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Lilt Tutorial

Let's look at how one would parse JSON using Lilt. Instead of creating a parser generator to begin, we'll start by creating a BNF-like Lilt specification for JSON, and then adding the actual "parser generator" bits in afterwards.

Let's start with something simple, a JSON string. For now, we'll skip implementing escapes; backslashes will be handled literally, and " will not be allowed in a string:

string: '"' *anyNonQuoteCharacter '"'

We'll leave the rule anyNonQuoteCharacter undefined for now.

So far, Lilt looks like any grammar specification, except using prefix notation rather than postfix. We define a rule called string (string:) which consists of a literal code ('"') followed by 0 or more (*) of any non-quote character (anyNonQuoteCharacter) and then a final, ending literal quote ('"').

OK, fancy! Now let's define a number:

number: ?"-" ["0" | +digit] ?["." *digit]

There are a few notable things about this snippet:

  • ": In this snippet, double quotes are used around literals rather than single quotes. It makes no difference.
  • ?: This notates that the following rule is optional.
  • []: Square prackets in Lilt are like parenthesis in other languages; they are used for precedence.
  • +: This matches the following rule 1 or more times.
  • |: Several rules separated by | will match code that matches any of the rules. So, 'a' | 'b' will match "a", "b", any nothing else.

Just for fun, let's also allow the exponent synax:

number: ?"-" ["0" | +digit] ?["." *digit] ?[["e" | "E"] ["+" | "-"] +digit]

["e" | "E"] is a little verbose; luckily, though, there's some syntactic sugar we can use! We can enclose many characters in angle brackets <like this>, which will match any of the contained characters. For instance, the digit builtin is equivalent to <1234567890>.

So, we may rewrite this slightly more tersely as:

number: ?"-" ["0" | +digit] ?["." *digit] ?[<eE> <+-> +digit]

Cool, now we've defined what :code:`string`s and :code:`number`s look like. Before we continue, though, there's one important conceptual detail that need to be ironed out.

It's very easy to look at these definitions as predicates; it's easy to think of number as a function that takes some code and returns whether or not it matches the specification (i.e. looks like a number). However, it's important to not do this in order to better grok how Lilt works. Instead, think of number (and all other rules) as a function that takes some code, tries to match it to the specification, and returns the concused code if it matches. If it doesn't match, it will fail, and signal to the caller that it has failed. So, number("123") = "123" and number("123 abc") = "123" and number("x") fails.

Now it's time to revisit anyNonQuoteCharacter, which we left undefined before but can now think about since we've got our conception all fixed up.

In order to define this, We introduce the ! operator, called the guard operator. The guard operator will fail if and only if the contained rule doesn't fail. So !"2" fails ONLY on "2", and !digit fails on any digit.

Why is this useful? It allows us to create set differences. Some set A - B would be expressed in Lilt as !B A. For instance, we can replace anyNonQuoteCharacter with !'"' any. any is a builtin that matches any character.

Now, we can complete our JSON specification (except for string escapes):

value: string | number | object | array | "true" | "false" | "null"

string: '"' *[!'"' any] '"'

number: ?"-" ["0" | +digit] ?["." *digit] ?[<eE> <+-> +digit]

object: "{" _ ?[pair *["," pair]] _ "}"
pair: string ":" value

array: "[" _ ?[value *["," value]] _ "]"

Fancy stuff. Look at that!

Now we can finally get to the "parser" part of "parser generator". Instead of just returning some code, we want our specification to return an abstract syntax tree. Before we start changing the JSON specifiction, let's learn how Lilt represents ASTs.

In Lilt, an AST node is one of 3 things:

  • Code (a string)
  • List (a list of Nodes)
  • Node (an object with properties that are other AST nodes)

Note that "node" and "Node" are subtly different here, since a "node" may be Code, a List, or a Node. All Nodes are nodes; some nodes are Nodes.

We represent Lilt nodes in a manner similar to JSON. To exemplify, let's create a node for the function call: printLn(x, y, z). We will want a Node for the whole call which will have a "target" attribute that represents the function reference as well as a "arguments" attribute which is a list of references. Each reference will also be a Node with a "to" attriubte which is just the literal name of the reference:

call {
  target: reference { to: "printLn" }
  arguments: [
    reference { to: "x" }
    reference { to: "y" }
    reference { to: "z" }

Since this is not formal code, and is just shorthand, commas aren't really needed.

