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Introduce how to quickly establish the Qitmeer Network

What is Qitmeer-docker?

Qitmeer-docker is a DAG network based on Qitmeer project. So it's very powerful, and you can even connect your own mining program to it for mining, or you can connect your wallet application to it for transfer transactions.



Here's how to install it quickly.

From docker:

1.Install docker:

  • First you have to make sure that you have docker installed on your machine.And make sure you are a member of the user group docker.If you're all right, you can ignore this and jump right into step 2.

  • Install docker on ubuntu:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install \
    apt-transport-https \
    ca-certificates \
    curl \
    software-properties-common -y
curl -fsSL | sudo apt-key add -
sudo add-apt-repository \
   "deb [arch=amd64] \
   $(lsb_release -cs) \
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install docker-ce -y
  • If you are already a root user, you can ignore next step
# Add docker user group and add the logged-in user to the docker user group.

sudo groupadd docker
sudo gpasswd -a $USER docker
newgrp docker
docker ps
  • You can use docker -v to test whether the installation is successful or not. Other systems platforms are similar.You can go docker

2.Deployment image:

  • First we need to initialize the image, Of course, when you want the latest image, you can also use the following command.
docker pull qitmeer/qitmeerd
  • Finally, we can run this every time we start it up.
docker run -it -p 18130:18130 -p 18131:18131 qitmeer/qitmeerd --miningaddr=[Your mining address] --addpeer=[peer1 IP:PORT] [--addpeer=[peer2 IP:PORT]] --modules=miner --modules=qitmeer


CLI is a toolset to interact with server by RPC.

  • make alias
$ alias cli="docker run --rm qitmeer/qitmeerd cli"
  • list all commands
$ cli
  • If you have some advanced requirements, or just want to test your full node, you can use the cli we carefully prepared for you.
$ cli [commands]
  • For example, if you want to get the current total number of blocks, you can use the following command:
$ cli block

  • If you want to send a signed transaction, you can do this:
docker run --rm qitmeer/qitmeerd cli sendRawTx [hex]


QX is a toolset to assistant client-side operations.

  • make alias
$ alias qx="docker run --rm qitmeer/qx"
  • list all commands
$ qx
  • If you want to do something, such as calculate hash, generate HD key and transaction signature etc. You can use qx command to do it.
$ qx [commands]


firstly, we need create an account to recieve mining rewards.

Create mining address

entropy->private key->public key->address

# STATEMENT 1: this command generates the private key which will be used to sign the transaction later
$ qx ec-new $(qx entropy) > miner_key.txt

$ qx ec-to-addr $(qx ec-to-public $(cat miner_key.txt)) > miner_address.txt

Run instance

We add peers manually by specifying addpeer, we recommend adding at least two peers.

docker run -it -p 18130:18130 -p 18131:18131 qitmeer/qitmeerd --miningaddr=$(cat miner_address.txt) --addpeer= --modules=miner --modules=qitmeer


before we send transactions, we need to get some rewards by mining.

Note: this command is executed by CPU, so it takes more patience to get the result. Because this command is private RPC interface, so you must enable modules=miner for qitmeer.

$ cli generate 1

get the latest block number

$ cli block
the lastet block is 300

Note: if there are more than one block created, then try reducing the block number to find the corresponding block

Then we inspect the block:

$ cli block 300
  "hash": "000000407b57d8f3d27c6da281ca82a42d68abb6be7ab32f8770f1940cb55936",
  "confirmations": 1,
  "version": 1,
  "height": 300,
  "txRoot": "7a5374dad32ebe125dc7dcdfe2f9510cb97c6b50c8a0f4435502906184810e9c",
  "transactions": [
  "stateRoot": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
  "bits": "1e0083d5",
  "difficulty": 503350229,
  "nonce": 12657176,
  "timestamp": "2019-05-12 13:30:43.0000",
  "parents": [
  "children": [

send transactions

from the block info, we could infer this only transaction cd1fb199ad3cc58d696cdd1499bc97c3fd9aac38a705db0d9bdd94d09ce1ad3e is the coinbase transaction with rewards

