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Internal Affairs
Operations Manual
Queen's Computing Students' Association
April 2024


Meetings are critical to ensuring there is strong communication within COMPSA; making sure everyone is on the same page.

Internal Affairs is responsible for scheduling and managing all COMPSA-wide meetings.

There are three recurring compsa-wide meetings that happen throughout the year:

Meeting interval
General Assembly every 3 weeks
Council Meeting biweekly
All Hands Meeting biweekly

One of these meetings happens Each week. General Assemblies & All Hands Meetings happen every 4 weeks; Council Meetings happen every 2 weeks.


These meetings are scheduled on a four week interval, each happening consecutively and on the the same day of the week

Week Meeting
0 General Assembly
1 Council Meeting
2 All Hands Meeting
3 Council Meeting


Consider the sequence diagram (because compsci) illustrating the meeting schedule interval:

        actor GA as General Assembly
        actor CM as Council Meeting
        actor AH as All Hands Meeting
        GA ->> CM : 1st Monday after GA
        CM ->> AH : 2nd Monday after GA
        AH ->> CM : 3rd Monday after GA
        CM ->> GA : 4th Monday after GA

Note: In the past, Monday; 5-6, in Walter Light 210 and the COMPSA Office has worked well.

General Assemblies

General Assemblies are a time for all members of COMPSA (students in the school of Computing) can come and voice ther concerns about the current affairs of Computing Students.

General Assemblies (GAs) are held in a large classroom or auditorium, typically in Goodwin or Walter-Light Halls. During the GA, the speaker conducts the meeting following Burnoits Rules of order (however, strictly following them is not necessary)

Council Meetings

Council Meetings are a time for Ministers and the Executive to update eachother on what they have been working on, and to plan & collaborate on future tasks

These meetings are normally held in the COMPSA Office. The start of the meeting should consist of everyone giving updates on what they have done and what they plan to do for the upcoming weeks. After this is done, executives should go into groups with their portfolios to discuss things in a more dynamic way -- allowing ministers to collaborate with other directors.

All Hands Meetings

All Hands Meetings are a time for all members of COMPSA to mingle (attendance is mandatory) and for the Executive and Council to update working members of the goings-on at COMPSA.

The meeting should begin with brief updates from the Exec and Council, and should be followed by a small social for volunteer appreciation.

While Governance & Culture handles organizing the meeting, it is traditional for the Exec to manage the volunteer appreciation afterwards.


Newsletter are maintained by COMPSA in order to ensure that everyone inside and out of The Association can be informed about what work has been done.

IA is responsible for collecting information needed to then also create and distribute both an Internal & Student newsletter.


The newsletters are released on a schedule such that:

Type Frequency Day starts on
Print Biweekly Friday Friday before the first GA
Email Every 3 Weeks Monday Monday of the first GA


1. Internal Newsletter

  1. Collect info from Directors & Presidents about what is coming up / going on for each portfolio in the week before the newsletter is due
  2. Write it all down nicely in a markdown file in this repo
  3. Send it in a Discord server announcement, starting the firday before the first

2. Maintain Monthly Student Newsletter

  1. Summarize the last 2 Internal Newsletters to include only things important to students, making it quick and easy to read
  2. Also summarize the most recent GA's minutes to give updates and bring awareness to the GA
  3. Write the final draft up in $EMAIL_LIST_SENDING_SOFTWARE and send to $COMPUTING_STUDENT_EMAIL_LIST, starting on the day of the first GA (afterwards, in order to allow the minutes to be added)

Collecting Information

The Scribe & Policy Officer are responsible for collecting all of the information for the newsletter. Information must be collected from:

PRES - The President
VPOP - VP Operations
VPSA - VP Student Affairs

GOVC - Governance & Culture
FINC - Finance
TECH - Tech

MKTG - Marketing
EVTS - Events
SOCS - Socials

ACAD - Academics
EQTY - Equity
PDEV - Professional Development

Info Collection Template

This markdown should be used as a message template when contacting people about updates for the newsletter

### Newsletter Updates :)

Hi [$DIRECTOR | $EXEC] ! We (the scribes @ IA) were wondering if you had any
info to add to the upcoming internal newsletter. For some inspiration, it could

- Cool accomplishments
- Exciting plans
- Anything else you'd like tell people about!

If there's anything you'd like to add, just make sure u reply by this coming
friday :))


  • The internal newsletter is sent via. discord, normally in an announcement

  • The Student newsletter is distrubuted using:

    Not sure yet, but I think it might be possible to use GSuite

  • The mailing list for all the students in the School of Computing can be procured from the SoC administration (ie. Karen Knight)