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190 lines (142 loc) · 4.64 KB


Step 1: Download the Bundle

Open a command console, enter your project directory and execute the following command to download the latest stable version of this bundle:

$ composer require querdos/qpass-db-bundle "^1.0"

This command requires you to have Composer installed globally, as explained in the installation chapter of the Composer documentation.

Step 2: Enable the Bundle

Then, enable the bundle by adding it to the list of registered bundles in the app/AppKernel.php file of your project:

// app/AppKernel.php

// ...
class AppKernel extends Kernel
    public function registerBundles()
        $bundles = array(
            // ...

            new \Querdos\QPassDbBundle\QPassDbBundle(),

        // ...

    // ...

Initial configuration

For now, only one engine is supported:

More support will come as soon as possible.

First of all, update your database schema:

$ bin/console doctrine:schema:update --force

Or if you use the DoctrineMigrationBundle, run the following commands:

$ bin/console doctrine:migration:diff && bin/console doctrine:migration:migrate

You can now setup your configuration file and specify these following options:

# app/config/config.yml

# QPassDbBundle configuration
    # Directory where databases will be stored
    db_dir: web/database_storage


Database creation

You can use the main service qpdb.util.pass_db to create a database:

// your logic

// retrieve the container
$container = ...;

// create and retrieve the database informations
$qdatabase = $container->get('qpdb.util.pass_db')->create_database($db_name, $password);

Retrieve an existing database by its name

You can use the QDatabaseManager service (qpdb.manager.qdatabase) to search an existing database:

// your logic

// retrieve the container
$container  = ...;
$db_name    = 'db_name_test';

// retrieve a database
$qdatabase  = $container->get('qpdb.manager.qdatabase')->readByDatabaseName($db_name);

The manager will return a null value if no database is found.

Add a password to the existing database

To do so, you can call the add_password method from the main service by specifying a QDatabase, its associated password, the password to add and finally a label:

// your logic

// retrieve the container
$container = ...;

// retrieve a database
$qdatabase = $container->get('qpdb.manager.qdatabase')->readByDatabaseName($db_name);

// add a new password
$qpassword = $container->get('qpdb.util.pass_db')->add_password($qdatabase, $password, $pass_to_add, $label);

Retrieve a password from the database

You will need a pass_id in order to retrieve a password. To do so:

// your logic

// retrieve the container
$container = ...;

// retrieve a database
$qdatabase = $container->get('qpdb.manager.qdatabase')->readByDatabaseName($db_name);

// If no QPassword match, the manager will return a null value
$qpassword = $container->get('qpdb.manager.qpassword')->readByPassId($pass_id);

// If you want to access the password:
$password_value = $container->get('qpdb.util.pass_db')->get_password($qdatabase, $password, $qpassword);

Retrieve all passwords from the database

You can use the main service in order to perform this operation:

// your logic

// retrieve the container
$container = ...;

// retrieve a database
$qdatabase = $container->get('qpdb.manager.qdatabase')->readByDatabaseName($db_name);

// retrieve all passwords
$passwords = $container->get('qpdb.util.pass_db')->get_all_password($qdatabase, $password);

 * The result will be an array with the list of passwords with their associated pass_id
 * array => [
 *      'pass_id_1' => 'password_1',
 *      'pass_id_2' => 'password_2'
 * ]

Remove a password from a given database

// your logic

// retrieve the container
$container = ...;

// retrieve a database
$qdatabase = $container->get('qpdb.manager.qdatabase')->readByDatabaseName($db_name);

// retrieve a password
$qpassword = $container->get('qpdb.manager.qpassword')->readByPassId($pass_id);

// finally remove it
$container->get('qpdb.util.pass_db')->remove_password($qdatabase, $password, $qpassword);

Remove a database

// your logic

// retrieve the container
$container = ...;

// retrieve a database
$qdatabase = $container->get('qpdb.manager.qdatabase')->readByDatabaseName($db_name);

// finally remove it
$container->get('qpdb.util.pass_db')->remove_database($qdatabase, $password);