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File metadata and controls

15 lines (12 loc) · 1.07 KB

# FilesystemSetacl0


Name Type Description Notes
path string `path` full path to directory or file. [optional]
uid int `uid` the desired UID of the file user. If set to None (the default), then user is not changed. [optional]
gid int `gid` the desired GID of the file group. If set to None (the default), then group is not changed. [optional]
dacl \RMoore\Truenas\Model\FilesystemSetacl0Dacl [optional]
nfs41_flags \RMoore\Truenas\Model\Nfs41Flags [optional]
acltype string `dacl` ACL entries. Formatting depends on the underlying `acltype`. NFS4ACL requires NFSv4 entries. POSIX1e requires POSIX1e entries. [optional]
options \RMoore\Truenas\Model\Options1 [optional]

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