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File metadata and controls

48 lines (39 loc) · 2.58 KB


A producer-consumer system implemented in java

Uses multithreading to facilitate simultaneous operations of both buyers and sellers. Has functionality to include preferred sellers through a Priority Queue.


class PriorityQueue: implements QueueInterface

  • private NodeBase[] queue: Stores the queue.
  • private int capacity: Stores max capacity of the queue
  • private int currentSize: Stores current size of the queue.
  • public void add(int, V): Takes two args (int and V(generic)). Calls enqueue to add element to queue.
  • public void enqueue(Node): Takes arg of Node type, adds element according to its priority, implemented using heap data structure.
  • public NodeBase dequeue(): Pops out the element of highest priority in the queue. Returns the element( NodeBase type).

class Queue: implements QueueInterface

  • Methods implement Circular Queue.
  • private int front: Pointer to the first element in the queue.
  • private int rear: pointer to last element in the queue.
  • public void enqueue(Node): Adds element at the rear (wraps around ), implements circular queue.
  • public NodeBase dequeue(): Pops out the last element in the queue, returns the element (NodeBase).

class Buyer: Extends abstractClass BuyerBase

  • public void buy(): throws InterruptedException
    • Signals the thread to wait while the catalog is empty, takes element out of it when it becomes non empty, gives the non - empty signal.

class Seller: Extends AbstractClass SellerBase

  • public void sell(): throws InterruptedException
    • Signals the thread to wait till the catalog is full
    • If catalog not full, takes out element from the inventory queue, adds into the catalog.

class Node: extends NodeBase

  • public int getPriority(): returns priority of the node.
  • public V getValue(): Returns content of the node.

class Item

  • public String toString(): Converts the data of Item into a single String, returns String.

public Class Assignment2Driver:

  • public int catalogSize: Stores Catalog size.
  • public int numSellers: Stores No. of Sellers.
  • public int numBuyers: Stores No. of Buyers.
  • public Queue inventory: Maintains the list of inventory items.
  • public static void main(String[]): throws InterruptedException
    • Reads the file with name taken as runtime argument, using bufferedReader.
    • Initializes the object a_driver with data from the file.
    • Creates an array of sellers and buyers
    • Creates and starts a thread for each buyer and seller.