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GAS regression models

Introduction ----------

The principle behind score-driven models is that the linear update yt − θt, that the Kalman filter relies upon, can be robustified by replacing it with the conditional score of a non-normal distribution. For this reason, any class of traditional state space model has a score-driven equivalent.

For example, consider a dynamic regression model in this framework:


θt = xtβt

βt = βt − 1 + ηHt − 1 − 1St − 1

Here η represents the learning rates or scaling terms, and are the latent variables which are estimated in the model.


We will use a dynamic t regression to extract a dynamic β for a stock. Using t-distributed errors is more robust than a normality assumption, that could be obtained with a Kalman filter. The β captures the amount of systematic risk in the stock - i.e. the stock's relationship with the market.

from pandas_datareader import DataReader
from datetime import datetime

a = DataReader('AMZN',  'yahoo', datetime(2012,1,1), datetime(2016,6,1))
a_returns = pd.DataFrame(np.diff(np.log(a['Adj Close'].values)))
a_returns.index = a.index.values[1:a.index.values.shape[0]]
a_returns.columns = ["Amazon Returns"]

spy = DataReader('SPY',  'yahoo', datetime(2012,1,1), datetime(2016,6,1))
spy_returns = pd.DataFrame(np.diff(np.log(spy['Adj Close'].values)))
spy_returns.index = spy.index.values[1:spy.index.values.shape[0]]
spy_returns.columns = ['S&P500 Returns']

one_mon = DataReader('DGS1MO', 'fred',datetime(2012,1,1), datetime(2016,6,1))
one_day = np.log(1+one_mon)/365

returns = pd.concat([one_day,a_returns,spy_returns],axis=1).dropna()
excess_m = returns["Amazon Returns"].values - returns['DGS1MO'].values
excess_spy = returns["S&P500 Returns"].values - returns['DGS1MO'].values
final_returns = pd.DataFrame(np.transpose([excess_m,excess_spy, returns['DGS1MO'].values]))
final_returns.columns=["Amazon","SP500","Risk-free rate"]
final_returns.index = returns.index

plt.title("Excess Returns")
x = plt.plot(final_returns);
plt.legend(iter(x), final_returns.columns);


We can fit a GAS Regression model with a t() family:

model = pf.GASReg('Amazon ~ SP500', data=final_returns, family=pf.t())

Next we estimate the latent variables. For this example we will use a Maximum Likelihood estimate zMLE:

x =

t GAS Regression                                                                                          
======================================== =================================================
Dependent Variable: Amazon               Method: MLE                                       
Start Date: 2012-01-04 00:00:00          Log Likelihood: 3158.435                          
End Date: 2016-06-01 00:00:00            AIC: -6308.87                                     
Number of observations: 1101             BIC: -6288.8541                                   
Latent Variable           Estimate   Std Error  z        P>|z|    95% C.I.                 
========================= ========== ========== ======== ======== ========================
Scale 1                   0.0                                                              
Scale SP500               0.0474                                                           
t Scale                   0.0095                                                           
v                         2.8518                                                           

We can plot the fit with :pyplot_fit:



One of the advantages of using a GASRegression rather than a Kalman filtered Dynamic Linear Regression is that the GASRegression with t errors is more robust to outliers. We do not produce the whole analysis here, but for the same data, the filtered estimates are compared below:


Class Description ----------


Creal, D; Koopman, S.J.; Lucas, A. (2013). Generalized Autoregressive Score Models with Applications. Journal of Applied Econometrics, 28(5), 777–795. doi:10.1002/jae.1279.

Harvey, A.C. (2013). Dynamic Models for Volatility and Heavy Tails: With Applications to Financial and Economic Time Series. Cambridge University Press.