Now let's design an AST for our spec. Take another look at the spec so far:

value: string | number | object | array | "true" | "false" | "null"

string: '"' *[!'"' any] '"'

number: ?"-" ["0" | +digit] ?["." *digit] ?[<eE> <+-> +digit]

object: "{" _ ?[pair *["," pair]] _ "}"
pair: string ":" value

array: "[" _ ?[value *["," value]] _ "]"

Let's consider how we want to generate the AST.

string should probably be a Node with a "value" attribute containing the code of the string.

number should probably be a Node with a "wholes" attribute containing the digits before the decimal point. It may also have a "digit" attribute containing the digits after the decimal point and an "exponent" attribute containing the digits after an "e" or "E".

object should be a Node with a "pairs" attribute, a List of pairs. Each pair should be a Node with a "key" attriubte and a "value" attribute.

Finally, array should be a node with an "items" attribute, a list of Nodes of the contained values.

Great! But, there's an issue. string, number, object, and array will all evaluate to Nodes, but "true", "false", and "null" will all evaluate to Code. This means that value cannot certainly evaluate to a Node nor certainly evaluate to some Code. Since Lilt rules must be homogenous (i.e. return one and only one type), this isn't allowed. To fix it, we need to somehow return a Node for the literals as well.

We'll create trueLiteral, falseLiteral, and nullLiteral rules which will do that. They will return a Node which has no attriubutes. Lilt Nodes are implicitely given an attribute that is the name of the rule that defined them, so these blank nodes will still be distinguishable.

Phew, close one. Now, how do we reify our plan?

Named attributes are notated like someAttribute=rule, which will set someAttribute to the value of rule on the returned Node. Let's start small and reimplement number:

number: ?negative="-" wholes=["0" | +digit] ?["." decimals=*digit] exponent=?[<eE> <+-> +digit]

Pretty simple! Let's see it in action:

number("-4.0") =
  number {
    negative: "-"
    wholes: "4"
    decimals: "0"

number("6.022e+23") =
  number {
    wholes: "6"
    decimals: "022"
    exponent: "e+23"

number("14") = number { wholes: "14" }

Hmmm, the "exponent" attribute is kind of ugly. It would be nice to actually parse the exponent as well, so let's do that:

number: ?negative="-" wholes=["0" | +digit] ?["." decimals=*digit] ?exponent=numberExp
numberExp: <eE> sign=<+-> digits=+digit

Now, this parses nicer:

number("6.022e+23") =
  number {
    wholes: "6"
    decimals: "022"
    exponent: numberExp {
      sign: "+"
      digits: "23"

So that's how we create nodes. We'll also need to be able to create Lists and Code as well.

So far, Code has just been created with literals like "0" and operations on literals like *digit. That will actually be enough for JSON, but there are other ways to create Code that will be reviewed at the end of the tutorial

Lists can be created by applying * or + to a Node-returning rule, so *number will be a List. However, it can also be created explicitly with &. & will append a node to the resultant list. To exemplify, let's implement array next:

array: "[" _ items=?items _ "]"
items: &value *["," &value]

Since, as we planned before, value will return a Node, then each call to & will append that node to the resultant list of items, which will be returned when finished. let's see an array example! Since we've only defined number as well as array, it will be an array of numbers:

array("[1, 2, 3.4, 5.6, 7]") =
  array {
    items: [
      number { wholes: "1" }
      number { wholes: "2" }
      number { wholes: "3", decimals: "4" }
      number { wholes: "5", decimals: "6" }
      number { wholes: "7" }

Knowing attr= and & actually gives us enough to finish making a real JSON parser:

value: string | number | object | array | trueLiteral | falseLiteral | nullLiteral

trueLiteral: _="" "true"
falseLiteral: _="" "false"
nullLiteral: _="" "null"

string: '"' value=*[!'"' any] '"'

number: ?negative="-" wholes=["0" | +digit] ?["." decimals=*digit] ?exponent=numberExp
numberExp: <eE> sign=<+-> digits=+digit

object: "{" _ pairs=?pairs _ "}"
pairs: &pair *["," &pair]
pair: key=string ":" value=value

array: "[" _ items=?items _ "]"
items: &value *["," &value]

Real quick: Remember when I said trueLiteral, falseLiteral, and nullLiteral would make an object with no attributes? I lied. That's not (yet) possible in Lilt, so instead we consume "", which will always succeed, and set it to the dummy attribute "_".

Great! We have a real, working JSON parser! And in only 12 lines of code! You'll notice that in the transition from grammar to parser, we had to add some auxiliary functions in order to work with the type system: trueLiteral, falseLiteral, nullLiteral numberExp, pairs, and items. But perhaps we don't want these auxiliary functions?

Let's say we hate that items has to be defined as its own rule and wish we could just inline it within array. What would happen if we did?:

array: "[" _ items=?[&value *["," &value]] _ "]"

Now, this would confuse the type system. Since [] doesn't introduce a new scope, items= says that array will return a Node, but then &value says that array will return a List!

