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File metadata and controls

122 lines (88 loc) · 7.24 KB

Setup and Customisation


Start by creating a new repository and then install Mathigon Studio as a dependency using npm install @mathigon/studio.

A usage example that shows many of the available customisation options is available in the example/ directory. When copying the contents of this directory for use elsewhere, remember to replace "@mathigon/studio": "file:../.." in package.json with the latest version of the @mathigon/studio module on NPM.

The NodeJS Server

First, you need to create a TypeScript entrypoint file for the NodeJS server, for example server/app.ts. This file will allow you to set up and configure the server and add any plugins, extensions or customisations required:

import {MathigonStudioApp} from '@mathigon/studio/server/app';

const studio = new MathigonStudioApp()
    .secure()  // Redirect all HTTP requests to HTTPS
    .setup({sessionSecret: 'archimedes'})  // Setup Express App
    .get('/', (req, res) => res.render('home.pug'))  // Custom routes
    .get('/courses', (req, res) => res.render('courses.pug'))
    .course({})  // Bind and configure course endpoints
    .errors()  // The error routes have to be created last
    .listen(8080);  // Dev port can be overridden by process.env.PORT

Internally, MathigonStudioApp() creates an Express server. You can extend this server directly by accessing The functions studio.get() and are wrappers around the native Express handlers that catch any rejected Promises or async functions and show an error page.

Notice how the example above creates two custom endpoints, / and /courses. Their PUG templates are located in the server/templates directory.

Customisation Options

The config.yaml file at the root of your repository can be used to customise and configure the behaviour of your server. Take a look at server/interfaces.ts for a detailed schema of which options are supported.

TODO: Write more docs for each option.

Static Assets

In the frontend/ directory, you can add any custom styles, scripts or assets that you want to expose to users. Any files in frontend/assets/ will directly be publicly available. Any top level .ts and .scss will be automatically compiled into separate .js and and .css files with the same name.

You can use the frontend/ directory to overwrite any files in the corresponding node_modules/@mathigon/studio/frontend/ directory – for example, to add your own favicon.ico file or to overwrite the course.ts script.

The frontend/assets/icons/ subdirectory can contain custom .svg icons that will get bundled into a single /icons.svg file with symbols and can be used using the x-icon(name="...") custom webcomponent. The name= attribute corresponds to the original filename of the icon.

Note: We are working on additional customisation options, including providing custom partials for the PUG templates.

Add Content

Now you can start writing your first courses. Every course is located in a subdirectory of content/, but you can customise this path using the contentDir property in config.yaml. Once compiled, the course at content/courseid/ will be available at the URL /course/courseid.

Every course must contain a markdown file with the text, subsections and metadata. Learn more about the syntax for these files. You should also include a styles.scss file and a functions.ts file for custom styles or interactivity. You can also add images for courses, as well as glossary.yaml, bios.yaml and hints.yaml files with additional data.

The shared/ directory can contain corresponding .yaml files that are shared across all courses, as well as other shared TypeScript components or styles. You cannot have a course with the ID shared/.


To start a server, you can simply run ts-node server/app.ts, with your server entry file. You can also use tools like Nodemon to automatically restart your server when files change.

However, first you need to build the courses, static assets, and other dependencies. For this, Mathigon Studio exposes the mgon-build CLI that can be called using npm run or npx. Here are some of the supported options:

  • --assets builds all courses, SCSS styles, TS scripts and SVG icons. You can optionally add --minify to also minify all assets and --watch to continue watching all files for changes.
  • --search generates the search index for all courses. You need to set search.enabled in config.yaml, where you can further customise the search behaviour.
  • --thumbnails generates preview images for all courses. These are shown, for example, on social media sites like Twitter when sharing a link.
  • --translate generate translations for all UI strings referenced using __() in templates.

The package.json file in the example directory show how best to use and combine all these scripts:

Production Development
1. Build the website: npm run build 1. Start a local server: npm run dev
2. Deploy to your server host (e.g. AWS) 2. The server will automatically watch for changes to files and recompile.
3. Start a production server: npm start

Finally, you can run mgon-screenshots --output screenshots to generate screenshots for all pages in your app and write them to a new directory. This requires a server running in the background, and can be useful for screen-diffing any changes.


You can serve translated versions you your courses using subdomains, e.g. These will need to be configuered manually in your DNS and your hosting provider. As a fallback or for local testing, you can also use the ?hl=fr query parameter at the end of any URL. Here is a list of all supported locales.

You need to specify a list of all locales you want to support in the config.yaml file for your project, using the locales: key.

The example repo contains a German translation: it simply is a translated copy of all course markdown files in the translations/de/course directory. The directory naming is designed to work with, to make translations much easier or even generate them automatically.

In pug templates, you can use the __("hello") function to translate strings that appear around the UI. If you run a local server, all strings defined like this will automatically be added to a strings.yaml file in your repo, which should be committed. You can also use parameters for dynamic data, e.g. __("hello, $0", name).

The npm run mgon-build --translate --key service-account.json script goes through all items in strings.yaml and auto-translates them using the Google Translate API. You need to provide a Google API Service Account file using the --key parameter. Of course, after autogenerating, the translated strings should be reviewed by a human translator. This repo already contains translations for all the built-in strings.