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Releases: Questie/Questie


25 May 23:35
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General Fixes

  • Potentially fix rare error of WatchFrame:Hide()

Quest Fixes

  • Added objective location for "Breaking Through"
  • Added objective location for "Visions of the Past: The Invasion of Vashj'ir" (Alliance)
  • Added objective locations for "Big Game, Big Bait"
  • Added objective locations for "Fallen But Not Forgotten" (Alliance)
  • Added objective locations for "Gauging Success" (Alliance)
  • Added objective locations for "Gunship Down"
  • Added objective locations for "Sealing the Way"
  • Fixed "Conscript of the Horde" and direct follow-up quests (Thanks @SacredBagel)
  • Fixed pre quest for "BEWARE OF CRAGJAW!"
  • Fixed pre quest for "Battlefront Triage"
  • Fixed pre quest for "Fungal Monstrosities"
  • Fixed pre quest for "Head of the Class"
  • Fixed pre quest for "On Second Thought, Take One Prisoner"
  • Fixed pre quest for "Sprout No More"
  • Fixed pre quest for "The Very Earth Beneath Our Feet"
  • Fixed pre quest for "Upon the Scene of Battle"
  • Fixed pre quests for "Speech Writing for Dummies"
  • Fixed/adjusted "The Return of Baron Geddon", "Flames from Above", "The Wormwing Problem", "Scrambling for Eggs", "An Offering for Aviana"
  • Hide "Blessing of the Family"
  • Hide "Heeding the Call" in Cataclysm (Thanks @SacredBagel)
  • Hide "WANTED: Andre Firebeard" in Cataclysm
  • Hide "WANTED: Caliph Scorpidsting" in Cataclysm
  • Hide a few quests from Matoclaw for P3
  • Hide duplicate version of "Battle of Life and Death"
  • Hide duplicate version of "The Lost Brother"
  • Hide duplicate version of "Upon the Scene of Battle"
  • Improved objective locations for "Lost In The Deeps"
  • Improved objective locations for "The Perfect Fuel"
  • Labeled "The Call of the Blade" as breadcrumb
  • Marked "Back to the Elementium Depths" as breadcrumb quest
  • Marked "Discretion is Key" as breadcrumb quest
  • Marked "Grezz Ragefist" as breadcrumb quest
  • Marked "Meet with Grezz Ragefist" as breadcrumb quest
  • Marked "Need More Science" as breadcrumb quest
  • Marked "The Twilight Overlook" as breadcrumb quest
  • Marked "The Vortex Pinnacle" as breadcrumb quest
  • Marked "This Can Only Mean One Thing..." as breadcrumb quest
  • Removed NPC starter for "A Smoke-Stained Locket"

Database Fixes

  • Removed invalid quests from "Therazane"


24 May 22:10
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Quest Fixes

  • Added objective location for "Siren's Song"
  • Added objective location for "Victory in Tol Barad"
  • Added objective locations for "Fungal Fury"
  • Fixed exclusiveness of Tol Barad Daily quests
  • Fixed objective location for "Take it to 'Em!"
  • Fixed objective locations for "Underground Economy"
  • Fixed pre quest for "A Coward's Due"
  • Fixed pre quest for "Anything We Can Get"
  • Fixed pre quest for "Clan Mullan"
  • Fixed pre quest for "Dunwalds Don't Die"
  • Fixed pre quest for "Entrenched"
  • Fixed pre quest for "Firebeard Bellows"
  • Fixed pre quest for "Landgrab"
  • Fixed pre quest for "Scouting the Shore"
  • Fixed pre quest for "Shredderectomy"
  • Fixed pre quest for "Siren's Song"
  • Fixed pre quest for "Small Comforts"
  • Fixed pre quest for "Stubborn as a Doyle"
  • Fixed pre quest for "The Fate of the Doyles"
  • Fixed pre quest for "The Lost Brother"
  • Fixed pre quest for "The Only Homes We Have"
  • Fixed pre quest for "The Scent of Battle"
  • Fixed pre quest for "The Way is Open"
  • Fixed pre quest for "Welcome Relief"
  • Hide "Regthar Deathgate" in Cataclysm
  • Hide "The Glowing Shard" in Cataclysm
  • Improved objective location for "The Defilers' Ritual"
  • Improved objective locations for "Beneath the Surface"
  • Improved objective locations for "The Restless Brood"
  • Marked "Beneath the Surface", "Underground Economy" and "Lost In The Deeps" as exclusive to each other
  • Marked "Glop, Son of Glop" and "The Restless Brood" as exclusive to each other
  • Marked "The Explorers" as breadcrumb quest
  • Marked "The Reliquary" as breadcrumb quest
  • Marked Horde Tol Barad Daily quests as such

