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# ReplicationRunOnetime0


Name Type Description Notes
direction string [optional]
transport string [optional]
ssh_credentials int [optional]
netcat_active_side string [optional]
netcat_active_side_listen_address string [optional]
netcat_active_side_port_min int [optional]
netcat_active_side_port_max int [optional]
netcat_passive_side_connect_address string [optional]
source_datasets string[] [optional]
target_dataset string [optional]
recursive bool [optional]
exclude string[] [optional]
properties bool [optional] [default to true]
properties_exclude string[] [optional]
properties_override array<string,mixed> [optional]
replicate bool [optional] [default to false]
encryption bool [optional] [default to false]
encryption_key string [optional]
encryption_key_format string [optional]
encryption_key_location string [optional]
periodic_snapshot_tasks int[] [optional]
naming_schema string[] [optional]
also_include_naming_schema string[] [optional]
name_regex string [optional]
restrict_schedule \RMoore\Truenas\Model\RestrictSchedule1 [optional]
allow_from_scratch bool [optional] [default to false]
readonly string [optional] [default to 'SET']
hold_pending_snapshots bool [optional] [default to false]
retention_policy string [optional]
lifetime_value int [optional]
lifetime_unit string [optional]
lifetimes \RMoore\Truenas\Model\Lifetime[] [optional]
compression string [optional]
speed_limit int [optional]
large_block bool [optional] [default to true]
embed bool [optional] [default to false]
compressed bool [optional] [default to true]
retries int [optional] [default to 5]
logging_level string [optional]
exclude_mountpoint_property bool [optional] [default to true]
only_from_scratch bool [optional] [default to false]

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