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Scrum Master & Sprint Planning

Ritchelle Grace Posadas edited this page Jan 21, 2021 · 10 revisions


  • Sundays at NOON on Discord
  • Wednesdays at 8:30PM on Teams
  • Friday at 5:30PM on Slack as thread updates

Scrum Master Responsibilities

  • You are responsible for the progress of the sprint backlog
    • The PO owns the product backlog, and you are helping the PO realize their sprint-iterative goals
  • You facilitate scrums
  • You meet up with the PO as needed during the sprint to update them
  • Take the waiting-for-refinement tickets and bring them to the team during the meetings to be estimated

Sprint Planning

Pre-Sprint Planning Meeting

  • You must have a next-sprint-goals elicitation meeting with the PO and Team Lead before the team comes together for sprint planning
  • This makes it so that the PO has time to think about what their goals are
  • Placeholder tickets (marked waiting-for-refinement for the next sprint must also be created during this meeting (this makes it so that sprint planning with the whole team goes faster)
  • Keeping in mind the PO's goals, you pull in the appropriate tickets keeping in mind the team's average sprint velocity
  • Also ensure that you ask the PO for the priority of each ticket

User Story Points Estimation

  • Please vote according to your skills/opinion.
  • Do NOT vote because "this is what I think the team will put" just to avoid discussion. The point of sprint planning is to discuss differing opinions and come to a conclusion/compromise.
  • Try to understand/explain the ticket as much as we can. If still unsure during voting, please use ?.


  • 1: Easy, know exactly what to do, won’t take long
  • 2: Easy, mainly know what to do (some research expected), won’t take too long
  • 3: Understands what needs to be done, might need to research specific implementation details, not complicated research. OR you know what to do, but you know it will take long.
  • 5: Will need to do research

Sprint Planning with the Team

  1. Take the tickets that were created during the pre-sprint planning meeting and present them to the team to be refined
  2. Create tickets during sprint planning if needed
  3. Once all tickets are refined, then estimate them through planning poker!
  4. Pull in Fix it later bugs

Breaking Down Tickets

  1. Take a US and split them into two: a frontend task and a backend task
  2. Each frontend/backend tickets must also implement frontend/backend unit tests
  3. The US ticket will combine the frontend and backend tickets and also implements the E2E test