Database Fixes

  • Fixed location of "Lar'korwi"
  • Improved spawn of "Ricket"


23 May 15:28
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General Fixes

  • Added Deepholm, Kezan and the Lost Isles as "The Mealstrom" to Quests by Zone

Quest Fixes

  • Added quest hint for "The Latest Fashion!"
  • Blacklisted a few quests, which are not available in SoD
  • Fixed exclusiveness of Deepholm intro quests
  • Fixed pre quest for "Bring Down the Avalanche"
  • Fixed pre quest for "Explosive Bonding Compound"
  • Fixed pre quest for "Nahom Must Hold"
  • Fixed pre quest for "Something that Burns"
  • Fixed pre quests for "The High Council's Decision"
  • Hide "Burning Shadows" in Cataclysm
  • Hide "Chen's Empty Keg" in Cataclysm
  • Hide "Ishamuhale" in Cataclysm
  • Hide "Lakota'mani" in Cataclysm
  • Hide "Owatanka" in Cataclysm
  • Hide "The Harvester" in Cataclysm
  • Hide old version of "Captain Sanders' Hidden Treasure" in Cata
  • Hide old version of "Into the Depths" in SoD
  • Hide old version of "Nogg's Ring Redo" in SoD
  • Hide old version of "Zapper Fuel" in SoD
  • Marked SoD Incursion quests as repeatable
  • Marked new Jewelcrafter dailies as exclusive to each other
  • Show Tol Barad daily quests

Database Fixes

  • Improved spawn of "Marith Lazuria"
  • Marked "Jarl Needs a Blade" as Dustwallow Marsh quest


22 May 19:45
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Quest Fixes

  • Added objective location for "Twilight Skies"
  • Added objective location for "Unfamiliar Waters"
  • Added objective locations for "On Even Ground"
  • Added objective locations for "Quality Construction"
  • Added objective locations for "The Axe of Earthly Sundering"
  • Fixed objective location for "Imposing Confrontation"
  • Fixed pre quest for "Cementing Our Victory"
  • Fixed pre quest for "Fragile Values"
  • Fixed pre quest for "Hard Falls"
  • Fixed pre quest for "Hatred Runs Deep"
  • Fixed pre quest for "Intervention"
  • Fixed pre quest for "Loose Stones"
  • Fixed pre quest for "Making Things Crystal Clear"
  • Fixed pre quest for "On to Something"
  • Fixed pre quest for "Petrified Delicacies"
  • Fixed pre quest for "Rock Bottom"
  • Fixed pre quest for "Rocky Upheaval"
  • Fixed pre quest for "Steady Hand"
  • Fixed pre quest for "Total War"
  • Fixed pre quest for "Unbroken"
  • Fixed pre quest for "Unsolid Ground"
  • Fixed pre quests for "Full Circle" (Horde)
  • Fixed pre quests for "Imposing Confrontation"
  • Fixed pre quests for "Pebble"
  • Fixed pre quests for "The Call of the Blade"
  • Fixed pre quests for "The War Has Many Fronts" (Horde)
  • Fixed pre quests for "Visions of the Past: Rise from the Deep" (Horde)
  • Fixed pre quests for "Where Is My Warfleet?"
  • Fixed pre quests for "You Say You Want a Revolution"
  • Improved objective locations for "Resonating Blow"
  • Marked "Narkrall, the Drake-Tamer" as breadcrumb quest
  • Marked "Pebble" as breadcrumb quest
  • Show "Rune Ruination"

