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Using MIOpen kdb files with ROCm PyTorch wheels

Jithun Nair edited this page Mar 6, 2023 · 8 revisions

MIOpen .kdb files contain precompiled kernels that can speed up the warm-up phase of an application. More information here:

Starting from ROCm5.5, MIOpen .kdb files can be used with ROCm PyTorch wheels. However, the .kdb files need to be placed in a specific location wrt the PyTorch installation path. We provide a helper script that simplifies this task for the user. The script takes in the ROCm version and user's GPU architecture as inputs, and works for Ubuntu and CentOS.

NOTE: This is an "alpha" feature.

Helper script:

After installing ROCm PyTorch wheels:

  1. [Optional] export GFX_ARCH=gfx90a
  2. [Optional] export ROCM_VERSION=5.5
  3. ./