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# MailSend0


Name Type Description Notes
subject string [optional]
text string `text` will be formatted to HTML using Markdown and rendered using default E-Mail template. [optional]
html string You can put your own HTML using `html`. If `html` is null, no HTML MIME part will be added to E-Mail. [optional]
to string[] [optional]
cc string[] [optional]
interval int [optional]
channel string [optional]
timeout int [optional] [default to 300]
attachments bool If `attachments` is true, a list compromised of the following dict is required via HTTP upload: - headers(list) - name(str) - value(str) - params(dict) - content (str) [optional] [default to false]
queue bool [optional] [default to true]
extra_headers array<string,mixed> [optional]

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