This can be solved with {}, which is like [] but does introduce a new scope and are used to create anonymous, inline rules. So a working version would be:

array: "[" _ items=?{&value *["," &value]} _ "]"

Now &value affects the inner rule rather than array, and everything is hunky-dory.

Since anonymous classes are, well, anonymous, they generally shouldn't return a Node. As mentioned before, all nodes contain an attribute which refers to the rule that generated them. What should that be for a node created by an anonymous rule?

Anyway, now we can make the JSON definition more terse. If we inline all the (non-Node) auxiliary functions, it would look like::

value: string | number | object | array | trueLiteral | falseLiteral | nullLiteral

trueLiteral: _="" "true"
falseLiteral: _="" "false"
nullLiteral: _="" "null"

string: '"' value=*[!'"' any] '"'

number: ?negative="-" wholes=["0" | +digit] ?["." decimals=*digit] ?exponent=numberExp
numberExp: <eE> sign=<+-> digits=+digit

object: "{" _ pairs=?{&pair *["," &pair]} _ "}"
pair: key=string ":" value=value

array: "[" _ items=?{&value *["," &value]} _ "]"

We didn't inline numberExp since it returns a Node.

We're almost done! We just have to make it handle escapes in strings, and whitespace. Let's do strings first.

First, let's replace the string definition with:

string: '"' value=*stringChar '"'

Now we just have to define stringChar. Well, it's any character besides " or baclslash, or a blackslash followed by any of: "\/bfnrt, or a u and 4 hexadecimal digits. Let's do it:

stringChar: [!<"\\> any] | "\\" [</\\bfnrt> | "u" hexDig hexDig hexDig hexDig]
hexDig: <1234567890ABCDEFabcdef>

Now, string will correctly consume "string \"". It will NOT interpret the backslash and map it to a double quote; the returned text will be string \". Let's include it in the parser:

value: string | number | object | array | trueLiteral | falseLiteral | nullLiteral

trueLiteral: _="" "true"
falseLiteral: _="" "false"
nullLiteral: _="" "null"

string: '"' value=*stringChar '"'
stringChar: [!<"\\> any] | "\\" [</\\bfnrt> | "u" hexDig hexDig hexDig hexDig]
hexDig: <1234567890ABCDEFabcdef>

number: ?negative="-" wholes=["0" | +digit] ?["." decimals=*digit] ?exponent=numberExp
numberExp: <eE> sign=<+-> digits=+digit

object: "{" _ pairs=?{&pair *["," &pair]} _ "}"
pair: key=string ":" value=value

array: "[" _ items=?{&value *["," &value]} _ "]"

One final job: Whitespace. Lilt includes a builtin function _ which consumes 0 or more whitespace characters and returns them. It may be tempting to implement whitespace for value like this:

value: _ [string | number | object | array | trueLiteral | falseLiteral | nullLiteral] _

but that won't work. Why not? The type system will see that _ returns Code and will make value return Code as well, returning what it's consumed. Instead, we want it to return a Node. We can do this with the # operator, which is kind of like return; it will return the notated value. It doesn't return it until the end of the call, though, so the second call to _ will still work, consuming trailing whitespace. The correct code looks like:

value: _ #[string | number | object | array | trueLiteral | falseLiteral | nullLiteral] _

(Excuse the misplaced italics)

Note that since # doesn't stop execution, it's not quite like return. Since it doesn't stop execution, multiple calls to # will overwrite each other, the last value is the one that will be returned. So for ex: #"a" #"b", ex("ab") = "b".

OK, let's fill in whitespace:

value: _ #[string | number | object | array | trueLiteral | falseLiteral | nullLiteral] _

trueLiteral: _="" "true"
falseLiteral: _="" "false"
nullLiteral: _="" "null"

string: '"' value=*stringChar '"'
stringChar: [!<"\\> any] | "\\" [</\\bfnrt> | "u" hexDig hexDig hexDig hexDig]
hexDig: <1234567890ABCDEFabcdef>

number: ?negative="-" wholes=["0" | +digit] ?["." decimals=*digit] ?exponent=numberExp
numberExp: <eE> sign=<+-> digits=+digit

object: "{" _ pairs=?{&pair *["," &pair]} _ "}"
pair: _ key=string _ ":" _ value=value _

array: "[" _ items=?{&value *["," &value]} _ "]"

Aaand we're done! A working JSON parser in just 9 lines of code.

Unfortunately, the tutorial is not quite done. One operator has escaped its scope, and that is adjoinment, notated by $. Rules containing $ will consume, but not return, most consumed code. Only code passed to $ will be adjoined and returned. So, for:

ex: "prefix " $"value" " postfix"

ex("prefix value postfix") = "value".

The final bit to learn is the comment. Line comments start with / and continue to the end of the line, and block and inline comments look ((like this)).

Actually using this in Nim is not too difficult and is covered in usage <usage.html>.