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File metadata and controls

151 lines (87 loc) · 3.89 KB

HDF5 interface

Basic interface

The basic interface consists of two functions:

  • xt::dump_hdf5(filename, path, data[, xt::file_mode, xt::dump_mode])

    Dump data (e.g. a matrix) to a DataSet in a HDF5 file. The data can be: scalar (incl. std::string), std::vector<scalar> (incl. std::string), xt::xarray<scalar>, and xt::xtensor<scalar,dim>.

  • data = xt::load_hdf5<...>(filename, path)

    Read data (e.g. a matrix) from a DataSet in a HDF5 file. The same overloads as for dump are available.

For example:

#include <xtensor/xio.hpp>
#include <xtensor-io/xhighfive.hpp>

int main()
    xt::xtensor<double,2> A = xt::ones<double>({10,5});

    xt::dump_hdf5("example.h5", "/path/to/data", A);

    A = xt::load_hdf5<xt::xtensor<double,2>>("example.h5", "/path/to/data");

    std::cout << A << std::endl;

    return 0;

Advanced interface

The advanced interface provides simple free-functions that write to or read from an open HighFive::File. It consists of the following functions:

  • xt::dump(file, path, data[, xt::dump_mode])

    Dump data (e.g. a matrix) to a DataSet in a HDF5 file. The data can be: scalar (incl. std::string), std::vector<scalar> (incl. std::string), xt::xarray<scalar>, and xt::xtensor<scalar,dim>.

  • xt::dump(file, path, data, {i,...})

    Dump scalar to the index {i,...} of a DataSet. If the DataSet does not yet exist, an extendible DataSet of the appropriate rank and shape is created. If it does exists, the DataSet is resized if necessary.

  • data = xt::load<...>(file, path)

    Read data (e.g. a matrix) from a DataSet in a HDF5 file. The same overloads as for dump are available.

  • data = xt::load<...>(file, path, {i,...})

    Read scalar as index {i,...} of a DataSet.

For example:

#include <xtensor/xio.hpp>
#include <xtensor-io/xhighfive.hpp>

int main()
    HighFive::File file("example.h5", HighFive::File::Overwrite);

    xt::xtensor<double,2> A = xt::ones<double>({10,5});

    xt::dump(file, "/path/to/data", A);

    xt::dump(file, "/path/to/data", A, xt::dump_mode::overwrite);

    A = xt::load<xt::xtensor<double,2>>(file, "/path/to/data");

    std::cout << A << std::endl;

    return 0;

Compiling & dependencies

This library uses header only HighFive library and the HDF5 library. Both should be available upon compiling and linking respectively.


Compiling can then proceed through

g++ -std=c++14 -lhdf5 main.cpp

# manually set paths
g++ -I... -L... -std=c++14 -lhdf5 main.cpp

Alternatively, HDF5 provides a wrapper command that sets the paths to the HDF5 library (not to HighFive):

h5c++ -std=c++14 main.cpp

Using CMake

The following basic structure of CMakeLists.txt can be used:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.12)

# define a project name

# define empty list of libraries to link

# enforce the C++ standard

# set optimization level

# ...

# find HighFive
find_package(HighFive REQUIRED)

# find HDF5
find_package(HDF5 REQUIRED)

# create executable
add_executable(${PROJECT_NAME} main.cpp)

# link libraries
target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} ${PROJECT_LIBS})