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This tool can be used to create a scheduled task on the current system or a remote host. It supports multiple trigger options. If the tool is running with elevated privileges, it will automatically set the Run whether user is logged on or not security option as NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM.

As a rule of thumb, setting a scheduled task for any user but yourself, requires elevated privileges. Furthermore, the tool returns error codes if the operation fails. The most common error codes are: 80070005 (not enough privileges) and 80041318/80041319 (most likely you made a typo in one of the input fields).

Basic parameters

  • taskName: The name of the scheduled task.
  • hostName: Specify "" for the current system or the FQDN of the remote host: DB01.example.local.
  • programPath: Path to the program that you want to run like: C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe.
  • programArguments: Arguments that you want to pass to the program like: "/c C:\Windows\System32\calc.exe" or "" to leave it empty.
  • triggerType: The trigger that signals the execution like: onetime, daily, logon, startup, lock, unlock. For more information, check the TRIGGER OPTIONS below.

Supported trigger options

  • onetime: Create task with trigger "On a schedule: one time".
  • daily: Create task with trigger "On a schedule: daily."
  • logon: Create task with trigger "At log on" (requires elevated privileges if set for another user or all users).
  • startup: Create task with trigger "At startup" (requires elevated privileges).
  • lock: Create task with trigger "On workstation lock" (requires elevated privileges if set for another user or all users).
  • unlock: Create task with trigger "On workstation unlock" (requires elevated privileges if set for another user or all users).

Trigger specific parameters

  • startTime: Start time of the trigger in format: 2023-03-24T12:08:00.
  • expireTime: Expiration time of the trigger in format: 2023-03-24T12:08:00.
  • daysInterval: Interval in number of days. For example: 1 or 3.
  • delay: Random time delay after the start time in which the trigger is hit. Use format PT2H for hours and PT15M for minutes.
  • userID: Specify the user for which the trigger is set in format: "DOMAIN\username" for domain users, username for local system users and "" for all users (requires admin privs if set for another user or all users).
  • repeatTask: Set "Repeat task every x minutes/hours" option in format PT2H with a duration of Indefinitely.


  • OneTime trigger: addtaskscheduler <taskName> <(optional) hostName> <programPath> "<(optional) programArguments>" onetime <startTime> <(optional) repeatTask>
  • Daily trigger: addtaskscheduler <taskName> <(optional) hostName> <programPath> "<(optional) programArguments>" daily <startTime> <(optional) expireTime> <(optional) daysInterval> <(optional) delay>
  • Logon trigger: addtaskscheduler <taskName> <(optional) hostName> <programPath> "<(optional) programArguments>" logon <(optional) userID>
  • Startup trigger: addtaskscheduler <taskName> <(optional) hostName> <programPath> "<(optional) programArguments>" startup <(optional) delay>
  • Lock trigger: addtaskscheduler <taskName> <(optional) hostName> <programPath> "<(optional) programArguments>" lock <(optional) userID> <(optional) delay>
  • Unlock trigger: addtaskscheduler <taskName> <(optional) hostName> <programPath> "<(optional) programArguments>" unlock <(optional) userID> <(optional) delay>


  • OneTime trigger example: addtaskscheduler ExampleTask "" C:\Users\Public\Downloads\payload.exe "" onetime 2023-03-24T12:08:00 PT3H
  • Daily trigger example: addtaskscheduler ExampleTask "" C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe "/c C:\Windows\System32\calc.exe" daily 2023-03-24T12:08:00 2023-03-28T12:14:00 1 PT2H
  • Startup trigger example: addtaskscheduler ExampleTask DB01.example.local C:\Users\Public\Downloads\payload.exe "" startup PT1M


  • 1. Make sure Visual Studio is installed and supports C/C++.
  • 2. Open the x64 Native Tools Command Prompt for VS <2019/2022> terminal.
  • 3. Run the bofcompile.bat script to compile the object file.
  • 4. In Cobalt strike, use the script manager to load the .cna script to import the tool.