Database Fixes

  • Fixed sources of "Suspended Starlight"

Localization Fixes


21 May 19:37
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Bump version to v10.1.3


21 May 18:52
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Quest Fixes

  • Fixed pre quest for "Doomshrooms"
  • Fixed pre quest for "Familiar Intruders"
  • Fixed pre quest for "Gone Soft"
  • Fixed pre quest for "Relics of the Sun King"
  • Fixed pre quest for "The High Commander's Vote"
  • Fixed pre quest for "The Prophet Hadassi"
  • Fixed pre quest for "The Vizier's Vote"
  • Fixed pre quest for "The Wrong Sequence"
  • Fixed pre quest for "Under the Choking Sands"
  • Fixed pre quest for "Venomblood Antidote"
  • Fixed pre quests for "Corruption Destruction"
  • Fixes for alchemy specs

Database Fixes

  • Fixed sources of "Painite Mote"
  • Fixed sources of "Verlok Miracle-Grow"


21 May 13:13
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Quest Fixes

  • Added objective location for "Capture the Crab" (Alliance)
  • Added objective locations for "Decompression" (Alliance)
  • Added objective locations for "Fallen But Not Forgotten" (Horde)
  • Added objective locations for "Gauging Success" (Horde)
  • Fixed objective location for "Through the Dream"
  • Fixed pre quest for "Apply and Flash Dry"
  • Fixed pre quest for "Blood of the Earthwarder"
  • Fixed pre quest for "Core of Our Troubles"
  • Fixed pre quest for "Crumbling Defenses"
  • Fixed pre quest for "Fallen But Not Forgotten"
  • Fixed pre quest for "Gauging Success"
  • Fixed pre quest for "Mystic Masters"
  • Fixed pre quest for "On Even Ground"
  • Fixed pre quest for "Properly Inspired"
  • Fixed pre quest for "Rush Delivery"
  • Fixed pre quest for "The Very Earth Beneath Our Feet"
  • Fixed pre quests for "All Our Friends Are Dead"
  • Fixed pre quests for "Block the Gates"
  • Fixed pre quests for "Diplomacy First"
  • Fixed pre quests for "Elemental Ore"
  • Fixed pre quests for "The Admiral's Cabin"
  • Fixed pre quests for "The Axe of Earthly Sundering"
  • Fixed pre quests for "Troggzor the Earthinator"
  • Fixed pre quests for "We're Surrounded"
  • Fixed starting NPC for "Wings Over Mount Hyjal"
  • Removed pre quest from "Where's Goldmine?"
  • Show "An Opened Can of Whoop Gnash"
  • Show "Piece of the Past"

Database Fixes

  • Fixed sources of "Thunder Stone"


20 May 21:26
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General Fixes

  • Fixed issue so the AutoCompleteFrame is sometimes not hidden
  • Fixed quests showing up multiple times or not at all on objects

