapackage
    %% These tasks are not interdepedendent and they need to be done before release025   
    ibmq-docs-out-of-metapackage    :ibmq-docs, after rfc-merged, 2w
    docs-out-of-metapackage         :docs, after ibmq-docs, 4w
    benchmarks-out-of-metapackage   :benchmarks, after docs, 4w
    tutorials-out-of-metapackage    :tutorials, after benchmarks, 4w
    section archive-metapackage
    ibmq-out-of-metapackage        :ibmq-archived, after release025, 1d
    move-setup-out-of-metapackage  :setup, after release025, 1d
    pre-archive-doc                :archive-doc, after release025, 2d
    archive-metapackage            :archive-meta, after archive-doc setup, 1d  
    section final
    final-rename    : finalrename, after archive-meta, 1d
    fix-time:       : fix-time, after finalrename, 2w
    final-announcement : milestone, finalannoun

preparation stage

This stage covers the pre-work with the following independent tasks:

  • metapackage-repo: Renaming qiskit/qiskit to qiskit/qiskit-metapackage is independently desired, as the new name describes more correctly its content.
  • rfc-discussion: During 10 days after the submission of this RFC, this document will collect comments and feedback on the best way to mitigate the effects of this renaming.

empty-metapackage stage

The main stage of the plan is to empty the metapackage to minimize the traffic to qiskit/qiskit (at this point, qiskit/qiskit-metapackage) before the renaming qiskit/qiskit-terra to qiskit-qiskit.

For each task in this stage, the code is moved with related issues and PRs. The tasks are independent and can start at any point, but they need to finish before the qiskit-terra release of July.

  • ibmq-docs-out-of-metapackage: Early in the stage, we can try to deploy qiskit-ibmq-provider documentation as stand-alone in This is optional, as the full documentation will be removed on July.
  • docs-out-of-metapackage: Move documents from qiskit/qiskit-metapackage to qiskit/qiskit-terra. All the "general documents" in needs to be moved to the qiskit/qiskit-terra to be part of a single sphinx build process. The qiskit-ibmq-provider documentation cannot be move to qiskit/qiskit-terra. Therefore, the options are:
    • Wait until the stage ibmq-out-of-metapackage when the documentation can be removed as the repo qiskit/qiskit-ibmq-provider gets archived.
    • Create a landing page in or like Aer did.
  • benchmarks-out-of-metapackage: The files in test/benchmarks construct On this, there are the following options: (1) Create qiskit/qiskit-benchmarks or (2) move benchmark code to Qiskit/qiskit-terra. It is also possible to continue deploying the results in, in a different github page, or in
  • tutorials-out-of-metapackage: The tutorials from qiskit/qiskit-tutorials are deployed to the website from the metapackage. They were designed to cover more than "just terra" when Qiskit was associated with multiple elements. The discussion on where those tutorials should go is independent of this task, which is about deploying them as stand-alone documentation.

If users continue submitting issues on the metapackage for the moved parts, disabling issues for non-mainatainers is a last resort option. Historically, the issue traffic is relatively low so probably no need for that.

ibmq-out-of-metapackage stage

The qiskit-ibmq-provider documentation cannot be move to qiskit/qiskit-terra. In the Qiskit release of July, the Qiskit metapackage only includes a single-dependency: qiskit-terra (without qiskit-ibmq-provider and qiskit-aer). The documentation The qiskit/qiskit-ibmq-provider repo is archived and the content associated with the qiskit-ibmq-provider package is removed from the metapackage (if it was not done before in empty-metapackage/ibmq-docs-out-of-metapackage)

archive-metapackage stage

At this point, the traffic to qiskit/qiskit-metapackage (and, as a consequence, to qiskit/qiskit) is the minimum that can be archived. The qiskit/qiskit-metapackage repository is getting ready to be can be archived.

  • move-setup-out-of-metapackage: Move metapackage to qiskit/qiskit-terra. The qiskit/qiskit-terra repo now build and publish the qiskit PyPI metapackage (with a single dependency) and the qiskit-terra PyPI package.
  • pre-archive: qiskit/qiskit-metapackage README file should link to the document in publish-plan stage, some instruction on how to navigate the history, and where the content is now.
  • archive-metapackage: Archive qiskit-metapackage repository.

final stage

  • final-rename: The qiskit/qiskit-terra repository is renamed to qiskit/qiskit. Github automatically retires repos with more than one 100 clones and the metapackage qiskit/qiskit is borderline popular. Luciano contacted GitHub Support and open an heads-up ticket (#2073453). If qiskit/qiskit repository namespace gets retired at metapackage-repo stage, at this point the GitHub ticket needs to be pinged and manually un-retired.

  • fix-time: There might be some broken scripts to update and some users that might require support

  • final-announcement: Blog post with announcement, covering the following items:

    • Explain to qiskit users that now they are qiskit devs now
    • "This clears up a lot of confusion"
    • Maybe a YouTube video, as it might be relevant to a more broader audience

Support channels

Besides the regular support channels, affected users can:


Why not manually moving qiskit/qiskit-terra code history, issues, and PRs to qiskit/qiskit?

There is no easy way to move PRs in GitHub. It is technically harder than renaming. Additionally, instead of mainly affecting metapackage users, the change would affect more qiskit/qiskit-terra developers. The current plan preserves the workflow of qiskit-terra developers which significantly outnumber metapackage developers.

Future Extensions

After archive-metapackage/move-setup-out-of-metapackage, the versions for packages qiskit and qiskit-terra are equalised and can be released at once and as one. This is planned for October release.