inspect the tx

$ echo cd1fb199ad3cc58d696cdd1499bc97c3fd9aac38a705db0d9bdd94d09ce1ad3e > tx_id.txt
$ cli tx $(cat tx_id.txt)
  "hex": "01000000010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000ffffffffffffffff0380b2e60e000000000000000000000000000e6a0c2c010000f646336d5a0c843f80461c86000000001976a914b65a5d4ce219772417459b40af009f0e39646a4b88ac00000000000000000100f902950000000000000000ffffffff0700002f6e6f782f",
  "hexnowit": "01000100010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000ffffffffffffffff0380b2e60e000000000000000000000000000e6a0c2c010000f646336d5a0c843f80461c86000000001976a914b65a5d4ce219772417459b40af009f0e39646a4b88ac0000000000000000",
  "hexwit": "010002000100f902950000000000000000ffffffff0700002f6e6f782f",
  "txid": "cd1fb199ad3cc58d696cdd1499bc97c3fd9aac38a705db0d9bdd94d09ce1ad3e",
  "txhash": "7a5374dad32ebe125dc7dcdfe2f9510cb97c6b50c8a0f4435502906184810e9c",
  "version": 1,
  "locktime": 0,
  "expire": 0,
  "vin": [
      "amountin": 2500000000,
      "blockheight": 0,
      "txindex": 4294967295,
      "coinbase": "00002f6e6f782f",
      "sequence": 4294967295
  "vout": [
      "amount": 250000000,
      "scriptPubKey": {
        "asm": "",
        "type": "nonstandard"
      "amount": 0,
      "scriptPubKey": {
        "asm": "OP_RETURN 2c010000f646336d5a0c843f",
        "hex": "6a0c2c010000f646336d5a0c843f",
        "type": "nulldata"
      "amount": 2250000000,
      "scriptPubKey": {
        "asm": "OP_DUP OP_HASH160 b65a5d4ce219772417459b40af009f0e39646a4b OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIG",
        "hex": "76a914b65a5d4ce219772417459b40af009f0e39646a4b88ac",
        "reqSigs": 1,
        "type": "pubkeyhash",
        "addresses": [
  "blockheight": 300,
  "confirmations": 1

generate recipient address

$ qx ec-new $(qx entropy) > recipient_key.txt
$ qx ec-to-addr $(qx ec-to-public $(cat recipient_key.txt)) > recipient_address.txt 
# 0.1 coin for the mining fee
$ qx tx-encode -i $(cat tx_id.txt):2 -o $(cat recipient_address.txt):2.4 -o $(cat miner_address.txt):20 > tx.txt
# the key is generated in STATEMENT 1
$ qx tx-sign -k $(cat miner_key.txt) $(cat tx.txt)> tx.txt
# mine enough blocks to make the the block mature
# this operation would be computational heavy and take long time,
# so it is strongly recommended that use GPU miner
$ cli generate 16
$  cli sendRawTx $(cat tx.txt)

About configuration


Field Explain
miningaddr Miner account address
debuglevel Logging level {trace, debug, info, warn, error, critical}
addpeer Add a peer to connect with at startup
connect Connect only to the specified peers at startup
modules It is a list of API modules to expose via the HTTP RPC interface. (Current valid values:qitmeer,miner)

Full nodes

Server Name IP Address Describe
CN1 Alibaba

If you haven't turned on DNS Seed service, you can use "addpeer" to add the above servers manually as your peers.

  • For example:
docker run -it -p 18130:18130 -p 18131:18131 qitmeer/qitmeerd --addpeer=
  • If you have multiple nodes to add, you can configure them repeatedly.
docker run -it -p 18130:18130 -p 18131:18131 qitmeer/qitmeerd --addpeer=x.x.x.x:x --addpeer=x.x.x.x:x

  • Some RPC method interfaces are private, if you want to open all RPC interface of the full node, you have to do this:
docker run -it -p 18130:18130 -p 18131:18131 qitmeer/qitmeerd --modules=qitmeer --modules=miner


NOTE: make sure the server has at least 2GB memory

Welcome to submit issues to me.