Quest Fixes

  • Added objective location for "Blood and Thunder!"
  • Added objective location for "Breaking Through"
  • Added objective location for "Built to Last"
  • Added objective location for "Capture the Crab"
  • Added objective location for "Visions of the Past: The Invasion of Vashj'ir"
  • Added objective locations for "A Better Vantage"
  • Added objective locations for "Slave Labor"
  • Added starter for "Secure Seabrush"
  • Blacklisted the DMF quests "Putting the Carnies Back Together Again"
  • Fixed exclusiveness of "Finders, Keepers"
  • Fixed exclusiveness of a few Horde Argent Tournament quests
  • Fixed pre quest for "A Better Vantage"
  • Fixed pre quest for "A Pearl of Wisdom"
  • Fixed pre quest for "An Occupation of Time"
  • Fixed pre quest for "Better Late Than Dead"
  • Fixed pre quest for "Bring It On!"
  • Fixed pre quest for "Caught Off-Guard"
  • Fixed pre quest for "Clear Goals"
  • Fixed pre quest for "Crafty Crabs"
  • Fixed pre quest for "Deep Attraction"
  • Fixed pre quest for "Free Wil'hai"
  • Fixed pre quest for "Gimme Shelter!"
  • Fixed pre quest for "I Brought You This Egg"
  • Fixed pre quest for "Kliklak's Craw"
  • Fixed pre quest for "Lady La-La's Medallion"
  • Fixed pre quest for "Looking Forward"
  • Fixed pre quest for "Not Entirely Unprepared"
  • Fixed pre quest for "Premature Explosionation"
  • Fixed pre quest for "Properly Inspired"
  • Fixed pre quest for "Shelled Salvation"
  • Fixed pre quest for "Something Edible"
  • Fixed pre quest for "Swift Approach"
  • Fixed pre quest for "The Horde's Hoard"
  • Fixed pre quest for "Upon the Scene of Battle"
  • Fixed pre quests for "Capture the Crab"
  • Fixed pre quests for "Girding Our Loins"
  • Fixed pre quests for "Helm's Deep"
  • Fixed pre quests for "Hopelessly Gearless"
  • Fixed pre quests for "Overseer Idra'kess"
  • Fixed pre quests for "Still Valuable"
  • Fixed pre quests for "Swift Action"
  • Fixed pre quests for "Visions of the Past: The Invasion of Vashj'ir"
  • Fixed starter for "Blood and Thunder!"
  • Hide "Cataclysm!"
  • Hide duplicate version of "Secure Seabrush"
  • Improved objective location for "Overseer Idra'kess"
  • Improved objective locations for "A Distracting Scent"
  • Improved objective locations for "Backed Into a Corner"
  • Improved objective locations for "Nespirah"
  • Improved objective locations for "Time for Slime"
  • Marked "Good Deed Left Undone" as breadcrumb quest
  • Some fixes for Kelp'Thar Forest: "The Abyssal Ride", "The Horde's Hoard", "Call of Duty", "Pay It Forward" etc

Database Fixes

  • Updated raid and dungeon coords for cata


17 May 22:19
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General Fixes

  • Fixed Achievement progress not updating in the Tracker
  • Fixed closing quest details frame for Blizzards auto-accept quests
  • Fixed wowhead link generation
  • Improved usage of GetQuestTagInfo API to reduce overall call count

