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Color Prism

The Color Prism Consensus algorithm will be the backbone of the Color Platform, ensuring dApp and Core transaction flows happen accordingly. Using the Color Consensus we believe it will achieve two main things:

  1. Achieve Transaction Confirmation Speeds at twice the rate of PBFT through clustered transaction confirmation.
  2. More Decentralized than other DPoS networks, thus being more Robust and harder to bribe the mining consensus participants.

Technical Details

Consensus Algorithm Type Modified DPoS
Number of Consensus Participants 49 (Main) 28 (Backup)
Block interval 0.5 Second
Block Confirmation 1.0 Second
Maximum Block Size 1.0 Mega byte
TPS (Transactions per second) 2000-4000

For further details, see the beige paper.

Note on Current Development Stage

Prism is being actively developed and the current version is a draft implementation of 3 leagues with 3 nodes each.

Minimum requirements

Prerequisites for running the local network:

  1. Linux host (tested in Ubuntu 18.04 guest in Virtual Box with 8 Gb RAM)
  2. Installed docker and docker-compose
  3. Go version 1.11.4 or higher

Install Prism

Get Source Code

mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/
cd $GOPATH/src/
git clone
cd prism

Install tools and dependencies

make get_tools
make get_vendor_deps


make build

Run local network


Local network is based on Docker infrastructure and docker-compose tool.

  1. Make sure you installed the most recent versions of docker and docker-compose.
  2. Add your Linux user to the docker group
    sudo usermod -a -G docker $USER
  3. Build docker image
    make build-docker-localnode

Run local network

Let's consider running a local network with 9 nodes grouped in 3 leagues

  1. Generate configuration files
    ./scripts/localnet -l 3 -n 3 init
  2. Run the local network
    ./scripts/localnet start

Stop the network

To stop the local network gracefully use the following command:

./scripts/localnet stop


Color Prism Consensus algorithm (PBFT + DPoS)



Code of conduct

Security policy







  • Go 71.5%
  • C 16.2%
  • Shell 3.4%
  • Python 2.7%
  • C++ 2.6%
  • Makefile 1.0%
  • Other 2.6%