Quest Fixes

  • Added objective location for "A Curse We Cannot Lift"
  • Added objective location for "Backdoor Dealings"
  • Added objective location for "Questioning Reethe"
  • Added objective location for "Soothing Spirits"
  • Added/fixed tooltips for "The Captain's Logs", "Military Supplies", "Return of the Highborne?", "Up a Tree", "Report to Horzak", "Refleshification", "A Thousand Stories in the Sand", "Survey the Lakeshore", "Gunk in the Trunk", "Memories of the Dead", "Need More Science", "Another Warm Body", "Hand-me-downs", "Military Breakthrough", "First Degree Mortar", "In The Face!", "Profitability Scouting", "Priestess of the Moon", "Learning New Techniques", "Demonic Thieves"
  • Adjusted tooltip for "Rite of Vision"
  • Fixed "Wildmane Cleansing"
  • Fixed objective location for "A Dish Best Served Huge"
  • Fixed pre quest for "Akiris by the Bundle"
  • Fixed pre quest for "Cannonball Swim"
  • Fixed pre quest for "Give 'em Hell!"
  • Fixed pre quest for "If They're Just Going to Leave Them Lying Around..."
  • Fixed pre quest for "Keep An Eye Out"
  • Fixed pre quest for "Making Mutiny"
  • Fixed pre quest for "Ol' Blasty"
  • Fixed pre quest for "Our Mortal Enemies"
  • Fixed pre quest for "Playing Dirty"
  • Fixed pre quest for "Plush Pelts"
  • Fixed pre quest for "Prepare for Takeoff"
  • Fixed pre quest for "Recipe for Disaster"
  • Fixed pre quest for "Results: Inconclusive"
  • Fixed pre quest for "Seeking Seahorn"
  • Fixed pre quest for "Sinking From Within"
  • Fixed pre quest for "The Bane of Many A Pirate"
  • Fixed pre quest for "The Bloodsail Buccaneers"
  • Fixed pre quest for "The Brashtide Crew"
  • Fixed pre quest for "The Cries of the Dead"
  • Fixed pre quest for "The Damsel's (Bad) Luck"
  • Fixed pre quest for "The Damsel's Luck"
  • Fixed pre quest for "The Fate of Morbent Fel"
  • Fixed pre quest for "The Final Voyage of the Brashtide"
  • Fixed pre quest for "The Yorgen Worgen"
  • Fixed pre quest for "Turning the Brashtide"
  • Fixed pre quest for "Up to Snuff"
  • Fixed pre quest for "Zanzil's Secret"
  • Fixed prequest for "Rite of Wisdom"
  • Fixed races for "Walk With The Earth Mother" quests
  • Fixed starter for "Strange Mojo"
  • Fixed/adjusted tooltips for "A Trip to the Moonwell", "Gnarl", "Of Their Own Design", "Illiyana", "Ruuzel", "Bathed in Light", "Respect for the Fallen"
  • Fixed/adjusted tooltips for "Teldrassil: The Coming Dawn", "Timberling Seeds", "Timberling Sprouts", "Nature's Reprisal", "Corithras Moonrage",
  • Fixed/adjusted tooltips for "The Devourer of Darkshore", "The Battle for Darkshore", "The Offering to Azshara"
  • Fixed/adjusted tooltips for "The Road to Darnassus", "Timberling Seeds", "Teldrassil: The Refusal of the Aspects", "The Shimmering Frond", "Tears of the Moon"
  • Fixed/adjusted tooltips for "Timely Arrival", "The Ancients' Ire", "The Last Wave of Survivors", "A Taste for Grouper", "The Last Refugee", "A Troubling Prescription", etc
  • Fixed/adjusted tooltips for most of the alliance Ashenvale quests
  • Give the correct prequest for "Walk With The Earth Mother"
  • Hide "An Old History Book" in Cataclysm
  • Hide "Call to Arms" PvP quests in Cataclysm
  • Hide "Report to Gryan Stoutmantle" in Cataclysm
  • Hide "The Admiral's Orders" in Cataclysm
  • Hide "The Monogrammed Sash" in Cataclysm
  • Hide "Theocritus' Retrieval" in Cataclysm
  • Hide "Zul'Aman Voodoo" and "Zul'Gurub Voodoo" for P2
  • Hide duplicate version of "Dask 'The Flask' Gobfizzle"
  • Initial fixes for first race Valiant quests at argent tournament
  • Marked "A Hearty Thanks!" as Draenei only
  • Marked "A Helping Hand" as breadcrumb
  • Marked "Check in on the Edunes" as breadcrumb
  • Marked "Looks Like a Tauren Pirate to Me" as child quest of "Seeing Where Your Loyalties Lie"
  • Marked "The Befouled Element" as horde only for cata
  • Marked "The Heart of Mokk" as child quest of "Stranglethorn Fever"
  • Marked "To the Spire" as breadcrumb

Database Fixes

  • Adjusted BFD coords for cata
  • Blacklisted "Allegiance to the Old Gods" for cata
  • Fixed spawn for "Echeyakee"
  • Fixed spawn of "Mokk the Savage"
  • Fixed spawns for Windfury Sorceress and Windfury Matriarch
  • Handled Cerelleans spawns
  • Removed NPC 2249
  • Updated Cataclysm NPCs to have their correct zone

Localization Fixes

  • Using complete words for Cataclysm


14 May 22:05
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General Fixes

  • Show QuestId in Journey entries
  • Show recent year first in Journey

Quest Fixes

  • Added objective location for "A New Home"
  • Added objective location for "Soothing the Elements"
  • Added objective locations for "An Ounce of Prevention"
  • Added objective locations for "In Defense of Darkshore"
  • Added objective locations for "In Fungus We Trust"
  • Added objective locations for "Leave No Tracks"
  • Added objective locations for "Stepping Up Surveillance"
  • Added objective locations for "The Bear's Blessing"
  • Added objective locations for "The Titans' Terminal"
  • Fixed "Fun for the Little Ones"
  • Fixed "Take Them Down!" retail data
  • Fixed finishing location for "In Search of Thaelrid"
  • Fixed finishing location for "Je'neu of the Earthen Ring"
  • Fixed finishing location for "Looming Threat"
  • Fixed finishing location for "Meet with Kardris Dreamseeker"
  • Fixed finishing location for "Meet with Zevrost"
  • Fixed finishing location for "Slaves of the Firelord"
  • Fixed finishing location for "Stones of Binding"
  • Fixed finishing location for "The Dreamseeker Calls"
  • Fixed finishing location for "Zevrost's Behest"
  • Fixed objective location for "A Time to Break Down"
  • Fixed objective location for "A Time to Lose"
  • Fixed objective location for "Honoring a Hero"
  • Fixed objective location for "The Forgotten Pools"
  • Fixed objective location for "They Took Our Gnomes"
  • Fixed objective locations for "Opening the Backdoor"
  • Fixed pre quest for "A Trip to the Moonwell"
  • Fixed pre quest for "Ashes in Ashenvale"
  • Fixed pre quest for "Astranaar Bound"
  • Fixed pre quest for "Bathed in Light"
  • Fixed pre quest for "Check in on the Edunes"
  • Fixed pre quest for "Don't Forget the Horde"
  • Fixed pre quest for "Dryad Delivery"
  • Fixed pre quest for "Elune's Tear"
  • Fixed pre quest for "Finding Teronis"
  • Fixed pre quest for "Jadefire Braziers"
  • Fixed pre quest for "Naga In Our Midst"
  • Fixed pre quest for "Riding On"
  • Fixed pre quest for "Ruuzel"
  • Fixed pre quest for "The Battle for Darkshore"
  • Fixed pre quest for "The Slumbering Ancients"
  • Fixed pre quest for "The Tides Turn Against Us"
  • Fixed pre quest for "To the Spire"
  • Fixed pre quest for "Unearthed Knowledge"
  • Fixed pre quests for "The Bear's Paw"
  • Fixed pre quests for "The Emerald Dream"
  • Fixed starter NPC for "Children's Week" for cata
  • Fixed starting NPC for "Wings Over Mount Hyjal"
  • Fixed starting steps in "Captain Sanders' Hidden Treasure" chain
  • Fixed, again, starter npc for "Children's Week"
  • Hide "Cleanup on Isle E."
  • Improved objective locations for "Of Their Own Design"
  • Improved objectives for "Moat Monster!"
  • Improved tooltips for "Good Help is Hard to Find" and "The Ghostfish"
  • Marked "Sen'jin Village" and "Report to Sen'jin Village" as exclusive to each other
  • Marked "The Hermit" as breadcrumb quest
  • Marked "Thonk" as breadcrumb quest
  • Marked "West to the Strand" as breadcrumb quest
  • Marked both versions of "Blackfathom Deeps" as exclusive to each other
  • Removed objectives from "Warchief's Command: Dustwallow Marsh!"
  • Removed objectives from "Warchief's Command: Silithus!"
  • Removed objectives from "Warchief's Command: Southern Barrens!"
  • Removed objectives from "Warchief's Command: Tanaris!"
  • Removed objectives from "Warchief's Command: Thousand Needles!"
  • Removed objectives from "Warchief's Command: Un'Goro Crater!"
  • Small tooltip adjustment for "Fourth and Goal"
  • Updated tooltips for "Rolling with my Homies"
  • Various Mulgore quest fixes

Database Fixes

  • Added spawn data to many objects
  • Added the rest of the quest starting items
  • Fixed sources for "Murloc Clue"
  • Fixed sources for "Prayer to Elune"
  • Improved sources for "Twilight Collar"
  • Updated object zones
  • Updated position of Ilthalaine